Page 78 of Twisted Deeds

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“Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me. Now, get up, we’re running out of time.” He pointed at the counter again.

“What?” I wondered, turning.

He pushed back hand lotion and tiny hand towels to make space for me.

“Get on the counter and what?” I asked.

He patted the damn surface until I huffed and perched on the edge. “Well? What now?”

He took my dress and inched it up to my waist. Then he wrapped his hands around my knees and tugged me forward, so I was lying nearly flat against the cold surface.

“Now — spread ’em for me.” He pulled his knife from his inner jacket pocket.

What kind of psycho carried a knife in a ten-thousand-dollar suit? I let out a gasp of shock when he lowered the knife to my panties.

“Now wouldn’t be a good time to move,” he said quietly, his eyes focused on his task.

Heat charged through me as his strong fingers peeled my panties away from my pussy, and the sound of the lace slicing under the blade filled the air. He tore the remnants off and tossed them onto the counter.

“What the hell are you doing?” I murmured, my heart racing.

I was totally bare down there now, and Asher Martino was staring right at me. All of me. Heat raced across my skin. I felt embarrassed and turned on. I wasn’t thinking about my parents or how well dinner was going anymore. He’d erased everything else out of my head.

“I’m going to eat your cunt until you come all over my face, and then we’re going to go back out there and finish dinner…relaxed and calm.”


“Coming will relax you. You’re wound so tight you’re going to burst. Best do it right here and now…in my mouth.”

“I-I — we can’t,” I spluttered, my brain suddenly devoid of language skills.

“We can. We are. You have no choice. This is my dessert, and I’ll be taking it now,” he said slowly, and lowered himself to his knees.

I could only stare when his warm mouth slid up my inner thigh and landed on my pussy. His tongue was so heated and wet, I jumped. He glided his mouth up and down my slit, his tongue tracing my clit and down to my entrance, dipping inside and then going back up to do it all over again. Pleasure wove through me, loosening my muscles and silencing my protests. Fuck, this was hot. It was amazing, actually. I’d had no idea. I was wrong, clearly. No battery-operated device could replace this man’s talented mouth.

“Fuck, you taste so sweet…How can such sweetness come from such a brat?”

“Fuck you, Martino,” I gasped, biting my lip when he sucked my entire clit into his mouth and rolled it around behind his lips. The feeling made me hot and cold all at once, and utterly weak.

“Don’t tempt me, Ice Queen. We only have time for one of us to come, and tonight, it’s you.” He took his middle finger, nimble but long and thick, and sucked it deep in his mouth, wetting it, then putting it at my entrance. “Let’s see how tight you’re going to be for me, Your Majesty.”

I opened my mouth to respond but lost all train of when he eased his finger inside me.

“Fuck,” he breathed and leaned down, feasting on my clit with renewed energy.

I nearly shot off he counter as he laved my clit while thrusting his finger in and out, in and out.

“Oh my God, oh my God,” I muttered in a chant, picking up speed.

The peak rushed toward me, and it was almost scary. My muscles were spasming without my consent, my pussy was pulsing, ridiculously wet and eager. My fingers were in Asher’s hair, tousling it beyond repair, stopping him from moving even an inch. He was face-deep in my cunt, and it felt so right. If he stopped now, I’d die.

“Shh,” he murmured against me, grabbing the sliced-up panties from the counter and holding them to my mouth. “Open up like a good fucking girl.”

I shook my head, self-conscious at the thought of putting my own panties in my mouth, as if I wasn’t totally bare, spread out on the counter and about to come embarrassingly hard. Logic had no place here, clearly.

Asher chuckled and nudged a second blunt finger inside me. My mouth dropped open at the full feeling.

“Be a brat, then…it’s what you’re best at.”
