Page 31 of Gamble

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His dark hair is neatly styled, his clothes are crisp and expensive, not a thing out of place. His eyes, piercing, glance up at me before returning to the paper.

His nonchalant demeanor only fuels my panic. I’m at his mercy, a prisoner in this luxurious yet suffocating room. The realization hits me hard—I am completely under Leone’s control, and there’s nothing I can do about it. What does he want with me? And what will he do now that he has me?

“Why am I tied to the bed, remove the handcuffs.” I give a hasty yank, regretting the decision instantly as pain slivers along every limb.

“Once you can be trusted, you can leave the room by yourself,” Leone says, an edge of finality cutting through its previous softness.

“Trusted?” I echo, incredulous. “You kidnap me, handcuff me, and now you want my trust?”

“Fallon, think about where you are. This isn’t some back-alley kidnapping. You agreed to this.”

“I did not agree to be chained to a damn bed!” I yank on my hand and try to kick my feet, but it is a futile attempt. I’m not going anywhere unless he lets me.

His dark eyes meet mine and glint with satisfaction. The very sight sends a shiver down my spine, igniting a fiery mix of fear and defiance deep within me.

“Fallon,” his voice, cool and collected, cuts through the silence, sending a jolt through my already frayed nerves. “The more you fight, the longer you’ll wear them.”

“Let me go,” I demand, my voice steadier than I feel. Each word is a battle, pride clashing with the panic clawing at my chest.

“As I said, once you can be trusted,” he replies, his tone infuriatingly calm. “You’re not ready to roam free on your own… yet.”

Despite my initial resistance, a part of me knows that outright defiance won’t secure my freedom. Instead, I must bide my time and be patient.

“Fine,” I concede, my voice full of defeat. “What do you want from me? What does ‘trust’ even mean in this place?”

A flicker of surprise crosses Leone’s face, his interest piqued by my change in tactic. “Trust,” he muses, setting aside the paper and fixing his gaze on me, “means understanding your place here. It means recognizing the opportunity I’m offering you.”

Opportunity? The word feels like a mockery in my current state, yet I can’t help but be curious. “What ‘opportunity’ would that be?” I ask, skepticism lacing my words.

Leone stands, his movements graceful and deliberate, as he approaches the bed. “An opportunity for power, Fallon. To rise above your current circumstances. But first, you must learn. Learn the rules of this world, learn who truly holds the power.”

“Opportunity? While strapped to a bed?” I scoff.

“You’re not strapped to any bed Fallon, you’re strapped to mine, that alone holds power in my world. I don’t let many women in my bed. I certainly don’t share them. You betrayed me, your father betrayed me, now you owe me.”

“Care to share this so-called power because this option isn’t one I’d choose for myself, and I feel pretty damn powerless right now!” I snap at him, shaking my bound wrist.

Leone’s gaze sharpens, the air charged with a tension that’s both threatening and electrifying. “What I want from you, Fallon, is simple,” he begins, his voice low and commanding. “Your complete submission. I want to own every inch of you and in every way.”

“Milo?” The question slips out, despite not wanting to voice it.

Leone’s lips curve into a smirk, as if he relishes my apprehension. “Yes, Milo has taken quite an interest in you. And I must admit, his fascination has made me reconsider your fate.”

His confession sends my mind reeling. The idea of being shared, of submitting to not just Leone but Milo as well, is daunting. Yet, there’s an undeniable thrill that accompanies the fear, a curiosity about the depths of my own desires. I shake my head at the thought. What is wrong with me?

“What was the other option for my fate?” I ask.

“Pimping you out until you paid the money back, then probably death,” he says casually. I stare at him. Both of those scenarios sound terrifying, leaving me to wonder if I’m better off in this man’s hands than being passed around. The devil you know and all… Either way, it sounds to me like it will have the same ending eventually. The only difference is instead of being pimped out to everyone, I am being pimped to him and his friend. A shiver runs up my spine.

“What made you change your mind?” I ask, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. “You said it yourself—you’d normally dispose of those who betray you.”

Leone’s expression softens, a rare glimpse into his thoughts. “Honestly? I don’t know, but you’re a means to an end. You just need to choose how it ends, either death or…” he trails off, his honesty catching me off guard yet also scaring me with what was left unsaid, death is easy to accept when you realize there is no other choice but what choice is left unsaid that he would consider not stating it straight away? “Perhaps it’s because, despite your fear, you stand your ground against me. There’s a fire in you, Fallon, that refuses to be extinguished—even now when your fear has your mind racing.”

His words, unexpectedly kind, fanned the flames of my curiosity into a blaze. “So, because your right-hand man fancies me, you decided to keep me?” I ask in disbelief.

“Yes and no. Milo would have forgiven me had I decided to kill you, but I think I can make better use of you.”

“What do you mean?”
