Page 26 of Ava

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“Of course.” Wolfe squeezed my hand. “But I am not sure if I will be awake long.”

“I meant sleep, really sleep,” I assured him. “I just need the three of you within reaching distance tonight, or I won’t be able to sleep a wink.”

We all piled into my bed, which was not big enough for a group, but since “pile” was pretty literal, I thought it would work out okay.

The guys wore only cotton pajama bottoms, and I slipped on a thigh-length nightie and lay down in the middle of the bed. “Are you coming?”

“Not yet, mate,” chuckled Lex, no doubt thinking he was very funny.

“Then get on with it.” Eep!

“You don’t have to ask twice.” Wolfe, who had been the reason I didn’t plan us to mate tonight, or perhaps my excuse to be a chicken about it, rolled me to sit on top of him straddling his lap. “Unless you didn’t mean it?”

It’s all fun and games until someone gets a big, hard cock between her legs…

“I meant it.” And I realized I did. “If you’re okay?”

“Of course I am,” he scoffed. “It’s not like I was bitten by a possibly rabid wolf bitch and almost died.”

That was exactly what did happen, but we’d talked on the way home, and he knew that. “Then you have to let me do all the work.”

He crossed his arms behind his head and offered a toothy smile. “As long as I can watch.” Naughty mate!

I bent to kiss him, and his arms wrapped around me, his kiss warm and sweet and quickly deepening. He bucked his hips and then he was inside me, and his talk of me doing all the work was belied when he flipped over, tucking me underneath him and began to move, never breaking our kiss until he sent me flying into orgasm and then sank his teeth into my throat in a real change from the last time someone did that tonight. He did it as he came, and the combination of sensations had me coming again.

No sooner did he finish than Lex took his place and proved to be slower and more tender, keeping me from the edge while he changed his speed and angle every time I got close, until I was ready to cry out from frustration and pleasure. He marked the other side of my neck.

Nolan eyed me as if to ask if I wanted a break, but I did not. Not now and not ever, at least until I wore all three of their marks. His kisses were deep and searching, as was his lovemaking. I wanted to spend forever learning about these men, but this was a start.

Chapter Twenty-Two

I woke up in a pile of arms and legs and my wolf was howling in joy. I couldn’t think what was going on for a moment…as foolish as that sounded, but I blamed the fact that I’d had my brains fucked out the night before. I giggled at my naughty silliness then clapped a hand over my mouth, but it was too late. All around me big men were yawning and stretching and when their gazes lit on me, their lips tilted up in smiles. I matched them because in one night, everything had changed and my life had gone from grief and sadness to a deep joy that our mating had given me. And my sister—she was no longer denying our connection. I had family again in this new town, an entirely new place.

My mother and father would be so glad for me. My father who raised me, not the one who impregnated my mother and ran away from the responsibility. I didn’t know what his reasons were, and I hoped to find out one day, but for now, I would lead this life with gratitude and enjoy the opportunity for an education.

“We need to go to the office and let them know you’re staying in the suite permanently,” Wolfe said.

“That’s right, only co-eds are supposed to be couples or harems.” I was proud for remembering anything this morning. “What time do they open?”

“They already are,” Lex put in. “We overslept.”

“Oh my gosh, I had a test this morning. I hope I can reschedule.”

“Matings are big deals around here. You should be able to.”

Since I was already late, I allowed them to lure me back into more of the same activities we’d engaged in most of the night, and by the time we were up and dressed, it was nearly lunchtime. I’d hoped we would eat together, but the guys had somewhere to be, so I went to the dining hall alone. There were no sign of the girls who had been so cruel before. Maybe with one of their numbers out, they were lying low. I wondered if anyone had seen a naked Nolan towing her along. He wouldn’t mind, and I couldn’t see anyone who appreciated a great body feeling any different.

“Over here!” I shook myself out of introspection at the sound of my sister’s voice and veered off to her table. “Sit down.”

“Let me get my lunch, and I’ll join you.” I had really built an appetite and missed breakfast, so the tray I returned with was piled even higher than usual. “Your mates must be wherever mine are.”

“They had a meeting of some kind.” She picked up her lemonade and took a sip. “And they are officially your mates now, huh?”

“As of last night, I followed your example.” I gave her my biggest smile, knowing it was real. “I’m so glad I came here.”

“I am too. It was quite a shock, what you had to tell me, but I’d rather know the truth than live a lie.”

I finished chewing a big bite of focaccia bread decorated like a flower with bits of veggies and herbs. “You’re right. When I found out, I felt completely betrayed, but—”

“Excuse me?” We both looked up to see a platinum blond standing over us. “Is this seat taken?” She pointed to an empty and sat before we could answer. “Finally, I found you two.”
