Page 120 of Twisted Deeds

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“Jesus, I want to fuck some sense into you. What is this cold-shoulder act? You think you can get away with it now, and I won’t see through it? I know you, Winter. You let me see inside, and you can’t fool me now. You might still have a vicious, smart little mouth on you, but I know the rest of you. I’m in there.” I tapped her chest, just over her heart, pressing my fingers into her skin so I could feel her heart beating. “In so deep, you can’t just root me out.” I wanted to strangle her. I wanted to comfort her. Most of all, I wanted to pick her up and shake the truth out of her, and then fix it.

She shook her head. “You can’t be sure?—”

I didn’t let her finish speaking. I kissed her.

There was nothing sweet about it. I bit her lip, and she bit mine back, drawing blood. Our teeth clashed, and I picked her up and sat her on the sink so roughly the fancy glass bottles of soap and lotion fell and shattered on the floor.

I pushed her skirt up, driven to be inside her with an urgency I’d never felt until now. Not even racing down the ice, puck in my control, seconds before the final buzzer felt as important as this right here, right now.

I didn’t bother pushing my pants down, just ripped open the button, tore down the fly, and freed my cock. I dragged Winter’s ass forward to the edge of the counter. She was staring at me dazed, excited. Afraid? I couldn’t tell for sure.

She opened her legs. I stepped closer, hooking her panties aside and sliding home.

She cried sharply when I bottomed out inside her. I stilled for a moment, relishing the feeling of being balls-deep and finally joined with the object of my obsession, the woman I loved, after days of being ignored. I leaned my forehead against hers.

“Someone might come in,” she fretted.

“I don’t care. Let them see. You’re mine, Winter. Mine.”

She pressed herself against me and pulled me close when I thrust. I didn’t take long. I was too ready for her, too rough and wild. She welcomed my every touch, from my hand wrapping around her neck to my cock pounding ruthlessly inside her. Using her body to take out my goddamn anger at her stonewalling me. She didn’t complain. She took every brutal kiss, every snap of my hips and rough circle of her clit.

She’d missed me just as much as I’d missed her.

When we touched, I felt alive again. My heart remembered how to beat in her embrace.

We came together in a mess of panting and stolen kisses. I kissed her cheeks and forehead; I kissed the tears from her eyes and traced the trails of salt down her cheeks.

“Tell me what’s going on with you, Ice Queen.”

That request seemed to snap her out of her pleasure. Reality stole through her crystal- blue gaze. She stiffened and sat up, sending me sliding out of her on a rush of cum.

She stood shakily and bent quickly, tugging up her panties without bothering to clean my cum from where it dripped out of her. It was hot as fuck.

She finished fixing her dress in the mirror, hiding all evidence of what we’d done.

She looked at me, and the Winter who had just fucked me like her life depended on my touch was gone, locked away behind that awful emotionless mask she’d worn every day in high school. It hadn’t bothered me then. I hadn’t yet met the extraordinary girl who lived beneath, just waiting for someone to see her.

A sharp rap at the door sent panic shooting through her gaze.

“Winter?” Trent called.

I recognized his reedy tone, desperate to sound commanding but failing.

“I have to go. We shouldn’t have done that. It’s better to make a clean break,” Winter said, avoiding my eyes.

“You really think you’re fooling me, Your Majesty? It’s not working, so best just come clean now, before you drive both of us insane.”

She hesitated for a long time, watching me in the mirror. Her eyes were unbearably sad.

“What do you want me to say? What will it take to forget about me?” Her tone was pleading.

“The truth and only that,” I ground out.

She shook her head, her eyes suddenly glittering dangerously with unshed tears. Then she folded her arms cross her chest and tossed her hair just like she always used to while driving me crazy. “Honestly, the truth is that Trent can give me a better life than you can. I’m not cut out to be poor, struggling and clawing every day. I don’t want that life.” She raised her chin, met my eye, and dared me to call her a liar.

A twisted laugh left me. “You’re fucking with me right now.”

She shook her head. “We don’t belong together, Asher. You can’t give me the life I want, and I won’t be able to make you happy. It’s not the beginning of everything. It’s the end.” She stepped back and fixed her hair in the mirror.
