Page 54 of Twisted Deeds

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“Yours wasn’t an option, remember? The only reason I’m wearing this is because you decided to come in here and take my stuff,” I reminded him.

He grinned, and it was so wicked, heat broke out across my face, a prickling awareness of how naked I was under the flimsy jersey, and how close he was.

“My mistake, Ice Queen. Now, I’m going to need that jersey before I decide to hunt down the guy whose name is on the back and put him out of commission this season.” He held his hand out, like he really expected me just to give him my only covering.

“Very funny,” I stated scathingly, walking backward all the while. “It’s not even mine. I took it from Selena’s locker.” Suddenly, a lockable shower cubicle felt like the safest place to head toward.

“Still, I’m going to need that jersey, so hand it over,” he said as he advanced.

“Yeah, right. I’m not taking it off,” I stated with more confidence than I felt.

Asher’s hand dipped into his pocket and emerged with that damn knife, the one that looked like it took a whole lot of experience to wield well. He opened it like an expert and lunged toward me.

I shrieked and turned, dashing toward the showers.

I almost made it.

I was only a few steps away when his arms closed around my waist and lifted me against his hard body. I fought him and opened my mouth to scream, but his hand clamped over my lips, sealing the sound inside.

“Shh, don’t try and bring any football-playing meatheads in here to your rescue…this is between me and you, Your Majesty.”

I wriggled against him, bucking and fighting for all I was worth, but he was so damn strong, there was no give in his grip. The jersey rode up, exposing my bare ass. I couldn’t seem to care. All that mattered was not letting Asher win. Not giving up without a fight.

“So feisty. I don’t know if we’re making any progress with your brat behavior problem.” He chuckled in my ear, putting me down and pressing my front to the tiled wall of the shower. A cutting sound followed by a loud tear filled the air. RIP football jersey. Confirmation came when he tugged the offending item off me, and the cool air of the room hit my overheated skin. I was pressed against the tile.

My tits were bare, and my nipples contracted sharply at the coolness of the tile. His hand was on the back of my head, keeping me in place, while he ruthlessly pulled the remains of the jersey off with the other.

Asher’s huge hand moved to the nape of my neck, holding me to the wall. I sensed his eyes scanning over me – the small of my back, my ass, down my legs, and back up.

“Has anyone else ever drawn you, Ice Queen? You got some stuffy seated portrait at home somewhere?” His unexpected question threw me for a second.

“Go take a puck to the throat, Martino,” I snarled at him and bit off a yelp when he pinched an ass cheek hard.

“I’d watch that mouth while I’ve got you here like this…all mine to do whatever the fuck I want with. Unless you’re after another spanking?” His hand smoothed over the place where he’d pinched. “I’d bet this pretty creamy skin would look perfect wearing my handprint.”

“What do you want?” I forced out, trying to shove away the wet heat that pooled inside me at his words, and touch. I’d die if he knew how much his rough treatment turned me on.

“Let’s be clear. We can play whatever fucking games you want, but there’s a line you don’t cross. My mom is off-limits.”

“What? What did I do to your mom?” I muttered and received another pinch to the other side of my ass. “Ow!”

“I like things to be symmetrical,” he said like a true psychopath. He rubbed his palm over the sore place, replacing the sting with heat. What was it about his calloused hands that could hurt so masterfully, it made their gentle touch even hotter?

The pressure on my neck let up marginally, and I took a deep breath and tried to get my overheated thoughts straight.

“Don’t lie to me, Ice Queen…Your PI was following my mom. She called me. You put a tail on my mom.”

What the hell?

“I never asked for that,” I shot out.

“But you did ask for someone to investigate my father. Why?”

I wet my lips, suddenly nervous as hell. But there was nothing I could say except the truth. “I wanted to convince you to help me. A few fake dates and you can have the resources to find your dad. Seems like a good deal.”

He was silent for a long moment. “You want to help me find my dad?”

I nodded slowly. “If it’ll make you help me, yes.”
