Page 43 of Crow's Revenge

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Fuck. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry.

A dark laugh erupted from Undertaker. “Quite a show. But I don’t think you considered that wolves can break steel.” He snapped the chains that bound him, swinging his arms as he bounded toward me.

I turned to Carson. “Now!”

We anticipated something like this. The vargulf didn’t care if the Alpha was injured. He could heal. Wolves had that ability to a certain extent. Beating him would do nothing to the vargulf. I had to let the club have its vengeance before I could finish with our plan.

Carson lifted his hands as a dark red fog began to slowly leave his fingertips. It traveled on a current of soundless wind, swirling in front of Undertaker a second before it launched toward him. The red fog penetrated his eyes, nose, and mouth. It invaded his ears, sinking into his skin and entering his body.

Undertaker began to convulse. His body shook, gyrating as the spell’s power surrounded the dark entity inside the Alpha.

But the vargulf wasn’t going to leave that easily. I knew that. He roared as he fought the red fog, punching at the air. He hissed and snarled. Somehow, he seemed to grow in size. Inches added to his height. His bulky frame widened.

“Rael!” I called next, bringing in the reapers.

The ground rumbled beneath my feet as Rael, Exorcist, and Patriot transformed into their grims. Their bodies took on the skeletal form of the reaper, cloaked in black. Rising above the ground, they hovered in a macabre trio, suspended in the air as an invisible wind billowed their onyx robes.

My club members stared with curiosity. Most hadn’t seen a reaping before now.

In each hand of the reapers, a deadly scythe appeared. I gulped when I noticed that each sickle gleamed and dripped with blood. Faceless forms seemed to cry out in agony within the blades. They swayed and moved as if in torment and couldn’t stop.

Christ. That was unnerving.

The ground shook again as the crows lifted, giving space to the grims and fissures that cropped up. They tore apart the asphalt and rock, busting the dirt until the cracks gave way and the hole opened wider. Hellfire streamed from the massive opening, opening a one-way ticket to hell.

The vargulf increased his struggles. He howled as he fought, unable to move from his position. “I will take him with me!” He roared.

Sadie ran forward, but Carson grabbed her around the waist.

“Alpha!” Her voice sounded frantic.

“You will be the first to die, bitch!”

The vargulf was a nasty fucker.

“Let him go. Please!”

“No!” The vargulf wouldn’t relent. He was too filled with hate to see that Sadie was motivated by love.

And that was his mistake.

“Caden,” she whispered. “Come to me.”

Caden. The Alpha’s real name.

A horrendous cry launched from the vargulf’s mouth as he opened wide, black sludge spewing from his gullet. It splashed onto the ground, spilling from the Alpha’s body. He shook and jolted, ejecting more of that blackened sputum until nothing more came out. The Alpha, Caden, collapsed. He no longer hosted the vargulf.

The black sludge bubbled and hissed. It began to take shape, forming into the body of a beast. Wolf-like, it rose off the ground on two clawed feet, bellowing in rage.

He didn’t have time to do a thing before the reapers attacked.

The scythes cut through the vargulf’s form, slashing and hacking at the onyx filth. It tore apart like flesh, bleeding with a pus-like texture. The stench of sulfur almost made my stomach retch.

Around us, outside the compound, howls rose in unison, a chorus of wolves that had come for their Alpha. But they weren’t attacking. I caught the glowing eyes that watched. Maybe they also wished for the vargulf to die.

The vargulf’s putrid essence began to fall into the abyss, slowly dropping into the hellfire that popped and hissed. I could swear that it seemed to gobble up those tainted remnants and swallow them down, dropping the vargulf’s body piece by piece into Lucifer’s domain.

When none remained, the fissures closed. The ground smoothed out. Crows took to the air, cawing and cackling in victory. Around our compound, the wolves’ howls joined in the celebration. The vargulf had been defeated.
