Page 87 of Gamble

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As I signed off on the last shipment confirmation, my mind is already drifting to Fallon. The thought of her, spread out for me, obedient after weeks of resistance, has my body tightening with anticipation. She seems to be adjusting a lot better. Rarely is she fighting us now, as if she has come to realize there is no escaping us, or maybe she is biding her time and playing us damn well. The radio crackles at my side and I answer, knowing it will be Milo. He’s been hounding me all morning, wanting to go back home to her.

“What is it Milo?” I state, “We’re heading home, so don’t ask again.”

“Thank fuck,” Milo’s voice grates through static. “I’ve been waiting all morning.”

I sigh. “I’ll be down in a minute,” I reply, but a smirk plays on my lips. My impatience mirrors his – Fallon has become more than an obsession; she’s our addiction.

Pushing away from my desk, I lock my office before I stride through the corridors, heading downstairs. Milo meets me in the foyer, and the air around us sparks with the same dark energy that always simmers when we’re about to go home.

“Remember, we’ve got that meeting at nine,” I tell Milo as we stride through the foyer. “My old man wants us there to make sure Dante keeps his shit together with the Mexicans when he learns it’s being handed over to me.”

Milo nods, the muscle jumping in his jaw. His impatience is palpable. “Can’t fuckin’ wait,” he mutters sarcastically. Milo’s dislike for Dante is as strong as mine, and I can’t wait for him to fuck up good enough that I can put a bullet in his head. Apparently, Lydia wasn’t enough of a reason for my father to let me kill him, yet once I have the Mexican cartel on my side, not even my father will be safe from me.

We exit into the blinding sunlight, and the subtle tension in my shoulders begins to ease, just imagining Fallon’s soft curves pressed against me. The valet, noticing us, rushes off to grab my car.

“Emma’s doing well. Fallon video called off Rocco’s phone this morning.” Milo’s words are casual, but an underlying tension tells me he cares about her family more than he lets on. I must admit I have a soft spot for her sister.

“Good. One less thing to worry about,” I reply, shrugging into my coat. “Fallon needs stability right now. If she’s going to carry my heir, she can’t have distractions.”

“Or a chance to run. I don’t think she will now that Dante is gone. She seems to have calmed down with him out of the house,” Milo adds, falling into step beside me as we make our way to the car.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I trust her.”

The valet brings my car around, and I slide behind the wheel. The engine roars to life, a beast under my control, much like everything else in my world. Except Fallon. She’s still wild, even if caged, but she is easily distracted, never able to harbor hate for long, especially when we are constantly balls deep inside her.

The city blurs past us, and I am solely focused on getting home to her. When we pull up to the gates of my estate, it feels like entering my personal slice of heaven and hell all rolled into one. Some part of me likes when she fights us, yet another part loves it when she doesn’t. As much as I love punishing her, I also love spoiling her. She is the opposite of Lydia. Lydia demanded, expecting it. Giving Fallon anything, she always seems genuinely surprised and thankful, whether it’s a damn trip to visit her sister or jewelry.

“What do you think she’s doing now?” Milo murmurs, a hungry look in his eyes when I glance at him.

“Probably still swimming. Rocco messaged earlier asking if she could,” I muse, remembering how she looked last time, gliding through the water like a siren luring us to our doom.

Our steps echo against the stone driveway, and I feel the magnetic pull towards the house, towards her. As expected, we find Fallon in the pool, her curves barely contained by her swimsuit. She rolls onto her back, floating effortlessly, unaware of the predatory gaze I have fixed upon her.

As we enter the pool area, Rocco barely glances up from his game. Fallon floats on her back, her body a perfect silhouette beneath the shimmering water. I feel the heat rise within me, not from the sun but from her—the way she moves, carefree and oblivious to us watching her.

“Boss,” Rocco calls out, pulling me back to the present. “I’m off then?”

“Be back here at eight-thirty sharp,” I command, my eyes never leaving the water.

“Got it.” He stands and leaves without another word.

Before I can even toe off my shoes, Milo is already peeling his shirt off, revealing the ink that snakes across his toned chest. With a running start, he dives, sending a splash toward Fallon, who gasps and jolts upright, her tranquility shattered.

“Asshole!” she shrieks, splashing him back as he pops up beside her, grinning like a devil.

“Watch your mouth, tesoro, or I’ll find better uses for it,” I warn, toeing off my shoes and unbuttoning my shirt.

Her eyes lock onto mine, flaring with desire, before she forcibly tames it and schools her features. She knows the game, knows what we want from her, and lately, she’s been giving it freely. There’s power in surrender, something she’s starting to understand and enjoy, even if she won’t admit it.

“Enjoying the view?” I tease, dropping the shirt and stepping closer.

“Maybe,” she retorts.

“Only maybe?” I ask while removing my socks. I step to the edge of the pool, watching her watch me.

“Leone,” she tries to sound stern, but it comes out breathy, betraying her.

“Fallon,” I smile, diving smoothly into the pool. The cool water caresses my heated skin, but it’s nothing compared to the fire she ignites in me.
