Page 65 of The Girlfriend Act

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I notice Amal and Maha’s expressions turning into twin looks of mush, and I wasn’t even trying to convince them of my fake relationship.

‘We prep for it,’ Zayan says, catching my gaze with his. ‘We think of everything the LSDCATS could say, could say, no matter how wild, and we form our own answers for it. That way, we’re incredibly prepared for whatever is thrown our way. Like media training, but tailored to the LSDCATS.’

‘That sounds like a good idea,’ David says, as a thrum of agreement winds through the group. Gibitah nudges me with her socked foot excitedly, Nur’s eyes are already glazed with anticipation and the whole room is starting to buzz.

‘Farah?’ Zayan asks, a note of hope in his voice.

I try to rationalize my decision: if Henry isn’t there, then I have nothing to fear. Or at least I have less to fear.

‘All right,’ I say – and then, because Zayan smiles at me, two dimples pressing into his cheeks, I repeat myself with more solid confidence. ‘Yeah, let’s do it.’

‘Good.’ Anushka stands up quickly. ‘Let’s get started, then. Zayan and Farah, you sit on the couch. The rest of us, to the kitchen to make up questions.’

As soon as we’re alone, Zayan sidles closer to me on the couch, moving pillows out of the way. ‘Thank you for agreeing. I really think doing this interview will be good for me.’

I give him a shaky smile, unable to voice how worried I really am.

‘Can I tell you a secret?’ Zayan asks. His hand is splayed out next to mine, our pinkies barely brushing.

I give him a sideways glance, not moving my hand away. ‘Obviously.’

He grins. ‘I’m being cued up to audition for this new movie. It’s a heist action-thriller. It’s a movie I’m actually interested in doing. No romance arc, but there’s great character work in it.’

‘Zayan,’ I whisper-shout, so as not to alert the group, ‘that’s amazing. When did you find out?’

‘An hour ago,’ he says. ‘I was on my way here, actually. Which is good, because you were the first person I wanted to tell.’

My stomach somersaults, doing Simone Biles-level gymnastics. I like it. I like knowing I’m someone Zayan can depend on. It’s a position I’ve been in before, but it feels different. It feels weightier to know he’s someone who doesn’t trust easily but is willing to open up to me.

‘So –’ I clear my throat, hoping my cheeks aren’t as warm as they feel – ‘that’s why you want to do the interview?’

‘Yeah,’ Zayan continues, oblivious to my inner turmoil. ‘I want to use the opportunity to reintroduce myself to my fans, this time on my terms. With you there. In fact, it would be a good way to introduce you to the industry too – in a vocal way.’

That causes a spear of fear to pierce straight through me. Again. I look away from Zayan, down to my hands, as if I can hide how I’m feeling from him. Now I’m worried about the LSDCATS and the thought of being introduced to the world.

‘We’ll be OK,’ Zayan says quickly, edging closer to me. Clearly, he can read my nerves.

‘I know,’ I reply, looking up again. I notice he has a fallen eyelash on his cheekbone, and I resist the urge to reach out and brush it away.

‘You don’t sound sure.’

‘I am.’

‘Good,’ he replies, giving the kitchen door a brief look before speaking again quietly. ‘Because you know I’d never let anything bad happen to you, right? Not on stage, not in the interview, nowhere. You’re my partner.’

My throat feels tight, my heart is beating so fast I’m surprised he can’t hear it, and where Zayan’s fingertips are barely touching mine they feel like they’re burning.

I can’t – I don’t – What is happening?

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Owais’ voice booms suddenly, causing both of us to jerk away quickly, the moment fading as fast as it started. ‘Welcome to today’s practice interview with the esteemed couple of the century, Zayan Amin and Farah Sheikh!’

The Tragedies, along with the rest, stumble out of the kitchen with their phones in their hands, questions poised.

‘You ready?’ Anushka asks, brow raised.

I glance Zayan’s way, and he gives me a short nod.

‘The questions are intense,’ Ben warns.
