Page 89 of Unwanted

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Cliff bypasses the front stairs and escorts me to the side of the large brick building downtown. The sheriff’s office is relatively small. Shocked gasps ring around the room when we walk into the lobby. The secretary picks up the phone and whispers into it as I pass. Good. I hope she tells everyone.

Behind her desk, the others in the office watch as Cliff pulls me along. At his harsh push, I stumble, almost going to my knees, before I right myself with another laugh. Knotty Pines isn’t a metropolis, and with my family, I know most folks in town. Cliff has either forgotten that or doesn’t care, and it seems I shouldn’t point it out just yet.

He leads me down a hallway and pushes me into a large office space with desks strewn about and people in uniform working. All eyes turn to me as Cliff jerks me around.

“Sit. Stay,” he barks, the sound rolling through me.

Dumb fuck. I’m a bonded omega, and even though his bark is full of powerful menace, my alpha’s claim is stronger.

“I’m not your good boy. Save your alpha bullshit,” I grumble, refusing to submit. Not for this fucker. My submission isn’t a gift he’s worthy of.

He snarls at me, and I make a face of disgust.

“I know you’re desperate for my girl, Cliff. I get it, man. I really do. She’s amazing. But word of advice.” I lean in, dropping any semblance of sanity, letting him see that I will fuck up his whole damn world if he keeps this up. “She’s taken, so maybe we can cut the shit.”

“I don’t want your beta bitch. But I demand respect,” he growls. His scent pushes up against me.

“Too bad, because you won’t ever have it,” I say, plopping into the chair and looking away from him.

The eyes on us pretend to go back to their work. Cliff sits down in a huff, logs into a computer station, and keeps up a low, menacing growl.

I roll my eyes, gagging at his nasty gunmetal scent. It’s poetic justice, really. If it wasn’t the personality, it would be the smell. Literally, no one is going to bed with that sulfur stench.

Cliff busies himself with writing up the incident. I can’t wait to read what bullshit he’s cooking up. I hit him, no doubt, but I don't believe he’ll tell it straight. He's out for us.

Inside our bond, Reid and Cammie are a storm of emotions, and I let myself feel all of them while I have the chance, reassuring them that I’m okay.

“Somebody wanna fill me in on why we got Finn Camden in handcuffs?” a deep drawl sounds. “And why the fuck my omega just chewed my ass out for taking a little boy from his momma?”

Right on time.

“Sheriff!” I call. “I’d love to explain.”

Cliff pushes up from his desk to his full height beside me, his cold gaze on the alpha strolling toward us. The sheriff is a big man, strong and generally stern, except when he’s around his family.

And that little tidbit means I’ve hit bingo on this wacky ass card today. I may be alittle omega, but that means I also fight like one. And no one fucks with my family.

My sister Riley’s childhood friendisthe fucking sheriff. My mother attended his omega’s birthing nest. He plays cards with Reid. My nephew is the same age as his son, and they play Little League together. The same one we’re going to sign Ben up for. Cliff Daniels doesn’t know what the fuck he’s done. He may be connected to the mayor, but my network is as fierce, and he’s about to learn you don’t fuck with my mate or my kid.

Jacob Edwards stands in front of us, hands on his hips. “Finn?”

“Hey, Jacob. How is Lizzy?” I ask, swallowing my smile.

His face is a thunderstorm. “My omega is not happy. And that’s a problem because it’s date night later and I don’t want to get my ass chewed again.” His gaze flicks to his officer. “What did you do?”

Before Cliff can defend himself, I cut in, starting with the first night Cliff went after Cammie, laying it all out: the concert, the fight, the call today, and taking Ben. The longer I speak, the more the sheriff turns molten until he looks as if steam might blow from his ears.

“He’s using his position to intimidate my family and keep us from taking care of our son. Ben is a kid who just presented and is upstairs while I’m here. Can you at least uncuff me and bring me to him while you verify what I’ve said?” I ask, leveling my gaze on Jacob.

He nods, and I get up, eager for him to ease the bands on my wrists. Beside us, Cliff is a simmering pot of putrid rage about to boil over.

Jacob’s low voice sounds behind me. “In my fucking office. Now.” Cliff tries to cut in, but the sheriff barks, and fuck if this one doesn’t come down like a hammer. “Now.”

The deputy slams his fist into the desk and loses it. He hurls the computer, smashing it into the wall as shit from the desk goes flying everywhere.Another officer jumps on him, carting Cliff toward the front office by his neck. Cliff spews fire, cursing all of us, calling Cammie a whore.

Wrong move.

I’m ready to pounce when the guy walking him to the office decks him. Even I wince. That stupid fuck doesn’t know when to quit.
