Page 35 of Crow's Revenge

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That had to be enough. We were wasting time. I dropped my hand and took a few steps away from Sadie. I held her gaze, preparing for the vargulf’s response. “Do it.”

“WE’RE ALMOST BACK TO the SUV,” Crow assured me before kissing my temple. “Just a few more minutes.”

“You sure you’re okay to keep carrying me?”

He scoffed. “Babe. You aren’t heavy.”

“Yeah, but we’ve been walking for hours.”

Cuckoo snorted. “I checked my phone. It’s been forty-five minutes.”

I lifted my middle finger and flipped him off.

“So feisty.”

“No. I’m hangry, tired, and my ankle hurts.” All legit reasons to be grumpy.

“Give her food,” Crow ordered. “You said you had snacks.”

Cuckoo opened his messenger bag and pulled out red licorice strips, Smarties, barbecue chips, and a granola bar. “What do you want?”

Crow growled. “Didn’t you bring anything with protein?”

“I’ve got Snickers.”

“Christ,” he muttered. “Babe, I’ll feed you once we’re on the road.”

I kissed his jaw. “Okay. For now, I want the Snickers.”

Cuckoo handed the candy bar over, and I unwrapped it, chewing as my stomach rumbled.

“Is there anything to drink?”

“Gatorade. Here.”

“Finally,” Crow muttered. “Something that makes sense.”

“I pride myself on being unpredictable,” Cuckoo defended.

“And you are,” Hawk agreed.

“Thanks, man.”

Claw snickered. “Ain’t ever boring with you guys.”


“We haven’t heard any howls in a long while,” Hawk observed after we walked a few more minutes in silence.

“I don’t like it.” Crow adjusted his hold. “What’s the compass say? How close are we?”

“Maybe fifteen minutes. Hard to say.”


“Because we’re walking a bit slower now, pres.”

Hawk was right. I slowed them down. At least, I did with Crow.
