Page 28 of Twisted Deeds

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“Do you have any idea what your toxic words make me want to do to you?” I asked against her lips.

Punish her. Take her. Ruin her. Break her…just enough to keep her.

She shook her head, a soft gasp leaving her as I gripped harder for a second, my lips tracing hers.

“Relax…I’ve got you,” I murmured, the words leaving me without thought or attention. All my focus was on the fact that Winter was holding onto me like she’d die if she let go. I didn’t hate it. I probably should, but I didn’t.

“Is that supposed to be comforting?” she breathed, and I smirked. No, I guess it wasn’t.

Then I captured her poisonous lips before she could say anything else to piss me off. My kiss shocked her into stillness.

She was frozen for a long, long moment. Long enough for me to slip my tongue into the hot cavern of her mouth and along hers. Her lips parted further, letting me in. Her breath was still faltering, ragged, but I didn’t stop. I pulled her lower lip between my teeth and bit down. She gasped, fisting my T-shirt and swaying into me. I wound a hand into her hair and tangled my fingers in the long locks, keeping her in place.

Dragging my tongue over hers, I explored her mouth in long, languid thrusts, until her breath was soft and even and her grip on me was clinging and desperate. What kind of woman lived under her spoiled brat act? I’d never worried much about it, but my curiosity was a powerful thing. Why did she hide? What did she hide? Why was I so fucking interested in her? I had no answers to any of those questions. All I knew right at that moment, as she pushed her tits into my chest and met the thrusts of my tongue with her own, was that this girl had my attention.

Maybe she always had.

Her lips battled with mine, and then her teeth nibbled along my lower lip. She didn’t just have claws, she had bite. Just like me.

I grinned against her cheek, moving my lips along her jaw, dragging stubble and gooseflesh in my wake. She shivered. Her nipples were hard points, prodding me through my T-shirt. She was grinding into me. It was hot. Hotter than I’d expected the prissy little brat to be.

I reached her ear and traced my tongue around the shell, and she moaned, melting into me. “You really think you can ask me for a favor, Your Majesty?” I breathed into her ear.

She was leaning on me now, my support the only thing keeping her up. I rocked my cock against her middle. I was hard as hell and wanted nothing more than to shove my jeans down and get Winter to demonstrate how desperately she wanted my help, on her knees. But I didn’t trust the viper with her sharp teeth around my cock.

Instead, I waited for her breathy moan of agreement.

“You have no one else who will help you in your time of need?”

“Yes, I have no one—,” she stumblingly admitted. Something in my chest softened at that confession.

It might be the first true vulnerability I’d seen from this girl.

Then she ruined it. “No one who needs the money like you do, that is,” she tacked on. Motherfucker. She just couldn’t help being the most infuriating person I’d ever met. It came so naturally to her.

I bit her ear again, harder this time, and she gasped. Just for that little barb, and treating me like a charity case, I’d refuse on principle.

“Too. Fucking. Bad,” I growled and stepped back, releasing Winter.

She stumbled back against the wall just as Marcus opened the door.

“Time’s up!”

“I propose a toast, to a new year, finally back where we all belong. Hell will be raised. Resolutions — Cayden, you go first.” Marcus raised his beer to Cade. We were sitting out back, around the firepit, taking a break from the festivities inside.

“To break my goals and assists record by October,” he said after some thought. “Maybe August.”

Marcus rolled his eyes. “Predictable, but sure. Beckett?”

“To pass Econ with the help of my hot tutor.” He shot me a barely apologetic look. “Sorry, bro.”

Marcus just laughed. “And Asher — a New Year’s resolution for you.”

“I’m dull. Mine is always the same.” I took a sip of beer, but after the encounter with Winter upstairs, there was little to get excited about. I should have been satisfied that I’d crushed her little plan, whatever it had been, before she’d even gotten started, but instead, I was already hungry for another run-in.

Would she try again to persuade me to pretend to be her boyfriend? Why me? How far would she go to convince me? The thought had me hard in seconds. I had plenty of ideas for the debasing and humiliating ways Winter could try to get me to agree to her bizarre proposal. The very thought was sending the blood from my head draining downward to a hard-on that could punch through a wall.

Was there anything hotter than taming a brat? When the brat was Winter? No, there wasn’t.
