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“If you love me, you’ll do this for me,” he commands, his voice raspy as though he’s smoked packs of cigarettes daily all his life. He stops pacing and stares me down. I hold my spine straight, determined not to let him know he intimidates me.

“Why?” I ask him.

Why should I have to prove my love for him by hacking into a casino? Especially one where my sister works. Aside from it being illegal and facing possible jail time, he just confirmed that the Russian Bratva has a stake in it. The owner is the son of the Pakhan back in Latvia and the brother to the Pakhan here in Vegas.

“Because I’m your father, and you’ll do as I ask,” he barks, making me flinch.

“Daddy, she didn’t mean to upset you.” Ainsley is quick to calm him, though I’m unsure if it’s for his benefit or mine.

I love my twin, but she has always put herself first. It’s a result of being raised in group homes and foster care. She’d step over my body to get something she wants. She’s never been humbled and lost something that meant something to her. We struggled until I found our half sister, Lennon. She’s helped us with rent and loans Ainsley money. However, my twin has no ambition to pay her back. Ainsley says we are due the money because we suffered in the system while Lennon lived it up with her father.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” he shouts as he advances on Ainsley. She cowers, bracing for the blow, something we’ve both experienced from him in the past couple of years. “If my wife finds out about either of you, I will lose everything.” He turns to me. “Now do what I told you to do. He stole that casino from me, and I’m tired of watching him reap its benefits.”

When I discovered that the notorious Jimmy Duncan was our biological father, Ainsley couldn’t wait to go to him. She thought he would welcome us with open arms and raise us alongside his sons, but that wasn’t the case. He kept our existence hidden, like the dirty secret our mother was to him. He only reaches out when he needs something from us. He initially disapproved of Ainsley working at the Lucky Dice Casino, until he realized her employment there could benefit him.

Pain washes over Ainsley’s face when he grabs hold of her arm and squeezes. Unlike her, I won’t step over her body. Despite her being the older sister by four minutes, I’m the protective one, and I’ll protect her now, just as I’ve always done.

“Okay.” I open a browser window and begin working my way to their server. “It’s going to be more difficult, but I can do it. I’ll need some time,” I tell him.

“I’ll check back with you.” He releases Ainsley with a shove toward the wall. When he slams the door to our apartment, I rush to her side.

“You shouldn’t have interfered,” I say.

“This will work for us too. We can kill two birds with one stone.” A sinister smile spreads across her face. For months, Ainsley has had a deadly plan to bring some of Vegas’s men to their knees.



Itry to blend into the crowd, but I feel so awkward. I’m not used to having so much skin on display. My usual style consists of hoodies, jeans, or anything that allows me to conceal myself. When I catch sight of my reflection in the floor-to-ceiling windows, I’m taken aback. I don’t recognize the person staring back at me. The black lacy babydoll pushes my breasts up to my chin. It’s primarily see-through, except for the bustier. My ass cheeks are in full view in the matching thong I have on underneath. Fishnet stockings, held up with garters, and black sky-high fuck me heels complete the look. The platforms add six inches to my five-foot-six height. My long brown hair is styled in shiny waves down to my waist. My lips are tinted a soft pale pink, and my eye makeup is dark to help conceal the rare color of my eyes.

I wish Ainsley could have completed this task. She doesn’t mind showing off her body. In fact, she loves it. She sees her body as a weapon. According to her, a woman’s body is the ultimate control over a man. But I don’t feel as sexy as she looks. We may be twins, but we aren’t identical. Our only true physical similarities are our height and some facial features. I have light brown hair and olive-green eyes that most people think are hazel. I’m curvy, with hips and thighs that I have to work on so they don’t get too big. My twin has brown eyes and red hair. She is slender with curves and has small A cup breasts, which she blames on me. She says I stole some of her boobs when we were in the womb. I have full C cup breasts and a butt, whereas she doesn’t really have much in that department.

I glance around at my surroundings. I’ve never been to a place like this. Vegas is the playground for just about everything. There is a club for every kink out there, and this is just another one. The Hideaway is a members-only multi-millionaire club, where men can live out whatever fantasy they desire. Everyone’s face is obscured by a mask to hide their identity. The men are dressed in tuxes, while the women all wear revealing negligees.

I spent three weeks trying to formulate a different plan, but this was the best one. I need to have direct server access, and there are only a few employees who are authorized to enter the server room.

The host for tonight’s event performed a thorough background check on me, which I had expected. I took the liberty of hacking into their system to create a false profile for myself. Once I get what I need, all traces of my presence will vanish from their system. My target is already present. I’ve been watching him for the last few weeks. It was by luck that I discovered his membership with this club. He serves as the right-hand man to the owner of the Lucky Dice Casino. He has only this one vice. He sleeps at the casino most nights, has a dog, and works all the time.

I move through the rooms on the main floor of the mansion. The identical black masks worn by all the men make it difficult to locate him. But when I do, I notice his stark electric blue eyes are zeroed in on me. He’s decked out in all black. His blond hair is trimmed close to his head, and he’s sporting a five o’clock shadow. A primal need stirs within me, wanting to run my tongue over the cleft in his chin. I want this man. I’ve felt this way for weeks, ever since catching a glimpse of him, but I can’t have him. Not that he’d want me after I destroy his business.

I act like I don’t know he’s watching me as I move to the bar, where I order a drink for him. Thanks to my extensive research, I know what he likes.

“Vodka, top shelf, chilled and neat.”

The women here don’t drink, but I’m tempted to take a sip for liquid courage. Tonight only has one outcome. I must lure him away from everyone in order to swipe the keycards off him, as well as obtain his thumbprint.

“Krasota.” His deep voice rumbles across my skin as he comes up behind me. “That better be for me and no other man here.” He presses his body into mine, causing me to tremble. His hand slides along my waist before he reaches across me and takes the drink.

“It is, Sir,” I reply, my voice slightly breathless. I can’t help but preen from him calling me “beauty.” I don’t flirt with men. Ever. This is new territory for me. I don’t date. I haven’t even lost my virginity. All I’ve ever cared about is computer code.

“Come,” he says as he turns and takes my hand.
