Page 98 of Unwanted

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Finn’s tongue takes a long lick up my center, and he makes a hungry, purring sound. “I’ll never get enough of how fucking sweet you taste.”

His mouth falls on my clit with perfect fucking pressure. The move pushes me right to the edge. My legs shake and my chest heaves, every nerve in my body primed to my clit. His teeth give the slightest nip as he sucks me into his mouth. My body hurls me over the canyon, my orgasm a freefall.

When I’ve caught my breath, Reid has returned with lube and toys. He kneels, scooping Finn up onto his knees by a firm grip at his waist, and rubs the slick between his legs. Finn refuses to be distracted, returning to slip two fingers inside me. Still, he can’t help the little twitches and sweet sighs he makes as Reid teases him.

I watch, already oversensitive and climbing the peak again, as Reid pumps three slick fingers between the bubbly swell of Finn’s ass. My pussy constricts around nothing, and my chest heaves as those thick fingers get swallowed by Finn’s hole. Reid lubes a steel plug that’s twice as big as the one in my ass.

“Holy fuck,” I whine, my hips lifting and my hands locking in Finn’s curls. He goes wild then, finger-fucking me until I’m coming for him on a scream.

Reid smirks, his eyes snaring mine as I watch him pull Finn’s ass cheeks apart and coat the toy in his slick before pushing the tapered head inside.Finn moves into the present position, his ass arching up and his head falling to nibble on my thigh.

“Fuck,” Finn whines, his hands digging into my flesh.

Reid pops his ass with two firm strikes. “There’s no time to rest yet; finish getting her ready. I want to feel the two of you together.”

We’re a sloppy tumble of uncoordinated limbs as Finn flips me over, draping himself along my back and teasing the plug in my ass. His leaking cock rubs against me, and I roll my hips, trying to get him where I want.

“Not yet, baby,” Finn says.

He replaces the plug I’ve been wearing with a bigger version that’s still nowhere near the alpha-sized one he’s got. The pressure is intense all the same, and Finn combats the ache with deft fingers to my clit. Reid works Finn over too, teasing his plug until both of us are in a frenzy of moans and pleas.

Reid’s weight shifts on the bedding, and Finn follows his wordless command. I turn on my side, Finn draping himself along my back and Reid curling up to my front. We slow down, some of the frantic energy giving way as our mouths find one another.

“Are you gonna be our good girl and take both our cocks?” Reid’s calloused hand skirts along my stomach and up to cup my breasts.

I moan into his mouth in answer, my core clenching. His hand squeezes my hip as he passes the kiss to Finn. Reid sucks along my neck and down until he latches onto a nipple. I writhe between them, lost in their combined touches and feeling so empty that I whine. Reid yanks my leg over his hip, his hand pulling at the flesh of my ass. Finn’s there with him, teasing the plug out and replacing it with his slicked cock.

“Relax for me, baby,” Finn says softly into our kiss.

I whimper at that first intrusion, getting a feel for the stretch. He pushes in a little farther, and the sting of it clears my vision and makes my breath race. The stings subsides and in its wake is a pleasurable kind of ache. Reid’s thumb sweeps over my clit in a fast rhythm, and he clamps his teeth on my bond mark.

Finn’s arms wrap around my chest, pulling me back against him as he rolls his hips. “You feel so good the way you’re squeezing my cock.”

Reid growls, his cock rubbing through my slick lips, teasing me but not entering. I push back my hips, desperate for Finn to move and for Reid to join him. Finn doesn’t hesitate, pulling back on a slow drag of his hips then surging back in. Between the two of them, they make me a boneless mess. Their mouths trail over my skin, sucking and nipping with sharp teeth while Finn opens me up and Reid nestles that big cock at my entrance but never gives me what I want.

“Please. I can take you. Let me take both of you,” I beg.

“I love to hear how eager you are for our cocks, my sweet beta. So fucking perfect for your mates,” Reid says. He caresses my hips and thrusts inside.

The three of us groan in unison. He’s barely in, and the stretch between the two of them is already so much.Goose bumps pebble on my skin, and I whine, desperate to move and overwhelmed by the feeling of being caught between them.

Reid takes my face between his hands and looks into my eyes. “That’s my good girl. Relax into it for me. Show me how you can take us both.”

Finn’s fingers punctuate Reid’s words, teasing my clit in slow circles.

I suck in their scents, letting myself surrender to the onslaught, and my muscles relax. Reid nudges farther inside. I let them pull me back down from desperate and aching with the feel of their firm movements and thick scents until Reid is fully seated. Tears fill my eyes, but it isn’t painful. Something so powerful fills my chest that it doesn’t have a name. I can feel both of them inside me in every way. Our hands lock around each other, holding tight, all three of us united.

In the glowing light, those hazel and green eyes see everything, and I let them look, unafraid to show them what they do to me.

We find a gentle rhythm as we slowly ride tothetop of a giant crest. With a panted moan, I let them take me over, and Finn follows with a cursed shout, his fingers digging into my hip. The feel of his cum in my ass makes my pussy clench, and that forces Reid over with a roar and a jerk of his hips. It teases his swollen knot at my lips, and I tremble between them, sated and sore but still impossibly turned on.

It takes us a while to move again. We lie locked together, cuddling and kissing until my stomach grumbles.

“Snacks and more snuggles,” Finn declares.

We get cleaned up and load a tray of leftovers our family packed up from the party before returning to the nest. Between bites, we look at pictures of the ceremony on our phones, laughing and talking. Eventually, we shower in the heat nest’s bathroom, then return to snuggle on the big pallet. It’s late before we stop talking, and our touches turn from comforting to teasing. We make love again under the canopy of Finn’s painted stars, and I can’t think of a better day than this.

Chapter 35
