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“What? It made Belinda so happy. Someday you’ll understand. Someday you’ll meet that special person, and all you will want is to make her happy.”

Images of Millie flash through my mind, but I can’t dwell on that right now. Right now, I currently have to un-alive her brother.

I groan inwardly as I rake my hand through my hair. I haven’t made much of an effort to see Ben since I’ve been home. It’s one night. “This better be the last time. Do you hear me? THE. LAST. TIME. No more after this.”

“Hear you loud and clear, buddy.”

“I mean it, the very last time. After Saturday, your interference in my dating life is done. Just because I’m back in town doesn’t mean I’m your puppet.”


Yeah, right.

“Be at our place at around 7:00?”

“Won’t that interfere with your family dinner?”

“Don’t worry about that, it’s not like we can’t miss them from time to time. Besides, it’s family. Belinda’s cousin is only in town for the weekend.”

I suspect that Ben being so willing to miss out on his family dinner has a lot more to do with Belinda not wanting to go. It’s no secret that Belinda isn’t the biggest fan of living near the in-laws. Unless things have changed dramatically since their wedding, I’m sure the feelings are mutual. At least with his siblings. They can’t stand her. Norah tries, but she’s the nicest human on earth, and Ben is her son. Fact about Norah Jacobson: she will put up with a lot for the sake of her children. Even the daughter-in-law from Hades.

Ben hangs up before I can ask for this mysterious enchantress’ name so I guess my fate will have to wait until this weekend. I’d look up my horoscope, but I’m sure it would say, “Outlook not good.” Or is that a Magic 8 ball?

Chapter 13


It has taken me all morning, but I have finally summoned the courage to go over to Lexington. I really need to pick up those contracts. And to apologize for acting like a child… and throwing shoes. I was really in top notch shape on Saturday. Good job, Millie.

My resolve and confidence lessen with each step I take. The hallway seems way longer and yet all too short at the same time. My body is humming with nerves. I can do this. I am a strong and independent woman. So what if my emotions got the better of me Saturday night? I can act rationally. My hand hovers over the door handle as I have the sudden realization that Mark might not even be in the office today. I didn’t see his car in the garage earlier. I’m about to bolt when the door opens.


I freeze.

I take a deep breath and try to compose myself. “Hi, Troy.”

I really don’t have the patience for this today.

“I didn’t see you at the party the other night,” Troy says and I can’t tell if he really doesn’t remember or if he is pretending that he doesn’t. Either way I’m just letting it slide.

“I was there. You must have been busy networking.” I don’t think he notices the sarcasm in my voice; then again maybe he does since he nods and excuses himself.

Before I can back out further, Nancy sees me in the still open doorway. “Millie! My, don’t you look like a burst of fresh air! Oh, to be young again! How nice of you to stop by, do we have a contract for you to pick up?”

“Umm… yes… ” I wipe my suddenly very sweaty hands on my shorts. I feel her eyes on me, and I want to faint.

“Oh, and I’ve been meaning to thank you for that restaurant recommendation! It was wonderful!”

“I’m so glad you and Martin liked it.” My voice squeaks. Up until the last three weeks, I had never squeaked in my entire life, and now I have on multiple occasions. This is getting out of hand.

“If you are looking for Mark, he is in his office. Just knock.” She gives me a knowing wink. A wink! Nancy just winked at me. What is she up to?

Mark’s door is partially open; I sit and watch him for a moment. He has his collar unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Even from here I can see the definition in his arms. Why is that so attractive? It’s clear he still spends time at the gym. I wonder if he still goes to the batting cages or if that ended when he stopped playing. I’m pretty sure I’m drooling. I’m definitely gawking.

“Knock, knock,” I say while actually knocking, each making the other redundant.

“Millie!” He jumps out of his chair. “I—I mean—This is a pleasant surprise.”

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