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I enjoyed myself today. I enjoyed spending time with him. I want to spend time with him.

I want him.

Chapter 14


Even if I’m never able to taste things again—holy cow, that hot sauce was HOT—today was worth it. Spending time with Millie is worth any bodily harm that may come my way. There is something between us. I felt it when our eyes locked. I know she felt it. We talked about things that I never talk to anyone about. She’s always had this way about her, but there is something more mature about how she goes about it now. Sure, there are still traces of the girl I once knew, but she is all grown up now, and it’s time I show her that I’ve noticed.

I noticed five years ago when I ran into her in Santa’s village. Even if that jerk of a boyfriend she had was too stupid to see what he was giving up. I noticed her. I noticed three years ago when she came looking for me at Ben’s wedding. And I’m definitely noticing now. I just need to figure out a way to convince her. She might be the only person on the planet that overthinks more than I do. Right now, my plan is to see her as much as possible. Proximity is everything. It’s time I take Nancy’s advice and put it into action.

First step: lunch. Every day this week if I can swing it. I did promise to make all the decisions next time we went out. And I am a man of my word.

Saturday rolls around way faster than desired. The day of the illusive blind date has arrived, and to say I’m not excited is a gross understatement. I know anyone will pale in comparison to Millie. Doesn’t matter who she is. If she’s not Millie, then I don’t want her. The more time we spend together, the more evident that fact becomes. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. That thought should scare me, but it doesn’t. It excites me. Millie brings out something in me that I never knew I could feel. Hope. Hope for a future that I’ve never allowed myself to hope for.

On my drive to Ben and Belinda’s house, I start a list of all the things I would rather be doing. They range from extensive dental work to a colonoscopy to last and definitely least, bar hopping with Troy.

There will be a time when I am going to need to talk about these feelings I have for Millie with Ben (and probably Jonathan), but tonight is not the night. Tonight is about getting through the blind date from the underworld while in the presence of the Mistress of Darkness and her cousin. With that ominous thought, I park my car and head up the driveway. Before I knock on the door, I try to give myself one more pep talk. Maybe Belinda won’t be so bad. It’s been over a year since I’ve seen her. Maybe impending motherhood has made her more… what’s the word? Pleasant?

Belinda’s cousin, Zoey, seems normal enough. I’ve only seen her from a distance, but there are no noticeable signs of insanity, so that’s already better than the last person they tried to set me up with. She’s dressed in an overly billowy dress, and her hair is on top of her head in some sort of updo—pretty sure Rosie calls that a top knot or something equally ridiculous. I’m ready to get this night going. The sooner we leave for dinner, the sooner the night can end. No offense to Zoey, but I’m not interested. I will never be interested. Even without my growing attraction to Millie, Zoey isn’t my type. Not that I know what my type is. All I know is my cheeks are starting to hurt from this fake smile that is plastered on my face, and I wish we could just get going already.

While Zoey and Belinda finish getting ready, I sit in the living room with Ben.

“Glad you could come buddy!” He’s beaming while he claps me on the back. “We don’t do this enough.”

“I told you this is the last blind date, Ben.”

“Give her a chance. She’s Belinda’s favorite cousin.” Oh, goody. Negative ten points for Zoey, not that she had too many to begin with. “But that’s not what I was talking about,” he continues.

“I’ve been busy.” It’s not a lie, I have been, but it’s also not the full truth. If I’m honest, I’ve been avoiding him. I don’t want to associate him with Millie any more than necessary. I don’t want any thoughts of him to stop me from feeling what I feel when I’m with her. Like right now. I notice how their eyes are the same shape. I’ve never noticed Ben’s eyes a day in my life, but now I see it, and that makes me think of her which makes me feel guilty that I’m going on a date with another woman. Then I feel guilty for not telling him that the real reason I don’t want to go on this date is because I want to date his sister. My brain can’t handle much more of this.

“There are more important things than work.”

I know he means well. Even though we have grown apart, he does still have my back. I resolve to give tonight at least a chance. Not Zoey—she’s still not Millie—but I can at least try to give Belinda a chance. She is my best friend’s wife.

I smile at him. “You’re right, there is. I’m starting to realize that more and more with this move back home.”

I’m tempted to tell him more, excluding names for obvious reasons, when Belinda and Zoey come back in the room.

“Mark,” Belinda’s voice oozes disdain, but before I mentally put her in a witches costume, I remember my mental promise to give her a chance, for Ben, and I let it go.

“This is my cousin, Zoey.”

I don’t know if I’m supposed to just respond or wave or what, so I go for a handshake. Evidently this is the wrong response. Zoey is yelling something about poor innocent animals and runs out of the room. Belinda is on her heels following after her. Guess I didn’t have her at hello.

“What the heck just happened?” I look over at Ben, but by the look on his face, he has no idea either.

Belinda comes back into the room; Ben and I both look at her expectantly.

“Was it something I said?” I ask, knowing that I didn’t even say anything other than hello. I’m not even sure I said that much to her.

She gives me her customary look of disgust. “It’s your watch.”

“What about my watch?” It’s nothing fancy; it was my grandfather’s. Just a regular analog watch on a simple band.

“It’s leather,” she says like that explains everything. She studies me then adds incredulously, “She’s vegan… ”

How was I supposed to know that?

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