Page 24 of Twisted Deeds

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The party wore on, and I followed Selena out to the pool house later and watched the party move around me. I felt odd and out of place, disjointed and awkward. It was nothing new. Ever since that day as a kid, trembling in the pantry, I’d understood how people could smile, and look you in the eye, and still lie. The things I thought I’d known had fallen away and I was lost, crippled by my own fear of being taken advantage of. I was alone, willingly, because at least that way, I had my pride. It was the only thing I had left.

Until last night…last night, I’d lost even that, but it hadn’t felt like I’d always imagined it would. It hadn’t felt like anything I’d ever felt before. One thing was certain, every interaction I’d ever had with Asher Martino felt like it had left a mark, and it was only escalating. Staying away from him was clearly the wisest choice, but how the hell I reconciled that with telling my father he was my boyfriend, I had no idea. I was screwed. I watched the party, the time counting down toward midnight.

A new year. I should probably feel more excited about that prospect.

Selena had wandered off somewhere, I had no idea where, but it wasn’t with Asher or Marcus, because they were playing pool at the other end of the room. Every now and again, Asher’s eyes found mine, and it was like I’d stuck my fingers in an electric socket.

A couple of the hockey players were playing drinking games and getting rowdy. It was getting closer and closer to midnight. I looked at my phone and zoned out, trying to ignore my spiraling panic.

“Winter, to what do we owe this pleasure?” Marcus Bailey, fourth Ice God and major flirt, slung an arm around me, having lost at pool, as far as I could tell, and nearly dragged me off my seat.

“Hi, Marcus.” I managed a weak smile. Why hadn’t I given Marcus’ name? I could have gotten him to agree to help. Probably. Maybe.

“You’re playing Seven Minutes in Heaven with us, right?” he asked.

I shook my head resolutely. I was over high school games even in high school. Marcus was always the ringleader when it came to ridiculous games.

He tutted. “Too bad, because your name is in there, and it just got pulled.”

“I’m not playing, Marcus.”

“Yes, you are, come on, don’t be a spoilsport.”

Selena came into the room holding balloons and poppers. I checked my watch. The countdown was about to start. A huge flat-screen was showing Times Square footage, and everyone gathered around it.

“Fine, whatever, find me later,” I muttered to Marcus, mostly just to get him to leave.

Midnight came closer, and the room counted down loudly, exploding into cheers and hugs.

“Happy New Year, bestie!” Selena grabbed me and held me in a tight hug.

“Happy New Year!” I smiled back.

I caught Eve’s eye, and she reached out and hugged me. It was nice. Her friend, Lily, the coach’s daughter, was right there, her loyal superstar hockey forward boyfriend, Cayden West, standing at her shoulder.

“Happy New Year, Winter.” Lily smiled.

I hugged her awkwardly. Isabelle, their friend and a reporter for the school paper, lingered nearby. She smiled at me, then her eyes flickered over my shoulder to someone, and her cheeks flooded with heat.

Cayden reached over me and fist-bumped someone right behind me.

I didn’t have to turn to know who it was.

A hand slid into my back pocket and pinched my ass hard. I bit down a gasp and refused to spin around. Isabelle was blushing for all she was worth. It looked like someone had a crush on Asher. Well, she could get in line. The left-winger had a dedicated fan club. One I’d never be in.

“Happy New Year, Ice Queen.”

His voice raked across my nerves, and I shivered. His hand was still in my jean pocket, but no one could see since my back was crushed against his front.

He tugged me back when I tried to step forward, using my pocket to hook me. I fell into his chest, and his other hand gripped my hip and swiveled me round.

He was so close I could smell him. He smelled ridiculously good. The kind of clean, sporty male scent that cologne companies spent billions trying to capture and never could.

Play nice, Winter. Don’t make your relationship worse.

My annoying inner voice reminded me that I might need this maniac’s help. I took a deep, steadying breath and looked up, hitting him with a smile.

“Happy New Year, Martino.”
