Page 73 of The Girlfriend Act

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But one of us also needs to remember why we have the line in the first place. Zayan said it himself; he doesn’t want to fall in love again. Whatever could’ve happened here would’ve been over in seconds, a fleeting, meaningless relationship – and I want so much more than that for myself.

‘Let’s take a photo,’ I interject, pulling away from his hold. My face is cooling, but my insides are a torrent of warmth. ‘We can post on The Tragedies’ account. That way, we have some control over tomorrow’s narrative in the media.’

He pauses, his body tense even though his words are light. ‘It’ll be the first picture that we’ve posted of just the two of us. No people in the background, no Tragedies, nothing.’

I smile uncertainly. ‘And? It doesn’t have to be anything romantic. People will speculate no matter what we post. We’re friends, aren’t we?’

Zayan shakes his head, his jaw tight. ‘Right. Friends.’

‘So, a photo of two friends? Not a couple in love?’ I say, my tone sounding slightly more desperate than I would’ve liked. I need him to agree. I need him to remind me that his feelings for me are nothing more than attraction.

His eyes latch on to mine, flashing with something that looks close to regret. But that’s not the thing that catches my attention – it’s the fact that the tips of his ears are turning pink.

Zayan is blushing.

‘Yeah,’ he replies softly, taking the phone from my hand. ‘You look at me like you’re not in love, and I’ll look at you the way I always do.’

He doesn’t wait for my reply, just shifts closer as we pose with our burgers, looking somewhat ridiculous in our fancy outfits and greasy food – both of us standing firmly behind the line.

Celebrity Leaks

Published 11 November 2021


We urge all of you to look at this incriminating piece of information we were able to find about Farah Sheikh, alleged girlfriend of award-winning actor Zayan Amin. The image below shows a fragment of a contract between Farah and Lacey Parker, Zayan’s agent.

The contract reads: ‘I, Farah Sheikh, agree to the terms set by Lacey Parker of Parker’s Artists’ Agency, with regards to involvement in The Tragedies’ play and in the relationship …’

While the rest of the contract cannot be found, it is clear what this is. Many have speculated that Farah is with Zayan for economic reasons, and this just confirms our beliefs. Clearly, Farah Sheikh is with Zayan Amin to solidify her own career.

Our source told us that they needed to release this snippet of a contract in an attempt to help Zayan see who Farah truly is.

Our final message to Zayan is: RUN WHILE YOU CAN!


JadaColon: Wow, totally unexpected! To think she was using him for her own career!

Lopex83: Of course their relationship is fake – she is fake herself! Finally – maybe Zayan can be free from her now.

Anon: Farah had the MOST to benefit from this relationship. No wonder she set it up. Sad that Zayan was forced into it.


Zayan’s instructions are exceptionally clear. Do not, under any circumstances, say anything. I am dealing with it.

I tried calling him after seeing the article, panicked and terrified, but his line was busy, and when I attempted to get Lacey, I was greeted by her stern voicemail. Then Zayan sent me that twelve-word message, worsening my already gnawing sense of guilt and heightening my fear.

I can’t, for some terrible reason, stop my mind from repeating the same question on a loop: did Zayan release the contract for better publicity?

He made a show of ripping it into pieces outside the Limelight, but maybe he released only a snippet of the original copy. He drew that contract up a month ago. He needs the good publicity – everyone is sympathetic towards him now. The victim in all of this is Zayan.

I am the villain.

But I don’t want to think he would stoop this low. Not after last night. Not after he declared he was going to be a part of my ‘circle of trust’. He wouldn’t do that – would he? I have to believe in him.

In the end, I’m saved from my spiralling thoughts by a phone call. Not from Zayan.
