Page 86 of A Summoned Husband

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There was no time to plan. Her voice vibrated through my chest as she called for me and I found myself standing in the living room that was quickly becoming familiar.

Eden’s eyes were wide as she stood, bare feet on the rug by the shelves. Her hands toyed with the waistline of her pants, a constant fiddling. Her hair was piled atop her head with a few strands loose over her brow and before her ears. I hadn’t seen her ears fully before. I looked at their adorable protruding shape with gold decorations hanging from them and realized I quite liked her like this. With her hair in a messy pile and the length of her neck completely visible to me.

Her hands finally lifted from her pants — comfortable-looking pants the colour of dead and fallen leaves — and wrapped around the back of her neck as she stared at me. There was something in her eyes that would forever capture me. They were softer than I’d ever seen them. Warm like the fires I longed for back home.

“You cured her.” Unlike everything else she said to me, these words weren’t barbed. She didn’t try to slice me with them or irritate me with prodding. These words were gentle. “Why?”

“Because it was what you wanted.” The answer was easy and it burned me she didn’t see it as obvious.

Her eyes widened. “Because I’m you’re wife?”

“Because I want you to want to be my wife. And because even if you decide you can never want that, my heart can’t take the way yours felt when you found out she was hurt. That she was ill. My heart… it’s not built for breaking.”

“Every heart is built for breaking.” Her eyes glassed over.

I stepped toward her and felt the way my body wanted so much more than just steps. It wanted to hold her. To lift her from feet I knew were weary by the way she reached a hand behind her and held the shelf to steady herself. I wanted to strip her of her clothes and see if this itch that lived under my flesh could be soothed by the feel of her against me. I had questions more pressing than the witch now. I wanted to understand what it was about this woman that made me feel.

Eden stood where she was.

That paused me. I was used to her retreating. I was used to her seeing me as the monster this world would claim I was but seeing her standing there, looking at me with soft eyes hurt me more than that ever did. It carved into my chest, making me gasp as I dared take another step. And another. I paused only when I was close enough to reach her, though the pain in my chest kept me from doing just that.

What was this?

There was a shaky thing in my chest. An emotion all mine. It was a hungry thing with claws that ripped at my innards. Threatened to turn them into nothing but useless mush I would be unable to heal. I could take her ire… but I wasn’t sure if I could take my touch being the thing that burned that look in her eyes away. It was easier never knowing where her anger, where her fear, where her disgust came from now that I saw what everything else looked like.

Surprise gripped my heart in a vicious grasp as she took the final step, closing the space between us. Her hands on the sides of my face were warm enough to rival the fire in my blood as her fingers trailed slightly back and the tip of her right thumb traced the bottom line of my lip. It came so quickly I had to stare at those hands to know they were real and not just something my sinful mind conjured up.

“Thank you,” she whispered. The breathless sound of her voice did something to me. It weakened the knees that usually stood with such resolve.

Her gratitude only added to my vulnerability. I wanted it as much as I didn’t. The feelings inside me foreign and all-consuming.

My hands wrapped around hers as I gently removed them from my face. “It was nothing.”

In truth, it wasn’t. The taste of that rot still lived in my mouth and the fatigue it left behind had been dizzying at first. What took a mere moment to heal still lived in me and I wondered just how it would affect me as time went on. I wondered how long I would have to live with the feeling of it beneath my skin.

Eden rose onto her toes, her eyes moving back and forth between mine. They glistened with something but it was nothing like the sadness that had been there before. I wondered how long it would take before I could sort through her emotions with ease. I wished it was now. I desperately wanted to know what they all meant.

I leaned into her, unable to do anything else when I knew it was what she wanted.

Her lips pressed to mine and I was bewitched. Everything inside me floated and I worried my flesh wouldn’t be enough to contain all that I was. My hold on her wrists tightened as she pushed her hands against my chest. Even through the thin fabric of my shirt, her touch seared me. I was frozen. My lips pressed against hers but I could do nothing to make them move.

Eden’s tongue grazed against the line of my lips. It was a whip that jolted me. My grip on her tightened further as my mouth opened and I tasted her. The melding of our lips was desperate, my tongue sweeping her mouth and tasting something forbidden and addictive.

My grip finally relented. I surrendered my hold to drop my hands to her waist. I held onto her, feeling the gentle rolls of her sides as I lifted her to level our heights. I stepped back into the shelves, pushing her into them as her thighs wrapped around my waist. My hand wrapped around her neck and I held her, exploring every inch of her mouth.

It was rapturous.

Her teeth tugged at my bottom lip, pulling a growl of pleasure from me. The growl elicited a sound from her, a gentle mewl that made me feral. My hand fisted in the fabric of her shirt between her breasts and I heard the threads scream as I tore the fabric from her.

Eden broke the kiss, eyes wide as she looked from me to her suddenly bared chest. Her breasts rose and fell dramatically, each breath laboured. The very sight of them bespelled my eyes. Her breasts hung slightly to the side, her brown nipples pebbled.

“You’re beautiful.”

She reached for the hem of my shirt. “There’s too much fabric.”

My magic moved over me, burning away my coverings. Her eyes traced my bare chest before her hands lifted to follow their path. They were so soft. I gasped at the feel of her hands moving over my skin.
