Page 15 of Crow's Revenge

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But it wasn’t Bella. It wasn’t human.

There, in the middle of my bed, was a fucking deer carcass. The throat had been slashed. It bled out on my sheets and comforter where Bella and I slept.

Someone would pay for this.

But where was my Bella? And why was her scent gone? Like she’d been erased? No hint of her perfume or body wash. No lingering sweetness or floral undertones.

I rushed to the bathroom. All her shit was gone. Like someone had packed it all up, and she’d left. Forever. Just like Laurel.

Where. The. Fuck. Was. My. Woman.

I nearly panicked, scooping up my cut to shove my arms through the sleeves, rushing from my room, and thundering down the stairs.

My heart thudded against my ribcage as it beat so hard I thought it would crash through my chest. I entered the bar. . .and total fucking chaos.

Sadie, Callie’s sister, stood beside a man I didn’t know. They were drenched in blood.

Deer blood? What the fuck was happening?

“Where’s Bella?” I roared as the room grew quiet.

Everyone turned to stare, noticing the crimson stains on my hands and jeans.

Sadie shook her head. “He took her.”

“Who?” I growled.


My mouth opened, and agony unleashed. All the pain, fear, and rage I felt from Rook’s death, combined with the knowledge that my enemy had taken my mate. My Bella.

She was gone.

A single word rumbled up my chest, bursting free from my lips. “Kraaaaaa!”

The door flew open from outside, and my eyes opened, immediately focusing on whoever entered next. If it was the Dirty Death or Undertaker, I’d shoot without hesitation.

I never would have guessed who stepped through with a timid smile. The years had given her more wrinkles and aged her, but she was still beautiful.

After all this time, she’d finally returned.

My mother.

Laurel Holmes.

Chapter 4

Four hours earlier—

Crow couldn’t make our date. I knew it was a possibility, but it still stung. It wasn’t personal. He just kept getting pulled away because of all the shit with the Dirty Death. Undertaker and his club were monsters. They murdered Crow’s father, Rook, weeks before we met. It escalated the rivalry and turned into a vicious war.

But that wasn’t why I hated that ruthless son of a bitch. He sent his V.P. Chronos to kidnap my sister. He ordered him to break her. For eight days, he kept her prisoner and violated her, and that nightmare still haunted Bree. She jumped at loud noises and screamed awake at night. She didn’t know that I could hear her across the hall. Since Raven was the V.P., his rooms were next to ours.

Today, like so many since her capture, I lingered outside her door. She’d taken a nap, exhausted from early pregnancy. I slumped outside the door, resting my back against it, and winced. I would have barged in if Raven wasn’t there.

He came to check on her and ran inside, rushing into their shared room before I had a chance to say anything. It was probably for the best. Things were still a little stilted with Bree. She hated feeling like a victim. I couldn’t seem to stop thinking about her being one.

A sigh escaped as I slowly stood. Sitting here, feeling helpless, wasn’t my idea of a good time. I turned, nearly bumping into Lou’s scooter.
