Page 88 of A Summoned Husband

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What’s happening?

The pull of my mind and the heat of my body was a whirlwind that left me disoriented. His hands kept me here while my mind tried to pull me somewhere else. Blurs of the box and hissed whispers battled against the rhythm of his hands and the thrum of my heart.

How could I open something I couldn’t touch?

What would opening the box even mean?

Every thrust of his hand kept me from finding the answers.

Open it. Open it. Open it.

My toes curled as his lips pressed behind my ears and his fingers — three now, when had it become three? — pounded against that little button inside me.

“That’s it, Eden. Come undone for me.”

I couldn’t deny him even if I wanted to. A scream ripped from my throat and his lips pressed over mine, swallowing it down as waves of pleasure held me under its depths. My pussy pulsed, holding onto his fingers, trying to keep them inside me as he slowed his pace and whispered against my skin.

“Yes… my wife.”

Open it, that voice continued to whisper as my chest heaved and my mind spun.

“More.” My voice was hoarse as I forced my eyes open and looked at him.


I needed to feel more of him. I needed to know what being filled by him felt like. Our eyes locked and the softness in his gaze stole my breath. I had expected fire. Brimstone and ash. The sight of damnation rimmed his pupils, but there was something else there. Something that tightened my throat and strangled me.

Asmodeus leaned closer, his breath on my lips as his eyes moved back and forth between mine.

The moment was more binding than the ropes holding my wrists as I felt the heat of him at my centre. He stayed as he was, chest to my chest as he slowly pushed into me. Stretched me. Opened me.

The vision of his cock in front of my face when I was high off my ass returned. I thought it had been the edible that made me see the ridged underside all the way up to the narrowed tip. It swelled along the side. Teardrop-shaped notches decorated the sides until a band of raised, swollen flesh surrounded his cock before it narrowed right before the base. My mind wasn’t playing tricks on me, and I knew that now as I felt each and every ridge and notch.

My eyes closed.

“No.” He paused his entry. “Look at me, Eden.”

His command made me shudder as my eyes opened. I couldn’t deny him. I felt like a spell had been cast and I was nothing more than something to be moved by his words. To be blissfully used.

The slow slide of him into me made me ache. “Asmodeus,” I moaned.


There was nothing to say. My words were stolen as he thrust forward and entered me to the swollen ring around the base of him. My pussy pulsed around him as my hips screamed at me to move but all I could do was stare. Watch as the corner of his mouth quirked up into a sinful smile that turned my insides to mush.

The heat of his magic coated my flesh.

“Are you ready, Eden?”

“Yes,” I gasped.

He chuckled, the sound a reverberation against my chest. “You better hope you’re right.”

The binds tightened, lifting me as he slammed into me. Each thrust was meant to ruin. To leave his mark on me so I wouldn’t so easily forget this claiming. It felt like something desperate and frantic that had no business happening between my legs. This kind of thing didn’t happen. Not for real.

The shelf groaned at my back, glass crashing to the floor as it gave way.

Was there a vase on there? I couldn’t remember. Nor did I care.
