Page 101 of The Girlfriend Act

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I force myself to step away from the mirror, and the memories. I walk to the door instead, standing a few steps away in preparation. The Actors’ Guild wanted to host the interview in my flat, the new one I’m renting out – it’s closer to the theatre where my latest play is showing. Leaving my old flat was hard but necessary. It was like starting afresh, standing on my own two feet for once. And it’s not like I lost any of my friends. Maha and Amal come over all the time, and The Tragedies spend ninety per cent of the day blowing up my phone.


Farah!! Send us pictures!! I want to see what you’re wearing for the interview.


Yes, Farah, please give Anushka another excuse to procrastinate.


Don’t get me started on the unfair treatment of second-year students, David. They’re overworking us and stressing us out with exams.


Maybe if you slept less in class, you’d be less afraid of exams.


Maybe stop staring at me in class while I sleep, weirdo??


Yeah, David. That’s very Edward Cullen of you.


New theory: David’s a vampire.


So, he really is an old man in a young guy’s body.


I hate every single one of you.

Hey, I didn’t even say anything.


Farah!! You’re here!! Are you excited?

Beyond excited. But also scared? What if I say something stupid?


You won’t say anything stupid. Relax. Haven’t you gone through a million hours of media training by now?

I sigh, knowing she’s right. I have gone through all that’s needed. It doesn’t lessen my stress, though.


What’s Zayan saying? He could probably help.

The early screening of Zayan’s new movie happened last week, and, as expected, movie critics and reviewers loved it. Originally, his plan had been to be in Australia for six months, and then come back to London for the rest of the year while the movie was in post-production. After that, he’d leave again to promote the movie, but for six months we’d be back in the same time zone.

But he ended up having to spend the whole year in Australia due to scheduling conflicts and reshoots, and because it was easier to have the star of the movie available at all times. Then, of course, the promotional tour took priority and I’d mentally prepared myself for another month without seeing Zayan. Another month of FaceTime calls at random hours.
