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I laugh in spite of myself. I feel lighter than I have all night. I end up fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Chapter 23


Iknow it shouldn’t bother me that Millie is having lunch with Jonathan today, but the idea of her hanging out with anyone other than me when all I want to do is to be with her is just driving me nuts. It’s only been eighteen hours since I saw her, but I miss her. Our lunches make my days so much easier.

I also want a distraction from all that is my father. He’s sent me multiple text messages today about how I hung up on him, about how I’m throwing my life away, how I can’t just run away from my responsibilities, how I’ll waste away in Ridgeview. And there’s my personal favorite: Don’t let your mother brainwash you.

I haven’t responded to any of them. I did send a text to Todd just checking in on how intrusive my father has been in his life. Todd claims that he hasn’t bothered him too much, but I don’t really believe him. I know my father, and if he wants information it’s only a matter of time before he finds a way to get it. I’m still not sure how he found out I was back in Ridgeview. The thought of it gives me chills.

At least I still have a safe haven in Lexington. I don’t have to shadow Troy anymore, thank goodness, but I still don’t have too many of my own projects. I help here and there where I can, but there’s nothing that is fully mine. Miles has told me time and time again that Lexington shares all of its clients, and I get that, but I’d still like to show more of what I am capable of doing. I have been getting a lot more of the Quimby contracts. Partly thanks to Millie and partly thanks to that contract that I did for Franklin Davis. That guy is something else. It took seven contracts before he was willing to sign. Seven! Back in Charleston the most back and forth I ever had to do was three, and that was for something way bigger than a book tour.

“Knock, knock,” Nancy says as she opens my door.

“Hey, Nancy. What’s up?”

“Nothing. Just noticed that you hadn’t left for lunch yet. You’ve usually left and come back by now.”

I look at my watch; it’s 3:30. When’s the last time I ate? Maybe that’s why I’m so moody. “Decided to work through lunch today.”

“Ah.” She watches me a little too closely for comfort. “Is everything okay, honey?”

“Yeah!” I say way too excitedly. “Why do you ask?”

“Because you’re acting… ” She trails off.

“Strange?” I offer.

“That’s one way to put it.”

I groan. “It’s Millie.”

Nancy comes the rest of the way into my office and closes the door. I motion towards the open chair.

“Tell me all about it. I thought things were going well. Last I saw you two, things seemed to be going very well.”

I chuckle. “They’re going better than I ever imagined.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

I sigh. “That’s the thing, I don’t know! Millie is amazing. She’s warm. She’s funny. She’s freaking adorable. She’s perfect.” I throw up my hands, “It’s just… things with our brothers have made things complicated.”

Nancy waits for me to continue.

There is something about Nancy that just makes me able to open up and tell her things. So I do. I tell her everything that has happened since Saturday. From the bad blind date to going to breakfast at the crack of dawn. I tell her about the fight with Jonathan and how I tried to stay away from Millie to save their friendship even though it made me miserable. But when Millie showed up on my doorstep rambling on and on about cookies, I knew I couldn’t let her go.

“Now she’s at lunch with my brother, and I’m the green-eyed monster because he gets to spend time with her, and I don’t.” Nancy is far too amused with my current angst. “What’s that smile for? It’s not funny! I’m jealous of my brother for having lunch with his best friend. Someone who only a month ago I had never spent more than a few hours at a time alone with.”

“You love her.” Nancy is so matter of fact that it takes me back.


“You. Love. Her.” She emphasizes each syllable of each word.

“We’ve gone on one date. I don’t love her.” Her gaze is trained on me. “I haven’t even kissed her yet.”

“Then kiss her already! For heaven’s sake, honey, you’ve been alone with her enough.”

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