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If Mark notices all the gawking eyes on him, he doesn’t show it. Dang, ladies, it’s just a man, a very attractive man—Stop it, Millie! We’re not going down that rabbit hole again this morning. Repeat after me: This is Mark. You do not find Mark Winters attractive. You do not notice how his muscles have filled out and that he clearly still frequents the gym. You do not notice that his deep brown eyes have little flecks of yellow in them around the iris. Nope. You don’t notice any of that. And you certainly are not remembering how it felt when his hand was on your waist as you danced the night away at the wedding reception. Or how he so carefully wiped the tears away after your jerk of a boyfriend decided that he didn’t want to be your boyfriend anymore. Nope. Not thinking about any of that.

I suddenly find myself sailing through the air as I trip on a pushed-up corner of the rug and start flailing my body in order to not fall. I fail. Miserably.

“Millie! Are you okay!” Mark is at my side in an instant helping me up. I can’t take anymore of this annoyingly embarrassing day. I shove my flaming face in my hands. Trying to recover any amount of dignity I may have left—let’s be honest, there isn’t a shred left—I say in the most calm and cool voice I can muster, “I’m fine.” I’m so not fine. “Just give me a second.”

I finally will myself to look into Mark’s face. He’s smiling. He’s lucky it’s genuine and not at all mocking, or I would probably punch him in his too perfect and smug face. “Here, let me help you up.”

“Thanks.” I take his outstretched hand and pull myself up. “I’m sure you have more important things to do other than saving damsels in distress.” Shut up, Millie. JUST. STOP. TALKING. Forever. You’re mute now. This is my vow of silence. Which no one will hear me make because I am now silent.

“If you’re sure.” There is a hint of amusement mixed with genuine concern. “I’ll just see you at lunch then.”

I just nod. I’m as silent as a monk.

“Oh, and Mills,” he says, and I look back at him. “You might want to stay away from caffeine today.”

And with a wink he turns and leaves. A WINK! I collapse into my chair in utter disbelief. Could I have been any more awkward today? And he had the audacity to laugh his sexy laugh and wink at me! What a jerk!

Chapter 9


Christmas Five Years ago

Iwalk out of the room and slam the door behind me. I don’t want to go back to that full room of people. Everyone will know about Denham soon enough. I don’t need them to read it on my face. I need to get out of this house. It’s suddenly suffocating.

I grab my coat and try to slip out the front door as quickly and quietly as possible. I don’t know where I’m going; I just start walking. This whole week has been one big let down. From Denham refusing to participate in any of my family’s traditions right down to the fact that my favorite time of year is being ruined. I love that my family goes crazy for Christmas. I love that my dad and brothers build a whole village the week before, just so the neighborhood and community can have a little holiday magic. But this year? This year Denham has made sure that I’m as grouchy about Christmas as he is. Even with everything else that has happened, THAT is what I’m most upset about. Sure, it sucks that we just broke up and that “friend” he’s going to meet up with, I’m pretty sure, isn’t “just a friend”. But to ruin Christmas?! That’s just… that’s just a lot of not nice words that I don’t say. Maybe later when I tell Tori what happened she can fill in the blanks. She’d be more than happy to be of assistance.

I walk until I get to Santa’s Village and then make a left and head to Santa’s chair. Maybe there’s some magic left in it to give me some answers, but when I get there, I’m not alone.

“What are you doing here?”

Mark jumps. “Hey! I didn’t know anyone else was out here.”

“I just needed to get out of there.”

He nods then scoots over and gestures to the spot next to him. I hesitate for a moment before taking a seat. We sit in silence. It’s the first peace I have felt in days.

“Denham and I broke up.” I don’t know why I’m telling him. I can’t even look him in the eye. I just look up towards the sky, close my eyes, and feel the wind.

He nudges me with his shoulder, so I finally make myself look at him. “I’m so sorry, Mills.” I can’t read his expression, but I know his words are sincere. “You deserve better.”

My eyes start to brim with tears again. Concern blankets his features.

“Oh, Mills, I didn’t mean to upset you!”

I laugh through my now traitorous tears. “You didn’t. You’re just about the fourth person today to tell me that.”

“We just want the best for you. Are you sure I didn’t upset you? May I?”

My whole body freezes as his hand lifts to my face and his thumb gently wipes the tears on my cheek. His eyes are so intense on mine I couldn’t look away if I wanted to. I’ve lost track of how long we’ve been sitting here. Time has frozen to this moment.

Mark moves like he’s going to say something, but then stops himself and clears his throat. “We should probably get back in there.”

I suck in a breath. “Yeah. They’ve probably realized we’re missing. No need to send out a search party.”

Mark stands and offers me his hand pulling me up. I don’t want him to let it go, but I know he will. My hand misses his as soon as it’s gone.

Chapter 10

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