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What would make you join an app for mating paranormal beings, and why in particular would you request two gargoyle men?

Really good question, and after fifteen or so awkward seconds, I started to say “Curiosity,” But, I didn’t. Instead, I opened my mouth and heard something entirely different come out. “I was out with my girlfriends for a bachelorette party—”

“Not for you.” Oz’s voice matched the shock on both their faces.

“You’re engaged?” Koruk gasped.

“What? No. It was for my friend Cindy. We all got picked up in this limo so long I didn’t know how it managed to turn corners. Shiny black car, several rows of seats, and even a couple of captain’s chairs in the middle that could turn in any direction.”

“Where did you go?” I asked.

“What happens at these parties?” Oz asked. “I have never known a shifter female to drive around in a big car before mating. Sure, some people have a party for their pack or others afterward, but I don’t think gargoyles have any kind of public ceremony like humans. Mating, among our people, is a private experience. Only the couple or throuple…only those who were involved participated in the mating, which we can talk about if we decide to go forward.”

“Not a drink or even a snack?” I giggled. “Never mind. I agree we can talk about those things later if they seem appropriate.”

“Snacks or refreshing beverages would for sure be a possibility,” Koruk agreed. “Gargoyles are known to be quite athletic in the bedroom.” And then I learned that gargoyles could blush.

Which made me laugh more. “Athletic? I’ve heard a lot of lines in my life but this is a new one. Is he serious, Oz?”

“Gods, I hope not.” But he cast a glance to the side, presumably at his friend. “But you never know with this wild guy.”

“I was joking,” he confirmed. “But it sounded funnier in my head.”

“It was very funny and broke the ice,” I assured him. “So, don’t put yourself down.”

“Tell us about the party?” Oz asked. “Do you just drive around in the big long car all night?”

“No, we rode from club to club, and there was a lot of drinking. In the car and out. And dancing.” Here’s where I had to admit things I wasn’t exactly proud of. “And while I don’t drink alcohol very often, I am afraid I overindulged.”

“Why?” Oz didn’t sound judgmental, just interested.

“My friends have been getting married one by one, and I might have been feeling a little left out. It’s silly, I know.”

“And you decided to get tipsy and feel better?”

These guys were insightful, but in this case, they were not right on the money. “Not exactly. I wanted to stay home and feel better, but what kind of a friend would that be?” I hoped they would still like me at all after I told them how pathetic I was. “So, I went along, but usually I am the designated driver, and I didn’t have that excuse, since there was a chauffeur. The girls pushed, and this time I just went with it. I actually ended up taking a rideshare home because I knew I was past my limit and they still had clubs to visit and cocktails to drink.”

“And you made the decision to stop.” Koruk sounded more admiring than I deserved. But I’d take it.

“I did, and when I got home, I apparently signed up for the app. I shouldn’t say apparently. Although I didn’t remember first thing in the morning, it did all come back to me. Anyway, I thought I didn’t even belong there, and I since I’d asked for something as unlikely as, as you two, who knew I’d get a match at all? I mean if they even let me in. Being an ordinary human and all.”

“The app is open to anyone as long as they are goodhearted and don’t sign up just to stare at us like we’re freaks.”

“Do people try to do that?” How mean. “I didn’t think it would turn out to be anything, but I never thought of coming in just to point and make fun.” At least I hoped so. My memories of that night were still just a little fuzzy around the edges. “Anyway, I signed up and filled out the questionnaire then went up and tumbled into bed.” And that was more than enough honesty. I didn’t need to tell them I didn’t even bother to undress. “Then in the morning I had all the messages, but only yours was real.”

“Do you regret it?” Koruk’s voice held compassion and maybe a little worry. “Would you rather we just went away?”

Although I was pretty sure I knew the answer, I still gave it a moment’s thought. This was getting serious fast, and while it seemed strange, it also seemed right. “No, I don’t wish you would go away. I am enjoying talking to you.” I licked my dry lips. “I put down the least likely type of person I could come up with. I hope you aren’t offended that I didn’t know you were real.”

“Not at all.” Oz shook his head. “I’m not sure how many people know about us. We are few, and even among those, it’s rare for us to find our mate. So, the opportunity to meet you, speak with you, and see if it can go further, is beyond precious.

Chapter Eleven


“What is it?” Oz asked me after the call ended. He even did a little check on his phone and mine to make sure we were disconnected. “What’s going on in that head?”
