Page 8 of Lycan Rejected

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I cannot wait until we are bonded, and she smells like me. Other males need to know she is mine.

To walk away from Remy after finally finding his true mate was devastating. It wasn't typical for a mated pair to wait for things like spending time with each other and planning their bonding ceremony. When the bond formed, he felt something was off about this woman. There was hesitancy to come near him, almost a flicker of fear in her eyes at finding out she had found a true mate. Little did he know, she had actually found her second chance mate after the first one sent her to hell: the Rejected Island. Chase snarled at the thought of his mate being on that damned island.

The idiot who sent her there will regret that decision someday. She may not know it yet, but I will have a hand in his demise.

It brought joy to Chase that his mate was an Alpha, and she showed that off as quickly as she could. Alphas were made to protect their people and mates, but having a mate who could defend herself was a relief. It calmed his Lycan to know he wouldn't have to fuss over her like he would have if she were a submissive or omega. Would he still protect her at all costs? Hell yes. It would just be less chaotic than having to watch out for her and the others.

On his way out, he noticed Lykos standing in the hallway, almost like he was waiting for someone. He had a long drive ahead of him, but he did need to speak with the Alpha. Lykos gazed at him, and a wave of his power swept through the hallway and smacked into him. Chase wobbled where he stood, not at Lykos's power level. He may have thirty Lycans in his pack, but Lykos had fifty. Chase didn't have many dominant Lycans under him either, whereas Lykos had his first ten being some of the most dominant outside of Fenry's pack.

"I mean no harm to you or yours, Alpha. I saw you here and thought we could talk," Chase said, his hands up to his chest in surrender.

There was no chance of Chase baring his neck to the Alpha. He couldn't bring himself to do it now that Remy was tied to him. Even if the bond were just starting to grow, he could feel her power through the link. With that power, he could keep himself from having to do that. Lykos would question him about it, but one of the rules Remy gave him was to keep their bond a secret. He would need to think of a half-truth to tell Lykos about how he refrained from showing him the sign of respect to a higher-powered Alpha.

"I just left to check on my patrol while my daughter enjoyed her night. I don't have much time to deal with pack nonsense."

"That is fine, Alpha. I came here to discuss some things with you. I asked your permission to be here, so I am not breaking pack law, but I wasn't aware you were throwing a party for your daughter when I left my territory."

Lykos scoffed and shook his head. "Damn it. Forgot about your letter. It was impromptu. She recently returned from the Island of the Rejected. I'd be more surprised if you were aware of her being there to begin with."

Chase lifted an eyebrow at him. "Meaning?"

Lykos seemed to have caught himself saying something he didn't want to mention. Chase noticed how his shoulders stiffened at his question. He didn't want to press the Alpha much about it. He was sure Remy would eventually tell him the whole story. Right now, he just wanted to talk to Lykos about wanting an alliance. If Remy were to be his Luna someday, establishing an alliance now would be good. He intended to do that first, but Remy made it more of an absolute.

"Not of your concern," Lykos growled. "What is it you want to talk about? Again, I do not have much time. I must find my mate and continue with my daughter's party."

Chase nodded, cleared his throat, and tried to think of the best way to bring this up. "I'm sure you know the packs are not happy about the territory lines. We may not have a piece of prestige land like you, but we are one of the bigger packs. I can see my pack becoming a target. As an Alpha, I have to protect my pack and territory. I believe the best way I can do that right now is to discuss an alliance."

Lykos's eyes widened at Chase's words. It puzzled Chase that he seemed so surprised. Chase may have been a newer Alpha, but he wasn't stupid. He understood pack law and dynamics. The last time things were a little hectic with the packs going crazy, the larger packs were attacked first.

"What is bringing this on?"

"You know why. You said you didn't have the time to discuss it now."

Lykos shook his head. "No, I don't. However, I was planning a little trip across some territories to discuss these things with certain Alphas. Since you came to me, I will come to yours. We will discuss it soon. I will send a letter on the dates I may arrive."

Chase nodded and then made his way out of the building. It was a good thing he had come all this way. He met his mate and was put on the list to talk about alliances with the second most powerful pack in the kingdom.

Good job, Chase. Two things crossed off your to-do list. You are really coming into your own as a new Alpha.

As he stepped through the door to leave, he walked into a large man with blonde hair. His eyes glowed blue with his Lycan, showing off his power. He could tell this man was around his dominance level and even power, so his pack must have been around the same size. It didn't stop him from snarling at Chase and pushing his hands against his chest.

"Who are you, and how dare you! Watch where you are going!" the blonde snarled.

Chase gave him a nonchalant look and replied simply, "Alpha Chase Monroe. Who are you?"

"Alpha Myles."

"Nice to meet you, Alpha Myles. I was just leaving."

Chase stepped out, kept his hand on the door to hold it open, and left it open for Myles to walk in. He didn't care much for the Alpha already, but he wasn't going to give this guy more arsenal to be a dickhead. Chase had a lot more to celebrate than he thought he would today, and he wasn't about to have some idiot spoil it for him.

"What are you doing here? I doubt Lykos sent for you to be here. Aren't you the one that just killed his Alpha like six months ago?"

Chase turned so he could look at Myles. He did his best to remove all the emotion from his face as his anger rose. There was no reason for this guy to be this big of a dick. This wasn't his territory, so it's not like he stepped out of line without asking his permission to come here. Judging from the way he asked that question, he didn't even know the whole story about Chase.

Of course not. No one seems to know the damn story.

"No, he did not. I did, however, follow protocol and request to be here."
