Page 41 of Crow's Revenge

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“A vargulf?” Exorcist asked. “Damn. That’s a new one.”

“Mark it on our list of dead fuckers we’ve sent to Lucifer,” Rael laughed.

Damn. That was a morbid thought.

Patriot ticked his chin at me. “He deserve this?”

“He does. It’s Rook’s murderer.”

They all stiffened.

“Done,” Rael announced.

“He’ll fucking suffer,” Patriot added.

“There’s one complication,” Raven informed them.

“We’re attempting to separate the vargulf from his host.”

Exorcist frowned. “His host?”

“Yeah,” I answered. “The vargulf is evil. He’s taken over the pack’s Alpha. Yeah, it was his fucking choice, but I don’t think he knew how fucking evil that thing was when he let it bond with him.”

“So you’re trying to save one being and reap the other?” Rael clarified.

“That’s the gist.”

“Complicated. I like it.”

“We’ve never done anything like this. I think Lucifer will enjoy this vargulf. He’ll have fun with such a creature,” Exorcist mused.

Carson entered the bar, and I waved him over. “This is Carson. He’s a warlock.”

The reapers looked surprised.

“I know. There’s too much spiritual shit going on around here lately. But Carson is our secret weapon other than you lot.”

Rael snickered.

Carson nodded to Rael, Exorcist, and Patriot. He glanced over their cuts and read each name. “I’ve got a spell I can use. It’s a little complex, but what you all need to know is that this is going to happen quickly. We have a small window.”

Patriot crossed his arms over his chest. “For what?”

“The reaping. When I begin the spell, it will agitate the vargulf. He’ll get pissed because I’m going to make it really fucking uncomfortable to stay with the Alpha.”

“Good,” Rael grunted.

“But there’s a chance he won’t leave the host. If he doesn’t, we’ll have to reap both souls together. The vargulf can’t be allowed to survive. Not after all he’s done.”

“I don’t want to clarify, but the vargulf has killed, beaten, kidnapped, and raped numerous individuals. And he took my father from me,” I snarled, “So he fucking goes to Lucifer. There’s no choice in that.”

Rael, Patriot, and Exorcist agreed.

Raven gripped my shoulder. “We’ll finally get justice and closure.”

“And there’s no turning back. We do this in front of the club. If they want to take hits, we let them. We just can’t let the Alpha die before the vargulf is sent to hell.”

Sadie walked from the kitchen as I spoke those last words. “No. Please, Crow.”
