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I don’t seem to own any date clothes.

I’m just about to call out for help when Tori and Kiersten poke their heads in.

“How’s date prep going?” asks Kiersten.

“Help! I have no idea what to wear, how to do my hair—what shoes do I wear? Dating hasn’t always been this complicated, has it?”

“Only when you really like the guy.”

“What are you doing anyway?” asks Tori.

The fact that Tori is even here helping me is huge. She’s made her feelings about this whole situation very clear. She doesn’t approve that I haven’t told Jonathan I’m going on a date with Mark. If we’re being honest, I don’t like that I haven’t told him either. If the roles were reversed, I’m not sure I would be as supportive as she is being. I haven’t talked to Jonathan since Sunday when he walked in on me and Mark sleeping on the couch. I know I need to; I’m just not sure what to say. We’ve never had a fight before. At least not to this level. I don’t think buying him a Jamba Juice is going to work like it did when we were kids.

“No clue. Mark hasn’t told me anything.”

Tori rolls her eyes.

“I think it’s sweet. He wants to surprise her,” Kiersten protests.

“Even players can play sweet.”

“Since when has Mark been considered a player? All the stories I’ve heard from when you guys were growing up makes it seem like Ben dated around and Mark didn’t date.”

After a few more back and forth comments, I finally break in, “Hi. Remember me? The one you’re supposed to be helping get ready?”

Kiersten jumps into action as if she and Tori haven’t been going on and on for the last ten minutes. “I have the perfect outfit! I’ll be right back!”

Once Kiersten exits the room, I turn to face Tori. “What’s your deal tonight?”

“I just think you should tell Jonathan.”

“You’re the one who, just last night, told me that it doesn’t matter what Jonathan thinks. If I want to date Mark, then I should date Mark.”

“And I standby that!” She snaps.

“You can’t be on both sides! The back and forth is giving me whiplash.”

“Have you even talked with Jonathan since Sunday?”

“No,” I admit. I haven’t had time. Or more accurately, I haven’t wanted anything to damper my dream world I’ve been living in.

“Does this have anything to do with that dumb best friend code you two made up when we were kids?”

I shrug, not able to meet her eyes.

“That’s kind of a jerk move, Millie. If you thought he was mad on Sunday, how do you think he’s going to react when he finds out that you hid this behind his back? You two have always been nothing but honest with each other and told each other everything. If I wasn’t so secure in my role in our friendship, I’d envy the level of understanding you share.”

It takes everything in me to force myself to look Tori in the face.“I’m not hiding anything. I just haven’t had the chance to tell him yet.”

Tori and I are in a complete stare down when Kiersten comes back with the most perfect blue and yellow dress.

“Oh, Kiersten! It’s perfect!”

“I figured this with your lace Converse. Dressy and casual all at the same time so you are ready for anything Mark might have planned.”

“You’re a genius!” I give her a quick hug as I start getting ready.

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