Page 42 of Lycan Rejected

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"You need to come with me," he demanded.

It felt like whiplash to blink and still be standing in front of the man she had been searching for. If she opened her mouth right now and demanded him to explain why he rejected her, the alliance her father wanted would be denied. She balled her fists as she took a deep breath. Right now, she needed to be diplomatic.

Lykos leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You okay?"

"I will be," She whispered back.

"Too long in the car?"

Remy gave him a tight smile, "Sure."

Lykos looked at Levi and nodded. "If we could go inside and discuss the matters at hand, that would be great. We've had a long journey and encountered some trouble a few times along the way. Could we rest for the night and discuss matters in the morning?"

Levi looked at Remy with a disapproving stare. She could feel him judging her for needing a rest as if she were expected to run constantly without argument. Anyone knew every Lycan would need food and rest to fill the well back up so they could continue shifting to protect themselves. Even in war, a leader would call back their people when they were fatigued to replace them with others with more of the magic in their well to continue the fight. Remy suppressed the growl creeping into her throat at his stare. With his height compared to hers, it felt like he was towering over her. Remy straightened herself and allowed her beast to peek out through her eyes at him. He was not going to try to intimidate her. Levi seemed to be under the impression she still didn't remember him. Otherwise, he would have mentioned seeing her again. He would have been compelled to do so since Lycans are social animals and need to feel connected with the community around him.

"Certainly. I have three rooms prepared for you." Levi's eyes did not leave hers.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

Levi bowed his head, turned on his heel, and led the way into the home. Remy noticed Lykos put himself between her and Levi. He must have seen the tension and didn't want her near him. They followed Levi through the home. It was a mixture of creams, browns, and greens with a hint of orange. Remy noticed a lot of the decor revolved around stone, including the tables and the fireplace in the shared living space. When they reached their rooms on the second floor, Remy rolled her eyes. Putting them on this floor meant Levi thought of them as lower on his priorities. This was usually where the Lycans lower on the dominance scale were housed to protect the more critical people. Levi showed Bryan his room first, then Lykos, and left Remy for last. The rooms were next to each other, so Lykos didn't go inside his but remained in the hall. Levi looked at Lykos first before stalking down the hall to the stairway so he could go to his room on the top floor.

Lykos looked at her. "I don't like how he looked at you."

Remy huffed out a laugh. "Me either."

Through the pack bonds, she could feel her father becoming uneasy about them not being in the same room. He opened his door and motioned for her to get inside. Remy didn't hesitate and made her way in. A tussle of thoughts ran through her head as she debated telling her father what she knew about Levi. It could turn into a battle if he learned he was the fated mate who rejected her. However, if she kept it to herself, she couldn't be sure she could keep herself, and her anger, in check.

We do not know enough information to lead an attack today. We only know that he is our mate who rejected us. We still cannot remember why.

We still know that he rejected us. I try not to keep secrets from my family. I think he should know that he is my original mate.

That will curb his way of thinking tomorrow within the discussion of the territory lines.

But do we want to have an alliance with someone like him?

No, I do not think so. He will betray us the first moment he gets. That is not someone that you would want to have an alliance with.

Remy put down her bags and turned toward her father. He looked up at her with a questioning look on his face.

"What's the matter?"

"I need to tell you something without you losing control of your Lycan."

Lykos frowned. " I assume I'm not going to like this information you're about to tell me."

"Not at all, but you need to know."

Remy dived into everything she saw in the flashback of when she and Levi met. She included everything she knew about his scent being the one she could remember when the memory of being rejected popped into her mind. She still did not understand why he rejected her, but she did know it was him who did.

"You mean to tell me that this man learned you were his fated mate and rejected you? He is an alpha. He should know more than anyone that receiving a rejected mate should be cherished. It would bring him more power over his pack." There was a ground to his voice that had not been there before.

"That's why I wanted you to know. I think you needed this information before joining an alliance with him."

"I do not believe I want an alliance anymore. However, I cannot change the course of the conversation for tomorrow. I know he will sense I came here under false pretenses if I do not bring up an alliance."

The only thing she could do was agree. Lykos did not share his new strategy with Remy. Instead, they both got ready for bed and crawled under the sheets. The bedroom was king-sized, so they could sleep on opposite ends of the bed. Knowing that the conversation with Levi could go wrong tomorrow, Remy had difficulty falling asleep.

I wish I were in Chase's bed instead.
