Page 17 of Crow's Revenge

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“Nobody does, Lou. They wouldn’t dare. Crow and Raven would lose their shit.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, “and rightfully so.”

“You’re special to us too. I can speak for Bree because she’s said it to me more than once. We both love you.” I leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

He grinned, pushing up the nasal cannula he always wore as it slipped from his nose. Lou never left home without his portable tank. His nurse insisted on it. Lou kept an extra in his basket at the front of the scooter. “Now that’ll give me some good dreams.”

I giggled, pouring my wine into my glass and swirling the contents before taking a sip. “This is nice. For once, I feel relaxed.”

“That’s because you’re almost halfway through that bottle of wine.”

He wasn’t wrong.

I opened my mouth to reply when I saw something sail through the air and sink into his thigh. A little red object. It looked like a dart.

Lou frowned. “The hell?”

A second one lodged into his left arm as he cursed.

“Run, Bella!”

I slipped from the table and crouched, trying to move around the edge so I could clear a path to the door. My gaze swept over the lot, noting the bodies that slumped over or already lay on the ground. How the hell did we miss this?

I knew I should have screamed. It would have brought people running from The Roost. But I realized it would also place the people I loved in even greater danger. Bree didn’t need to be traumatized again. Raven would protect her.

Crow was busy in church with most of the club members. They wouldn’t notice what was happening until it was too late.

Lou staggered from his scooter when the first Dirty Death MC member reached us. His fist swung at the attacker, but he missed. Whatever drug the DDMC used, it was potent.

I cried out when the asshole punched Lou, knocking him against the picnic table. “Hey! Leave him alone!”

Lou’s voice slurred as he begged me to get to safety. He knew my choice as I stood still, flinching when I stood, and a dart hit my leg. My vision blurred as I swayed.

Another DDMC member moved from the shadows and lifted a pistol, whipping it against the back of Lou’s skull. He collapsed against the table, draping over the top and landing on his stomach. I wish they hadn’t done that. There wasn’t a reason to hurt the old guy. He was harmless.

A dark figure moved in front of me. A black faceless mask hid his face. “Undertaker is expecting you, Bella Hart.” He lifted a syringe and plunged it into my neck.

I felt a pinch. A burst of pain at the injection. Then nothing.

Only darkness as I felt my body go limp.

My eyes fluttered as I slowly awakened. I noted that I felt cold, which was odd considering it was summer. The chill didn’t feel like air conditioning. It was more like a damp, moldy cold that penetrated my skin and left me shivering.

It was dark. I couldn’t see much. Something scurried close by and bumped into my ankle. I jolted, pushed off the ground, and crashed into a wall. Stone. My fingertips pressed against the smooth surface, dipping into the grooves.

I kicked as I felt another furry body skitter over my foot. “Ah!”

Dark laughter echoed from across the room. The sound bounced off the walls. “Humans. Natural selection should have bred you from existence. You have no desirable traits, no way to protect yourself from the beasts and monsters.”

Oh, God. That deep, sinister voice. It was terrifying.

“Such a pity your eyesight is so poor.”

I heard a shuffle as he moved, coming closer. My back flattened against the wall. “What do you want?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Come now. You’re one of the smarter ones.”

“Crow,” I whispered.
