Page 31 of Twisted Deeds

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Her grip loosened, and she climbed off, elbowing me hard in the back in the process. I enjoyed her embarrassment. The Ice Queen’s façade was melting before me and it was entertaining, and honestly, hot as fuck. I wanted to see what was left after her defenses crumbled.

She held her tongue, yanking the helmet off and shoving it at me. Her hair was in disarray, hanging around her shoulders in a shaggy mess. She looked undone. I’d never seen her that way before. Bedhead really fucking suited her.

“You’re not even going to consider my offer? It’s not charity. I need help,” she challenged.

“I think we already covered how unpleasant I find the idea of pretending to be your boyfriend, for even one dinner.”

“Wow, I didn’t expect such…pride…from the great Asher Martino.”

“What, because I’m poor, I can’t have pride?”

“I just thought you were smarter than that.”

I considered her words, and something clicked. “I get it. It’s not about my pride, it’s about yours…”

She tossed her head and rolled her eyes at me. “My pride? What?”

“Yeah, your pride. The rich and hot Winter DeLaurie lowered herself to ask a favor from a commoner like me…and he didn’t jump at the chance? Doesn’t compute in your Stepford cheerleader brain, right?”

Winter scoffed. “Whatever, Martino, like I couldn’t get you to agree if I really wanted to.”

A thrill of excitement raced down my spine. It had been a while since anyone had challenged me in any form.

“That sounds like a dare. Like a game…but you should know, I always win the games I play. I don’t think you’d take losing well.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Winter tossed back at me. “I’ve never lost before.” That outrageous statement pulled a chuckle from me. She had guts, I’d give her that. It was on.

I shrugged. “Seems like I’m about to be your first time, Your Majesty…hold on, I like it rough.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You’re so damn cocky…The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Fine, let’s play. I can get everyone to think you’re my boyfriend and use you for my purposes, whether you agree or not.”

“I admire your confidence. I can make your life so fucking tough, you wouldn’t dare.”

“I’m not scared of you, Asher, even after last night,” she said pointedly.

I chuckled. “You really should be.”

She just shrugged. “Like I said last night….Make me.”

I stared at her. Where the hell had this girl been hiding all my life? Be still my wicked heart, because in a year that had been fucked up and shitty all around, there was finally something to look forward to.

I nodded. “Consider yourself warned, Ice Queen.”

“Sure, whatever. Sounds like all bark and no bite to me,” she said, a smile playing around her full lips.

I couldn’t wait to wipe it off.

I took off, leaving her at her gates, dragging my eyes away from her willowy form standing in the darkness.

A game. How fun. I intended to win. Beating the Ice Queen might just be the highlight of my fucking year.


“Bitch, are you going to warm up or not?” Selena called to me where I sat on the bleachers, reading my art theory book.

It was January, freezing in the huge gym, and the first cheer practice after winter break. Motivation was hard to find. My mind kept straying to Asher Martino and our little game. Was it childish? Sure. Did I intend to win? Absolutely. Most of all, I needed to make him come to dinner, and I had two weeks to accomplish it.

The cheer captain, Tina, blew an annoyingly loud whistle and forced us all up. I left my book and phone and trudged down to the gym floor.
