Page 4 of Carter

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He heard himself growl with jealousy when he saw her place a hand on the other student’s arm. They paused, turning as the man looped her scarf around her neck, giving Carter a good look at her from the side. He could not believe what his eyes were seeing.

Carter sat up straighter, and rage swept through him. He flung his car door open, not even grabbing his coat, leaving the car running as he stalked towards them, his angry stride swallowing the distance.

She must have sensed something because she turned her head and spotted him. Her eyes widened in shock. Her companion, seeing her expression, turned and looked between Zahara and Carter. The male student placed a hand on her arm, and his nostrils flared with outrage.

Noting his anger, Zahara turned to the other student and stammered something to him. The other man looked concerned, but he nodded and kept going while she turned and waited for Carter to reach her. She lifted her chin in defiance and glared up at him when he was directly in front of her, breathing down at her like an angry dragon.

“Zahara, when were you going to tell me you were carrying my child?” he snapped angrily.

“Hello to you too.” She moved around him and began walking.

“Zahara. Answer me. And where do you think you are going?”

“I’m cold, and you left your car running and unattended. It’s still not safe, even if the car is parked on campus,” she said over her shoulder. Carter straightened up, realizing he was hunched over from the cold. He followed her, realizing that she was right. He had forgotten himself when he saw the condition she was in.

He took in the back of her long, puffy winter coat hugging her womanly shape. His gaze dropped to the sway of her ample hips, and he remembered the way he had gripped her soft skin as he plunged himself into her wet sheath over and over again.

He was semi-hard now just thinking about the way she had responded to him so beautifully.

Zahara stopped and she turned her head around and eyed him as if she could sense his thoughts. He stared back at her, keeping his expression neutral as she searched his face, and then she frowned before turning back around and continuing to walk.

Carter stepped up his pace, passing her. He realized he had been following behind her, letting her take the lead, and he could not have that. As a man that led others, he was not about to let Zahara think that she had any power over him.

She huffed with exasperation at his back when he moved in front of her, and he knew she had gotten the message when he heard, “Ass.”

His lips quirked up for a second at her fiery nature and how she always spoke her mind with him. Delilah had always agreed to everything he wanted, up until…

Carter shut down his mind, shying away from his thoughts about his deceased fiancée. He refocused on the fact that Zahara was now pregnant and carrying his child. He had no doubt in his mind that the child was his, as he had been her very first lover. But then, she could have... He spun around quickly, opening his mouth, but she moved fast for a pregnant woman and gripped his shirt to raise her face close to his.

“Don’t even think for a second that this child is not yours. I have not been with anyone since you,” she said angrily, clearly hurt. She released his shirt, then marched past him and wrenched the car door on the passenger’s side open. She glared angrily at him before sitting down and closing the door again.

Carter was suddenly filled with a feeling that he couldn’t describe at hearing what she had just said—that no one had touched her since him. He didn’t want to care for her in that way, so he squashed that feeling and made his way over to the open door on the driver’s side. He got in and closed the door, adjusting himself a bit because he had gotten hard when her plump lips were close to his. In that moment, he had wanted to kiss her sassy mouth, but he had controlled himself.

The only sound now was the engine running and their breathing as they sat in silence. He was trying to collect his thoughts because his mind was whirling with the fact that he was going to be a father and responsible not only for running his family’s empire, but also the future of someone who was not even born yet.

Zahara interrupted his musings. “Can you turn up the heat a little bit? I want to take off my jacket, it’s a little tight.” He heard a rustling sound as she began to undo her jacket.

He was on autopilot, still trying to come to grips with everything, and he did as she asked, turning his head to see her taking off her hat and unzipping her coat.

Carter froze in place as his gaze took in her rosy cheeks on her brown skin and her now fogged-up glasses. Her thick, dark-brown hair was straight this time instead of the natural waves that fell beyond her shoulder blades. This looked nice on her, but he preferred her curly hair. He took in the green corduroy jumper and high black turtleneck she wore, neither hiding her ample chest. His mind flashed to him holding her breasts, one in each hand, his fingers playing around the peaks as he suckled on her dark, hard areolas, her cries letting him know that she loved it.

She cleared her throat delicately, and his eyes flashed to hers for a second, noting the darkening of her hazel eyes. They had been more brown than green when he first approached her, but they were now turning green with her emotions, and she was reacting to him looking at her breasts like a love-starved teenager. When he was around her, he could not control his basic impulses. She made him lose control, and he didn’t like it.

Carter straightened up and regarded her coldly now. She raised an eyebrow at his now closed-off expression and then pulled the coat the rest of the way open so he could see her pregnant belly. He estimated she should be four months along, but she looked more like five months.

He turned in his seat, taking in all the changes that pregnancy had caused in her. She glowed, her skin smooth and unblemished, her face still the same. The only difference was that her breasts were bigger, and her belly of course. Other than that, Zahara looked the same.

“When were you going to tell me that you were pregnant Zahara? Or were you going to wait until you could use this to—”

“Fuck you.” He straightened up, becoming angry at her foul language and being spoken to that way, but she ignored him and began to reach for the door as she continued. “I did. I called, I emailed; no response from you at all. My last attempt, hell, I even showed up at your doorstep like you told me to, but you were too busy with your new girlfriend. And before we go down the road of did I do this deliberately to get you. No! I am not psychic. I didn’t know you would come after me and fuck me without a condom. Look at me, I am pregnant, my emotions are everywhere, and you have got me cursing. You are a—” He reached for her as her potty mouth continued, and they began to struggle.

“Let go of me, you arrogant, thoughtless neanderthal. You do not need to worry about me being in your life or throwing myself at your feet, I am done chasing you; I won’t keep the baby from you. We can work something out with our lawyers for you to have visitation rights. I was in the process of doing that before you showed up anyway because that seemed to be the only way to let you know. So here we are, and you can now go to he—”

He dragged her to him, being careful of her belly, and cupped his hand behind her head, feeling her soft skin on his, her coarse hair caressing the top of his hand. He slammed his mouth down on top of hers, taking her in a fiery, punishing kiss. He was angry about this new situation between them, with him getting her pregnant at such a young age, but also because he couldn’t hold back any longer and wanted a taste of her.

She made angry muffled sounds that had him grinning despite his ire for a second. Then he felt her beginning to give in and melting against his chest, opening herself up to him like the sweetest nectar from a flower. His tongue delved in and swept past her plump lips, and his tongue reacquainted itself with her texture and the flavour of her favourite mint candy. When he breathed in, he caught the light floral scent of her skin.

He felt her hands snake up, and one cupped the side of his jaw, holding him in place while the other sifted through his hair until it reached his scalp, where she rested her fingertips, her nails biting in when he deepened the kiss and ravished her mouth like a man starved. Carter didn’t want to admit it, but he was hungry. He groaned and raised his other hand to cup her breast, feeling the new weight of it. She purred into his mouth and pushed her hardened nipple against his hand, begging for more of his caress.
