Page 6 of Crow's Revenge

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My eyes closed, and my body relaxed, the ground beneath my cut saturated with blood as I felt the hot, sticky fluid reach my hair. In those last moments, I thought only of the three people I loved most. My son and daughter. My Laurel.

I hoped they could forgive me.

Chapter 1

Present day—

“Fuck, Bella. Just like that,” I groaned, my fingers gripping her waist tighter as she rolled her hips, snapping them forward and forcing me deeper inside her. “You keep fucking me like this, and I’m not gonna last long.”

“Then you’ll just have to make it up to me,” she announced as her hands lifted, skimming over her breasts and up into her hair, where she gathered the sweaty strands. Her gaze focused on the mirror anchored to the ceiling. We installed it last week. “Harder, baby.”

I loved it when she used that sexy, husky tone. Loved it even more when she clenched her core like she was doing now. My cock got the tightest hug from her pussy.

Her back arched, pushing out her perfect tits as she rode me faster. “More.”

“You move those hips like a fucking porn star, my queen. Blows my goddamn mind,” I growled.

“How about when I do this?”

She reached behind her, leaning backward until she reached for my balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. The added pressure felt too fucking good.

“Gonna be the death of me, babe,” I joked.

She released my nuts, moving her hand forward again, gripping my cock as she leaned forward, holding onto the base as I lifted off the mattress to give her every inch of me. “You’re so thick. I love it.”

“All for you.” I slid my fingers over the generous swells of her ass and up her back, hooking my hands on her shoulders. At this angle, I could bring her down on my cock and bury deep with each thrust.

“Oh, fuck. That’s perfect.”

Yeah, it fucking never got old with my ol’ lady.

“Gonna come for me yet?” I asked as my lips lingered close to hers, the heat of our breath mingling.

“I’m so close.”

“Then let me tip you over the edge,” I murmured with a hard tug, knowing I hit the right spot. I felt it.

Bella gasped, slipping her hand between her legs to press on her clit. She circled it once. Twice. And then. . .she fell apart.

Her lips opened, and sounds of pure bliss emptied into the air. “Austin!”

This was my favorite way to end the day. Feeling her spasm around my dick and crying out my name. I let her ride the waves until she fell limp on my chest.

I turned us, laying her back against the mattress while keeping a consistent pace. It didn’t take long for me to join her, shuddering as I spilled into my woman.

We rested in a tangle of limbs, and I kissed her forehead as she draped over my chest.

“You forgot something important, you know.”

I did? “Enlighten me, beautiful.”

She lifted her head and rested her chin on her hands, staring into my eyes. “It’s our six-month anniversary.”

I blinked. Huh?

“Since the night of our first date at Hoover Dam,” she clarified.

Well, fuck. I did forget. “I’ll make it up to you, Bella, mine.”
