Page 127 of Twisted Deeds

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Then I kissed her hard, all the longing and frustration I’d felt this past week boiling over and spilling to the surface, burning us both.

She fought against me for all of two seconds before sagging into my chest and drawing me closer, her fingers tangling in my jacket.

“We can’t be here together. It’s too dangerous,” she murmured after a moment, pulling back. Tears scattered across her cheeks.

I didn’t care. I was too far gone to stop now.

I just nodded. “Yes, it is — if you don’t make it back to the cabin before I catch you, I’m fucking you where I find you. That’s what the danger is to you…so you’d better find your way home.”

I stood and stepped back, my control dangling by a thread. I wanted her with every cell of my body. I’d never been harder; I’d never been more consumed. This woman had schemed and played her way into my heart, and my body had decided that it would never be without her. My heart no longer worked without her presence inside it.


She believed me. Her eyes flashed with fear and excitement. My little cheerleader loved to play, after all, the scarier the game the better.

She sprinted away. I let her go again, drawing in deep, purposeful breaths to calm my racing heart. Snatching the mask off the ground, I shoved it in my pocket and followed. I walked, giving her plenty of time to work herself up. I was too desperate for her now, still too angry that she’d brought us to this point by pushing me away. I’d be too rough. I might not be able to resist strangling her when she came, and spanking her so damn hard she couldn’t sit for a week while I filled her up with cum.

Then again, she deserved nothing less for lying to me, hiding, and trying to shove me away.

The lights of the cabin glowed in the distance. She had a good sense of direction. A girl who’d thrive camping and being outdoorsy, but had only ever been encouraged to sip green drinks around a pool and give huge tips to bellmen at ritzy hotels.

She raced up the track to the cabin, glancing back over her shoulder. Her icy façade was gone. Her eyes were alive with the thrill of the chase. Winter loved to win. She was competitive as hell, and that was fucking hot.

But tonight, she wasn’t going to win.

No way.

Then she turned the doorknob and froze. I’d locked it, of course. I’d never intended to let her get away from me.

She turned and opened her mouth to protest, but I was already on her, pressing her into the door and circling her neck with one hand.

“Looks like you lose, Ice Queen…you know what I told you would happen.”

“I didn’t lose! I still got there first,” she maintained.

“I don’t care.”

Then I kissed her. She kissed me right back, her desperate yearning matching my own. The feeling of rightness in the world flooded back. Now the world could rotate normally. Now the seasons could pass and the sun could finally rise again in the morning…now that she had come back to me.

My hands fell to her skirt, urging it up. She had leggings on, and they’d have to go. I took my knife out and cut them, leaving the legs sagging around her knees. Her panties went next. Her breath hitched as I ran my blade so close to her skin I could have nicked her, but she didn’t move. She trusted me. The panties fell to the ground.

“On your knees. This time, I won’t make you. You’ll make yourself,” I instructed thickly.

Her eyes shone up at me in the moonlight, huge and full of things neither of us knew how to say.

She lowered herself while I unbuckled my belt and pulled out my aching cock. I hadn’t even so much as jerked off in the last week. It had been too fucking miserable to relieve myself with my head full of the girl who was breaking my fucking heart.

I guided my tip to her lips, and she opened immediately. Sinking inside the hot cavern of her willing mouth was pure ecstasy. I thrust in deep, not able to take it slow. She gripped my thighs and held on while I fucked her face in alternating thrusts, shallow then deep, shallow then deep.

“Your mistake was thinking there was anything in this goddamn world that you should lie about to me about. There is nothing. You need to understand that. Nothing.”

I withdrew so she could get some air. I rested my wet cock on her lips, glazing her mouth with a combination of her spit and my pre-cum.

“Winter?” I demanded an acknowledgment, slapping my cock against her porcelain cheek so she’d focus.

“I’m listening,” she panted, her gaze latching onto mine.

“But did you hear it?” I pressed.
