Page 26 of Twisted Deeds

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I turned around and knocked on the door.

“Marcus, open the door right now! I’ve changed my mind,” I called, trying not to sound as desperate as I felt.

My eyes adjusted, and I could make out Chase more clearly, lounged against the wall at the opposite end of the tiny space. “Relax, we can just run out the clock and make small talk. What’s your favorite color? Mine’s blue.”

“Seriously?” I demanded, about to bang again when the door slid open.

But it wasn’t Marcus at the threshold. Not at all.

“I’ve got it from here,” Asher said. His body took up the entire opening. He jerked his head toward Chase. “Out.”

“Yes, sir,” Chase mocked, saluting Asher like he was a drill sergeant. He pushed past him and out into the bedroom.

I moved toward the door, needing air, but Asher blocked my way, backing me into the enclosed space again. He barked over his shoulder, “Lock the door. Seven minutes.”

The last thing I saw was Marcus’ face, split in a wide grin, before he closed the door, locking us in, alone.

“No! I want out,” I panted.

I backed away from the door. The air felt suffocating and tight. My back came up against a rack of clothes, stopping my retreat. Suddenly, the solid, hot presence of Asher emerged from the darkness before me, standing close enough that his chest brushed mine. My nipples pebbled immediately.

“Tough shit.” Asher’s voice was as yielding as a steel trap.

“What the hell is all this about?” I demanded, curling my hands into fists and trying to breathe without hyperventilating.

“You don’t get a romantic New Year’s kiss with someone considerate and into you.”

“Why not?” I bit out. “Jealous?”

A low chuckle floated to me. “I’d rather have my dick bitten off by a rabid dog than compete with your gold-plated vibrator. Simply put, you fucked up my life, and now it’s my turn to fuck up yours.”

“Like I can’t just go find Chase and kiss him any time I want,” I slipped out. Through my escalating panic, fighting with Asher gave me something else to focus on.

He nodded. “Go right ahead. Next time it won’t be a marker but a tattoo gun.”

A shot of fear laced down my spine. I opened my mouth to speak, and he tutted softly. “I wouldn’t dare me not to if I were you. It hasn’t worked out well for you so far.”

I bit my lip. Fuck, he was so infuriating.

“You’re absolutely loathsome, you know that?” I settled for saying.

“And you’re a spoiled brat. We’ve covered this.”

There was no way I could convince Asher to pretend to be my boyfriend, not even for one dinner with my father. He wouldn’t agree. Why would he help me? He was out to get me.

God, why did it have to be him?

“Why did what have to be me?” Asher said.

Fucking hell. I’d said that out loud? I was glad it was dark in the damn closet so he couldn’t see my panicked expression.

“Nothing. Forget what I said,” I muttered, backing away from him as far as I could.

The bastard followed. “No, you can tell me what you were talking about.”

I shook my head resolutely and folded my arms over my chest. Asher’s chest pressed against my arms as he caged me against the wall.

“Come on, Ice Queen, you got something ask me? Ask away…all I can do is laugh at you.”
