Page 25 of Gamble

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“Leone?” Milo rasps, his eyes flicking down to mine, and I can see the struggle in his eyes. See it in the way his jaw tenses. Leone is right; what they’re doing feels good despite my fear, but there is no way that I will come quickly. Not with the way that Leone is slowly building me up.

“At this rate, she won’t cum before death comes for her,” Leone taunts, his thumb still working my clit as he slides the gun in and out of my pussy. Fucking me with it with steady strokes.

“Don’t kill her.” The words that leave Milo shock me, he sounds almost pained.

“Get busy then,” Leone growls.

Milo’s gaze falls upon me. The tremors that wrack my body are not solely from the fear of Leone’s sadistic games but also from the knowledge that any attempt to intervene might result in Milo’s demise.

“What do you mean?” Milo’s voice quivers with uncertainty. Leone is completely unreadable as he answers, yet his gaze never strays from my face.

“What do you want it to mean?”

“Don’t play with me, Leone.”

“Who said I was playing? I’ve seen the way you watch her, Milo. Always watching her on the cameras.” Leone’s voice drips with a dangerous edge, each word punctuated by the thrusting of his gun into my pussy. His thumb makes circles that have my inner walls gripping the steel, making it grow warm and slick with my juices.

Milo doesn’t respond. His eyes move to the gun, and he grits his teeth.

“I didn’t understand your fascination with her, but now I’m starting to. Unfortunately, keeping her seems to require sharing her or else risking you cutting my throat in my sleep,” Leone chuckles darkly, and Milo’s adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard.

Confusion furrows my brow as I try to make sense of Leone’s words. My mind races, desperately searching for answers through the chaos that engulfs me, pushing me closer to the brink that has my stomach tightening.

“My loyalty is to you. It always has been since we were kids!” Milo states.

“Yet you cringed when you realized what I would do, and now you can barely watch. You’ve never been squeamish before.”

“Leone, I’m loyal, fuck. What do you want me to say? You know I’d do anything for you,” Milo replies without hesitation.

Leone’s smirk widens at Milo’s words, his eyes gleaming sinisterly. “Anything, you say? I’ve seen it happen before, you remember, don’t you? A woman is the embodiment of temptation, the forbidden fruit. She can be a vixen, or a siren leading us astray. Women are the most dangerous weapon against a man.”

A flicker of realization dawns in Milo’s eyes as he grasps Leone’s twisted logic or whatever happened in the past that Leone seems to be hinting at.

Leone’s voice holds a chilling seriousness. “A man’s fate often rests between the thighs of a woman. It can either make him or destroy him. She’s the ultimate temptation, the cradle of pleasure and pain; women are the very reason men falter. I don’t need to worry about my right-hand man stabbing me in the back for one.” Leone’s eyes dart to me briefly before going back to Milo.

“Therefore, if you want her to live, help her. Let us not have a repeat of Lydia. We’ve been friends too long to let a woman get in between us.”

Milo stares at Leone; some internal conflict etching across his face as he presses his lips in a line.

“So what’s it going to be?” Leone asks, and Milo’s gaze falls on me, his eyes a storm of conflicting emotions. As my mind reels from the dizzying turn of events, Milo’s grip lessons slightly when he grabs my chin, forcing my gaze to meet his steely one.

“You better fucking cum!” Milo growls. His lips crash down upon mine, making me gasp, and he doesn’t hesitate to force his tongue past my lips.

His tongue slides against mine. It’s a wild, animalistic kiss, and my heart races as a strange combination of fear and arousal courses through my veins.

My body responds to him instantly, the desire and fear mixing into a potent aphrodisiac. My hand grabs onto his arm, pulling him closer, needing his touch more than anything to distract me from the brutality of Leone’s gun between my thighs as heat licks at my limbs and pools in my stomach. My shoulder has gone numb and that arm feels like dead weight. I should be worried, but right now, I force my focus on Milo, needing to survive Leone.

Milo’s hands move to my breasts, squeezing them with force and eliciting a groan from me. My mind is spinning, trying to process the intensity of the situation, but I can’t help but get lost in the moment, in the thrill of the danger and the spine-tingling arousal burning through me.

“Three,” Leone whispers, breaking me from my thoughts away from the kiss. His cold, ruthless movements with the gun continue to torment me. The touch of his thumb against my sensitized skin sends shivers of both pleasure and dread dancing along my spine.

All the while, Milo’s kiss is fierce and demanding, his tongue tangling with mine as his hands graze down my ribs, pulling my shirt higher. He moans softly against my lips, his touch sending shivers down my spine. The feel of his rough hands on my bare skin sends a delicious thrill up my body, and I can’t help but arch into him. This is not how it should be happening—we’re enemies, yet I can’t deny the arousal coursing through me, drawn by the fear and desire that suffocates the room.

The gun still probes inside me, threatening to end this dangerous game of life or death at any moment. It’s an unwelcome intruder, but one that is driving me closer to the edge.

Milo’s scent envelops me—sweat, leather, and a hint of cologne mixed in a heady cocktail that intoxicates me further. The sound of fabric tearing fills the air as he rips off what remains of the bloody shirt, my skin sticking to the fabric and it feels like I’m being waxed as the dried blood tears away. His fingers trail lightly over the newly revealed skin before moving lower to stroke my stomach with an electric touch.

As Leone continues to torment me with the gun, Milo responds by trailing kisses along my jawline and down to my neck. I gasp softly at the sensation of his warm breath caressing my skin while his teeth graze lightly on my collarbone. Goosebumps rise in their wake as his lips move lower still until he finds what he seeks — my nipple hardening under his touch.
