Page 9 of The Bitter Truth

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“Oh, wow!” Jo’s voice snaps him out of his daze as she moves in closer and focuses on the witchy woman’s chest. “I love your necklace! Where did you get it?”

“Thank you. I made it myself,” the witchy lady says, a brief smile to Jolene before cutting her eyes to Dominic again. What the hell? Why is she staring at me like that?

“That’s incredible, and so creative.” The necklace isn’t Jo’s style, but Dominic figures his wife is just being nice because that’s another thing about Jo. She always tries to find something to compliment someone about. She’s trained herself to be that way and never to look for the negatives. Dominic, however, can only see the negatives of this witchy woman as she stands before him. There’s something ominous about her that makes his mouth feel dry and his hands shake.

“Mr. Baker, your speech today was really touching,” the witch says, smiling at him. She reveals teeth that aren’t exactly straight. Her upper right canine protrudes a little further out than her other teeth.

“Thank you.” Dominic shifts on his feet, glancing at security again. “I appreciate that and thank you for attending.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have missed it.”

Dominic wraps his arm around Jo, reeling her into his side. He wants some kind of comfort—any, really. “I work on the speeches with my wife.”

“Hmm,” is all the witch says. She isn’t completely abhorrent of the idea, but not delighted either.

Dominic stands taller. “I’m sorry—I didn’t catch your name.”

“I never provided one.” The witchy woman stretches her arm to offer him a hand. Dominic glances down at it. Silver and copper rings are on her fingers, and henna art is on the back of her hand. There’s ink on her palm of an open eye. “Eden,” she announces, awaiting his hand.

Dominic’s heartrate picks up a notch, but he keeps calm on the outside and takes her hand in his, just like he would anyone else’s, and gives it a shake. Her hand is clammy and slightly cold, despite it being rather warm outside, and as he looks into her eyes, he can’t help noticing them narrow and darken. A jolt rocks through his body, one he can’t quite wrap his head around. Or perhaps the jolt is all in his head. Eden holds his hand tighter while he resists the urge to pull away. Pulling away in front of an enthusiastic crowd will be seen as rude, and it’s like Eden knows this.

Too many eyes.

Too many cameras.

Can’t jeopardize the reputation.

“I think you’ll win,” Eden tells him.

“What?” Dominic mumbles.

“You think so?” Jo asks, her eyes brightening.

“I think so. But he’ll have to fight very hard to do so and reveal a lot of truths.”

Dominic swallows hard, relieved when Eden releases his hand.

“Good thing our Dom’s a fighter,” Jo says, patting him on the chest. “And he’s always honest. Right, babe?”

“Absolutely.” Dominic puts on a tight smile for his wife. What is she getting at? She’s lucky we’re in public.

“Nice meeting you, Eden.” Jo shakes her hand, then turns to her husband. “Shall we meet the next person?”

“Sure,” says Dom, keeping his voice level.

“Oh, before you take off.” Eden’s voice stops them in their tracks, and she digs into the burlap bag strapped over her shoulder, withdrawing a black box. She starts to give it to Jolene, but one of the security officers stops her by lifting a hand to intercept.

“It’s fine, Frank,” Jolene snaps at him, and he steps away. Jolene is tripping. She knows they don’t take things from the public. Not that Dominic assumes everyone is out to get him, but you can never be too careful these days. He could place a confident bet that there is someone out there who wants to kill him simply for breathing.

Eden glances at Frank before focusing on Jolene again. “I can only imagine how stressful campaigns are on the body. I just started a tea collection that’s holistic, organic, and I have a certain tea called Purple Sky that works wonders. It helps to relax your body and open your mind.” She offers the box to Jo. “Hopefully you’ll give it a try and let me know what you think? I know that you run a tea shop and if you love it, I’d be more than happy to collaborate. I’m on Instagram under the name mysticcgoddess. Two c’s. There’s a card in the box in case you need my info.”

“Wow. That is so nice of you, Eden! Thank you!” Jolene says, accepting the box. “I love tea! I’ll be sure to give it a try and look you up.”

“Thanks, Eden,” Dominic forces himself to say. What he really wants to do is knock the box out of his wife’s hand and bolt.

Eden nods, her eyes shifting to Dominic’s again. “Good luck with the rest of your campaign, Mr. Baker.”

“Thanks.” Dominic turns away with Jo, no longer interested in shaking hands with anyone else. He nods as Melissa, who takes the gesture and approaches the remaining crowd to let them know the governor has other matters to tend to. Some people moan, others suck their teeth, but for the most part they disperse.

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