Page 68 of Gamble

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“Good girl,” he murmurs, turning his face to kiss my thigh. He then moves me down his body, and I collapse against him.

“Look at you, you’re putty in my hands,” he chuckles. And I don’t deny his words, nor do I fight him when he sits up, reaches for a towel, wrapping it around my lower half before carrying me back inside.



Leone’s arms are like steel wrapped in velvet as they wrap around me, his muscled arms form both a cage and some twisted sense of security from his father as he carries me through the grand foyer of the mansion. The echo of Vittorio slamming the front door vibrates in the air, a stormy departure that leaves a tangible tension hanging as we pass Dante on the stairs.

“You can’t help yourself, just gotta piss off the old man,” Dante taunts.

“Fuck off, Dante,” Leone sneers as he turns onto the stairs. I see Leone’s jaw set, his silent fury, an undercurrent in the otherwise silent hall that only echoes Dante’s soft laughter.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Leone murmurs, his voice a low rumble against my ear as we climb the stairs to our room.

The door closes with a soft click behind us, and before I can even take in a breath, Milo is there, dark eyes glinting with that familiar, dangerous smirk. It’s as if he senses my vulnerability, the remnants of our interrupted encounter in the pool clinging to his skin as Leone sets me on the edge of the huge bath.

“Ready for round two?” Milo teases, his hands sliding under the damp towel Leone wrapped around my waist; he undoes the string on my bikini top.

I shiver, not from cold but from anticipation, as he helps strip me bare. But it’s not until we step into the shower, steam wrapping around us, that nervousness creeps over me. Leone steps into the shower on my other side, switching the other shower head on. The hot water cascades over us, and I’m caught between two fires – Leone’s intensity and Milo’s playfulness.

“You’re not still pouting over earlier?” Leone’s voice cuts through the mist, playful yet edged with a question that makes me look at Milo.

“Maybe I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t interrupted,” Milo shoots back, his gaze never leaving mine. I can’t help it; A snicker escapes my lips.

“Laughing at me, bambina?” Milo’s attention snaps back to me, his brow arching in mock indignation. “After your little show, you’ve got me all wound up.”

His hand presses me against the cool tile wall, his body leaning into mine. There’s no escaping the heat that radiates from him, nor do I want to, even though I should. His fingers wander lower, teasingly possessive, as his fingertips trace over my pussy before he cups it.

“Such a pretty pussy,” he growls, his words husky, making me squirm as he squeezes between my legs. “Lucky we have to leave soon, or I’d spend hours punishing it.”

Leone’s presence looms beside us. He watches as Milo continues his torment. I’m flushed, flustered by the dirty promises spilling so easily from Milo’s lips.

“Enough, stop and leave her be; you can play with her once we’re home,” Leone warns, though his voice betrays a hint of his own arousal.

“What’s wrong, Leone?” Milo taunts, his fingers expertly working. “Want to watch? Want to see how she takes my cock?”

Milo pulls me flush against him, his touch both a promise and a threat. “Do you want that, Fallon?” he whispers, his breath hot against my ear.

“Do you want me to fuck this pretty little pussy?”

I can feel his smirk against my skin, his lips brushing against my earlobe, sending tingles down my spine. My entire body screams yes. My hips arch into his touch, craving the release he is offering.

“Damn, I love how your body trembles under my touch.” His fingers dip between my legs, teasing my entrance with just the tip before sliding deeper inside of me. A soft moan escapes from his throat as he groans in pleasure when he feels how wet I am for him.

“I can’t wait to feel you shudder and scream my name while I’m buried deep inside that tight little pussy.” He smirks as he gropes my breast roughly, squeezing the soft flesh while Leone watches. The action draws a gasp from my lips, and I bite my lip to stifle the moan that wants to escape. “You like that, don’t you?” he asks menacingly. “You like the idea of me fucking you while Leone watches.”

His fingers slide deeper into my pussy as he kicks my legs further apart. The walls of my core clench around his fingers as he teases me, pushing back harder against him in silent demand for more contact. My nipples harden. Milo leans in closer, nipping at my earlobe gently before sucking it into his mouth.

“Fuck,” Leone curses under his breath, never taking his eyes off mine as he steps closer still -his arousal clear as his cock stands erect against his hard abs. “Milo,” he warns, his voice almost a growl. Leone hesitates for a moment, his eyes flicking between me and Milo. I can see the desire warring with his sense of control, and I can’t help but wonder which one will win out in the end.

“Do you want me to stop?” Milo asks, his voice low and seductive. “Or do you want me to keep going?”

I can only moan in response, my hips grinding against his fingers as I seek out more friction. I’m so close, so desperately close to the edge.

“That’s what I thought,” Milo grins. He continues to work his fingers inside of me, his thumb circling my clit in slow, deliberate movements.

“You like being watched, don’t you? You’re a naughty girl, aren’t you?” he whispers in my ear as I moan in reply. “Say it.”
