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“I’m sorry, too. We wanted to tell you. We just didn’t know how. We—me, I was a coward. And I’m sorry.”

“You’ve always cared way too much about what other people think.” My brother smirks as if he’s remembering something, and I have no idea what he could possibly find amusing at a time like this.

“Um, I’m pretty sure you have accused me of the opposite. Multiple times in fact.”

Jon shrugs. “I lied. Truth is, I didn’t know how to measure up. You always had this presence about you. Even though you didn’t speak often, when you did, people listened. And you were always so protective. One might argue overly so.”

I smirk.

“I thought you hated me.”

Jonathan looks at me with a furrowed brow. “You thought I hated you? Is that why you never came around much after you left? Why you cut ties?”

“I didn’t cut ties.”

“It sure felt like it. You would call Mom and talk to Rosie, but it’s like you completely deserted me. It was like going through the divorce all over again, but worse.”

Those words gut me. All these years I thought my brother hated me, and he thought I had written him off. All that wasted time we could have had the kind of relationship I wished we had. I’m such an idiot.

“Do you really care about her? Millie? Like really, really?” Jon’s eyes flick to mine before going back to the road. “Because if you hurt her, I’ll—I’ll break you in half.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You’ll break me in half?”

He shrugs. “It sounded like the right thing to say.”

“Well, I have no intention of ever hurting her.” I pause. “I love her.”

“Wow,” Jon gapes. “Did that hurt to say?”

I shove him. “Shut up.”

He shoves me back with his free hand. “Just never thought I’d hear you say those words.”

“I never had the need to say them before.”

“Mom and Dad really did a number on us, didn’t they?” It’s a rhetorical question, but I answer anyway.

“One unintentionally and one carelessly, but yes.”

“Are you happy?”

“I’m on my way to being very happy.” I can’t help the smile that comes as I picture Millie’s face. The warmth and peace I feel when she’s in my arms. I never knew what it was like to feel like this for someone. I never thought I was capable of it, but here we are.

“Then if you’re happy, I’m happy.” He looks over at me briefly before focusing back on the road. “And I wouldn’t break you in half. I would think about it, but I wouldn’t actually do it.”

We find a parking spot and race inside. The elevator takes forever. The floor indicator shows it all the way at the top. I look over and see the stairs. Jon and I take them two at a time, making quick work to the fourth floor. When we arrive, we find the help desk and are shown the main waiting area that is filled with family and friends. I go hug Norah, who is sitting between my mom and Maeley.

“We got here as soon as we could.”

Norah wipes at her eyes. “You’re good boys.”

“Any news?”

“Not yet.”

I pat her knee. I scan the room for Millie. She’s over by the window surrounded by her roommates and Jon. When I walk over, she all but sprints into my arms, holding on tight.

“I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your game.” She sniffles.

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