Page 17 of Gamble

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“No,” I say, the word cutting through the thick air. The defiance in my voice is flimsy against the terror clawing at my insides.

“Ah, such spirit,” Leone coos, mocking my futile attempt to stand up to him. “But we both know you’re not in a position to negotiate.”

The heavy tread of boots on concrete approaches, and a door opens. Milo moves off to my side, only to reappear dragging a blindfolded figure stumbling behind him. My father’s face is obscured by the dark fabric, but the stoop of his shoulders is as familiar as my own reflection.

“Dad?” I murmur, horrified.

“Fallon?” my father blurts, hearing my voice, his head turning in my direction, hoping to see me through the blindfold. “No… No, she is innocent,” my father begs, and I move to go to him when he is shoved to the ground, and Leone steps in my way.

“This will be the last round, so I figured you should remember what’s at stake, but I want to ensure you don’t cheat,” Leone tells me. I glance at my father on his knees and see Milo whispering something to him.

He drops my bag from earlier on the floor, along with another bag that is filled with cash and my handbag, which I left at the house. My father sits at Milo’s feet, whimpering and sobbing. The head wound he received earlier though has thankfully stopped, and someone has wrapped his head.

“Let him go,” I demand, my voice echoing in the cavernous space, mingling with the desperation that threatens to swallow me whole.

“Strip,” Leone repeats, unmoved, leveling the gun at my father’s temple. “Or he dies.”

Time slows, each second stretching into an eternity. My heart hammers against my rib cage. I can’t let my father die just because I don’t want to get naked. Not him. Leone’s finger moves to the trigger, and panic makes me step forward.

“Alright,” I whisper, surrendering to his monstrous demand. My hands work mechanically, unbuttoning my blouse with shaking fingers. The silk slides from my shoulders, and I drop it at my feet.

“Good girl,” Leone murmurs, his eyes tracking every movement with ravenous attention.

My skirt is next, the zipper parting with a hiss. It pools around my ankles, and I step out of it, feeling the cool kiss of the basement air against my skin, goosebumps marching across my flesh like an army of revulsion. I toe off my flats, push them aside, and look at Leone; his gaze takes in every inch of me. “Everything,” he says when his eyes move to my bra and underwear.

“Please, how can I cheat in a bra and underwear?” I beg, wishing my willpower alone could halt this perverse performance. But the show continues—Leone’s show—and my body is the unwilling star.

“Keep going,” he instructs, motioning with the gun—a weapon that holds more power than just the promise of death; it holds me hostage, and he knows it. It’s the key to my father’s life, and I’m the one turning it in the lock.

With trembling hands, I reach behind me, unclasping my bra. It falls away, discarded, leaving me defenseless against the onslaught of his gaze.

“Beautiful,” Leone praises, his voice a serpent’s hiss that makes my skin crawl and he steps closer. He presses the gun at my throat before dragging the barrel between my breasts to press it against my pubic bone.

“These too,” he whispers. I peer up at the ceiling, praying for my tears not to fall.

It’s down to the last barrier now, the thin lace of my panties—the only thing standing between me and utter humiliation. A tear slips down my cheek, tracing a path of silent protest as I hook my thumbs into the waistband and slide the garment down my legs.

“Look at you,” Leone taunts, a cruel smile twisting his lips. “So brave, so strong. Yet here you are, laid bare before me.”

Exposed and raw, I stand naked, a pawn in a game I never wanted to play. My father’s life for my dignity—it’s a trade I would make a thousand times over, but the cost carves a hollow inside me that no victory could ever fill. I try to cover myself when he shoves me back on the table and my ass digs into the wood painfully as he steps closer, he kicks my feet open, and shoves me backward. I land on my elbows, wondering what he is doing. His gaze doesn’t leave mine as he holds his gun to the side and Milo takes it quickly.

“What are you doing?” I squeak, trying to sit up. He holds a finger to his lips, nodding in the direction of my father. I glance at him as he leans against a pillar, his chin resting on his chest. “What did you do to him?” I demand and Milo smiles.

“Figured you wouldn’t want him to listen to the next part,” Milo offers, and my eyes widen.

“What?” I stutter, trying to sit up, but Leone forces me back down with one hand while the other cups my bare pussy. “Wait, stop.” I try to kick him, but he grabs my legs easily, yanking me closer, causing the back of my head to hit the table. With my knee trapped between his arm and body, his other hand cups between my thighs. He squeezes in warning.

“So pretty, so pink,” Leone smirks. His hand squeezes slightly, and I realize he intends to cavity search me.

“How would I hide cards there!” I blurt when he shoves a finger inside me. I jump at the roughness of it, but he groans lewdly, corkscrewing the finger in and out of me a few times while I squirm, trying to get away from the invasion. My inner walls grip him. And his thumb presses to my clit, making me jolt; his eyes are glittering with malice. His breath is heavy as he watches me writhe beneath him, part in pain from the sudden intrusion but also something else as he applies pressure to my clit. His other hand slides up, caressing my breast as he continues his search while his thumb rubs my clit. A sob escapes me when I feel myself growing wet for him.

“Fuck, she is a tight little thing,” Leone groans. Yes, because I’m a fucking virgin! I don’t scream that at him, instead a choked whimper escapes me. “Just wanted to see if your pussy is worth playing for,” Leone whispers, removing his finger. I squirm away, but he holds me in place, watching me a second, before lifting the same finger to his lips. I gasp in horror when he sucks on it.

He smiles at my discomfort, but steps back, allowing me to sit up, before waving some instruction at Milo, who moves toward the door. He opens it and I jump up, wanting to cover myself. Leone is quick to grab my arm, though preventing me. “Just the dealer, she is female,” he assures me. The girl enters, but she doesn’t even glance my way, instead she grabs the fresh deck of cards and pulls them from the packet. I take my seat and Leone retakes his, and the girl deals the next hand.

The cards blur in my vision as they slap against the cold surface of the table. This is it… The air in the basement is thick with tension, and despite the chill, sweat beads on my brow, my heart is pounding like a drum in my chest.

“Your move,” Leone says, his voice deceptively smooth.
