Page 129 of Twisted Deeds

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I pushed her back onto the couch, and she opened her legs, making space for me to sink inside the cradle of her thighs.

My mouth never left hers. I pushed my way inside her. She was wet, ready for me. I thrust into her, sinking home after three thrusts and pausing there. She was still crying, and it broke my fucking heart.

“You’re going to tell me what’s happening.”

She shook her head, stubborn as fuck. I pulled out and slid back in smoothly.

She arched her back at the quick motion.

“You will tell me everything,” I demanded, fucking her steadily now.

Pink traveled over her face, down to her nipples. She writhed against me, her face wet with tears.

She shook her head again, and I tutted.

“Yes, you will. You’ll trust me and let me in. We aren’t leaving here until you do.”

She sobbed again, and I kissed her, swallowing the sound I hated the most. The sound of her pain. My hand fell to her neck, and she pressed herself into it. Begging for me to tighten my grip. When I didn’t, she took my hand and guided it to her cheek. Suddenly she lifted both our palms and brought them down on her face, slapping herself with my hand.

“What the fuck?” I growled at her, balls-deep in this complicated, beloved woman.

“It’s okay…hurt me. I deserve it,” she whispered, her blue eyes huge and showing her heartbreak.

“No, Your Majesty, you don’t. I don’t hurt the women I love, and that includes you now.” I kissed her instead, fucking her with slow, languid movements.

She cried out. She’d come, but it was only the first time she was going to be doing that tonight. If I couldn’t scare the truth out of her, then I’d fuck it out of her. Pleasure over pain. I had a feeling Winter had a higher tolerance for the latter and less experience with the former.

She shook, her mouth frozen in an O of pleasure. I sat up and brought her onto my lap, my cock still hard and buried inside her. Cradling her face, I kissed her slowly until her body stopped pulsing sensitively around me. Then I lowered my hand between us and strummed her clit.

“You need to tell me everything, right from the start…or make your peace with living out here for the rest of your natural life,” I said against her lips.

“It’s dangerous. I don’t want you to be in danger,” she murmured again, letting me little further into the locked box of her secrets. So, my intuition was right. She thought she was protecting me. Me, the guy who only ever protected other people.

“I’m a danger to myself when you’re ignoring me, Ice Queen. The only person who can hurt me is you.”

She shivered and instinctively rode me. She was slippery wet with both of us, and the feeling of her rising and falling on my lap, squeezing my cock deep inside her, had me coming with her this time. I held her face near mine, looking deep into her eyes as we came together. She was crying again, but there was less defiance in it. They were resigned tears. She was cracking. Her walls were falling down all around us.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are to me? You always have been,” I muttered.

She tugged the short ends of her hair, a sudden, unexpected show of self-consciousness. “Even like this? I cut my hair,” she tacked on.

“I noticed. I already told you. I think you could pull off a shaved head. Nothing you could do to yourself, or wear or fucking think – could make you less beautiful to me.”

Next, I lay her down and climbed on top of her, working my way down her body. She was dazed and out of it, relaxed and spent. I sucked her nipples, lavishing her with attention, every single inch.

Moving down, I spread her legs wide.

“I’m a mess,” she murmured, leaning up on her elbows to look at me.

She was. Wet with her cum and mine. I lowered my face and inhaled the scent of us mixed together.

“Maybe, but you’re my mess,” I told her before finding her clit with my tongue and making her come again.

Finally, when we’d moved into the bedroom and I’d come another two times, and I’d lost count of her number, the terrible urgency ebbed.

She was really here, in my arms, all around me, above me, inside my heart.

