Page 87 of Pack Reject

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His eyes shuttered. “Yeah, it’s an expression.”

My brain started back up again, and I spoke to fill the suddenly awkward silence. “So, where do we stand?”

“You and me?” His voice was a croak.

“No.” I wasn’t even sure where to start with that. “I mean, when do the Mountain troops arrive? When will your dad be well enough to travel? Is Luke going to be able to hold things together here once we leave?”

“You know Luke has to stay?”

I nodded. “Yeah, sure. Sucks to be him. But we’re still leaving, aren’t we?”

His blue eyes were swimming with mixed emotions as he answered slowly. “We? You sure you don’t want to stay at Southern, Flor?”


Not My Pack


What. The Everloving. Fuck.

I pulled my lips back into a snarl. “What the hell, Glen? Stay in this shithole? You’ve gotta be kidding.” His face said very clearly that he wasn’t kidding, and I realized what he was doing.

He was trying to get rid of me. To keep me from dirtying up his perfect pack.

Fine. I did not need him, or them. “If your pack doesn’t want me, Brand already said I could come to Mountain. So fuck you and your shitty attitude, Glenda?—”

“Shit, no, stop!” he blustered, his face frozen in a peculiar expression. “I didn’t mean that. Of course you can come. You are always welcome. But…” He blinked furiously before finishing, “You don’t want to stay, not even a little?”

“What the hell would I stay for?”

“For Luke. To stay close,” he said slowly. “You know, he thinks…”

“Yeah, he thinks I’m his mate.” I blew a raspberry, making him laugh. “That’s his deal, not mine. Your mom said I didn’t have to make a permanent decision, anyway. I could visit y’all.”

He relaxed. “Sure. If that’s what you want.”

“Works for me. And then I’ll go to Brand’s pack.” I felt courage filling me. “He invited me to see his lake.”

Glen’s eyes got huge. “Wow. That’s his secret spot. Of course he invited you.” He frowned. “What about Finn?”

“Finn? What about him? If you haven’t noticed, he sorta hates me, Glenda.”

He thumped me gently on the head. “I hate that name.”

“Good,” I said with a grin. “I’ll keep using it.”

He pressed against me, and I felt the magnetic, spiraling sensation I’d had at the stream start back up where our skin touched. I knew I should move away, but I sort of liked it.

“Flor, I wanted to tell you again that I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Then I remembered. “Oh, yeah. Well, to be fair, I wasn’t in a locked bedroom or anything. I was by a creek. And I ended up getting a free ticket out of Hell from it so…” I thumped his head back, letting my fingers slide through his golden strands the tiniest amount. “Don’t creep on me again, and I’ll let that one ride. Wipe it from your mind.”

He raised one eyebrow, but changed the subject like the gentleman he was not. “To answer your questions, the Mountain troops are only a few hours out, so we’ll all be able to sleep once they arrive. My dad is alive. I’ve never seen a wolf survive that much silver poisoning, but if anyone can, it’ll be him. The pack doctor called for a private Council ambulance to drive him back to Ontario.”

“Won’t that be too hard on him?”

Glen shrugged. “At least there, he’ll have all our own Enforcers around.”
