Page 73 of Gamble

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“And what am I, Leone? A trophy you parade around for Dante and whoever else has an eye on you?” I spit out as he leans in until we’re inches apart, his breath fanning over my face. My heart slams into overdrive as I summon every ounce of defiance left in me. “Am I just another whore to you?”

His chest rises and falls heavily.

“You married me but expect me to be okay with you screwing other girls? If that’s the case, then you should have just killed me. If you think for one fucking second that I will give you an heir knowing you’re buried in every pussy in this city, you are mistaken.”

His hand wraps around my neck, but I am not done, not caring for any repercussions, my blood is boiling in my veins.

“If that’s the case, get Milo to suck your dick because I won’t go near you knowing you’re testing out your girls!” I spit venomously.

“You have to give me an heir, Fallon. You don’t have a choice!”

“You have some nerve.” Leone sneers. “After everything I’ve done for you, only for you to think you can dictate my life. I don’t owe you anything. You owe me!”

Tears prick my vision as his grip on my throat tightens.

“Do not ever humiliate me like that again.” The wall shakes as his fist hits the wall beside my head. “You crossed a line tonight.” His voice lowers, no longer my asshole husband but the ruthless man he is known for being.

“Get on your fucking knees.”

I swallow hard, my defiance evaporating. My eyes drop to his zipper where I notice his erection. A part of me is disgusted by this side of him, while the other part, the darker one that woke up when Milo tormented me earlier, is warm all over. He smirks as if he can read my thoughts, and my cheeks flush a deep shade of crimson.

“Knees or my belt, the choice is yours.”

I glare at him.

I look away. The tension is suffocating; I can’t even breathe straight anymore. I know I’ve crossed a line tonight, and I have no idea how I will get out of this one unscathed.

“Choose!” he roars again, this time smacking my ass hard, causing me to yelp out in surprise and my eyes fly back to his. He starts yanking at his belt, ripping it through the hoops.

Knowing I don’t have a choice, I clumsily get to my knees, the floorboards cold against my bare skin, my thighs shaking with rage and adrenaline.

My pride crumbles as I obediently do as he says. “You’re going to learn your place little wife,” he grabs my face, squeezing my cheeks. “But for the record, I wasn’t going to fuck her, nor do I fuck around with the girls who work here, but you better show me why I shouldn’t start!” he snarls, letting me go.

He grins cruelly and unbuckles his pants, his erection already tenting out of his pants. He fists himself in front of my face, smirking the entire time.

With shaking hands, I reach out and wrap my hand around his hard length, feeling it pulse in my grasp.

“That’s it,” Leone groans as I fist his cock.

“Now open your fuckin’ mouth,” he spits out, gently guiding my head towards him, his manhood poking at my bottom lip.

I close my eyes, not wanting to see his smug face above me.

“Eyes on me; I wanna watch you choke on it,” he growls, fisting my hair in his hand. My self-preservation kicks in and does what it needs to do to survive, so against all my principles and pride, my mouth opens, allowing him entrance as he thrusts himself deep into the back of my throat making me gag.

He groans out in pleasure, his grip on my head tightening as he fucks my mouth, causing my throat to burn with each thrust. My eyes water up as I fight through the gag reflex threatening to overtake me.

Leone’s vice-like grip on my head loosens, allowing me to breathe briefly before he continues to use my mouth like it’s his personal plaything.

My vision goes white as the oxygen is squeezed from my lungs, the room spinning as he goes faster and faster. Finally, I can take no more, and I try to push him away, but he tightens his grip in retaliation. “Oh no, you’re not done yet. You wanna accuse me of fucking whores? I’ll treat you like one,” he growls, spit flying onto my face as he slams his cock even further into my mouth, making me gag again.

The familiar taste of bile rises in my throat as Leone continues to use my mouth like it’s nothing more than a fuckhole made for him to cum in.

Just when I think I will pass out, Leone grunts and stills inside of me, his hand releasing its vice-like grip on my hair only to cup the back of my head as he unloads down my throat.

I gag and splutter as soon as his cock softens. I scramble up off the floor, wiping the remnants of his cum away from my face, coughing and gagging at the same time.

Leone smirks as he looks at me with cold disdain in his eyes, zipping up his pants. “Now get cleaned up and meet me downstairs at the car, we are going home,” he growls out before walking out of the office.
