Page 74 of Twisted Deeds

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She wet her lips. “No.”

“No?” I raised an eyebrow, enjoying the flash of fire in her sapphire eyes. “I told you to lift it up, baby.”

“And I said…make me,” she murmured, a smirk lingering at the corners of her pouty pink lips.

“Should I?” I opened the knife, knowing exactly what she was looking for, as clearly as if she had whispered it in my ear.

I brought it to her cheek and slid it carefully down, reaching her neck. As soon as I reached her jugular, she tilted her head, giving me better access. My Ice Queen liked to up the stakes, and she had no goddamn fear. It was a huge fucking turn-on.

“Lift up your skirt,” I said thickly. “Don’t make me ask you again.”

She shivered and drew the material up the rest of the way, exposing ice-blue lace, thin enough I could nearly make out the skin of her shaved pussy beneath.

“Happy?” she murmured, her eyes dancing with excitement.

This was Winter without her mask. No longer jaded or bored. No longer reserved or locked behind glass, a perfect portrait of a woman, preserved behind velvet ropes, to be stared at but never touched.

I brought my other hand to her panties and caressed the front. She was soaking through the material. She was dripping. Desperate. Needing to be filled.

“Take this off,” I grunted, pulling the waistband out and letting it snap back against her soft skin. “Now.”

I didn’t move the knife an inch. Instead, I let her wriggle and pant, trying to work her thong down her legs. When it was at knee level, I couldn’t stop myself from staring at her glorious pussy. I stroked a finger through the slit between her lips, brushing her hooded clit on the way. She jerked.

“Someone might hear,” she whispered.

“Better keep it down, then,” I advised and stepped back. “Kneel.”

She blinked up at me. So fucking innocent and bratty at the same time. She wet her lips, her eyes falling to my cock.

“I’m taking my payment from your smart little mouth.” I tapped the point of the knife carefully against her lips and her eyes darkened. “If you can handle it, baby.”

She narrowed her eyes, my gentle taunt working its magic. Slowly, with the grace of a ballerina, she sank to her knees.

“Spread your legs and finger yourself. You come at the same time as me, or neither of us do.” She was looking up at me with those huge blue eyes. The lights above my head looked just like the stars that night on the rooftop. A stolen moment and the deepening of an obsession. She parted her lips, surrendering to my touch, as I wrapped my hand around her ponytail and guided her mouth towards my leaking tip.

She was perfect. Perfect.

She leaned forward, wrapped her lips around the head, and sucked. Her pretty pink lips were stretched wide, her cheeks hollowed out. Her eyes were closed in pleasure. I snapped my fingers, her eyes flying back open. “Eyes on me, Your Majesty. Eyes on me.”

She mumbled around my cock and then pulled back to speak. “Well…likewise.”

My chuckle turned into a groan as she plunged her mouth back around me.

Like I had a choice. I fucking wish I could look away.

She moaned some protest or curse. Knowing her it was probably the latter. Her inexperienced touch was so good, I was going to lose it. She had no technique, no finesse. All she had was the desperate need to be good at everything she did. Even in this, Winter DeLaurie was competitive as hell.

“That’s it, sink down as far as you can go, take as much of me as you can…unless it’s just too big for you,” I goaded, and bit back a grunt when she rose to the challenge and sank down even further. The tip of my cock hit the back of her throat, and I couldn’t stop my hand from clamping onto the back of her head and holding her right there.

“That’s good, baby, very good…See what a fast learner you are, little brat?” I held her there until she gagged, the sound a sweet symphony.

She moaned a protest around me, and I let go of her head. She eased back and glared at me. The loss of her warmth around my dick was painful.

“Call me brat again, and I’ll bite it off,” she warned.

I sank my hand back into her hair, stroking it back. “How about beautiful? Smart? Absolutely fucking infuriating?”

She smirked. “Better.”
