Page 31 of Carter

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She grinned. “Daddy’s brooding is not only because of his concern for you. Mom is also being a pain in his ass and not falling all over him. Even though he tries to boss her into giving in and then tries to spoil her by making sure she wants for nothing, except for his damn love.”

“Here is Mom’s life lesson before you both are born. Make sure to make a man work for it before giving in because you are worth it. Don’t settle.” She smiled when she felt a kick in agreement.

She reached Carter’s desk and walked around it. Opening the top drawer and not finding what she was looking for, she moved to the next drawer, still not seeing anything. She groaned because she knew that she was going to have to bend down to reach the other drawers, and with her belly, it sometimes got in her way, or she lost her breath.

She paused and then lowered herself to her knees on the carpet, then opened the bottom drawer. She tilted her head to the side, frowning at what she saw right on top of a stack of paper pads. It seemed to be a legal document. She pulled it out and began scanning it. With each section she read, her hands began to shake more and tears began to fall down her face.

She let out a loud scream when she heard, “What are you doing on your knees Zahara? The only time you should be this way is when you are pleasing me with my cock in your mouth,” she heard Carter say sardonically.

She looked up to see him looming at the side of his desk, and she scowled at his chipper mood.

“Here, let me help you get up,” he said as she struggled to move off the floor while holding the document.

She felt strong hands reach under her arm pits and pull her up, not even breaking a sweat. He always treated her like she was light as a feather, even though she knew she was quite heavy now.

“What is this?” She waved the document in her hand.

He took it from her, glancing at it before handing it back, his arms crossing over his chest and a shuttered expression now gracing his features.

“What does it look like Zahara?”

She stared down at the document, a warm feeling beginning to spread through her at the realization of what this paperwork meant.

“It’s a prenup.”

“Yes,” he said solemnly.

“It’s a prenup for me,” she prodded.


She threw herself into his arms, and he wrapped them around her, being careful not to crush her belly against his lower stomach. Happiness was pouring through her. “You love me!” she shouted, tears cascading down her cheeks.

“Zahara,” he said huskily before going silent.

She pulled away, staring up at his face. And finally she saw it in his eyes. He was now exposing himself to her completely. She saw the depth of his love and fear and reached up to cup his face.

“You didn’t give me the prenup. I want to hear you say why,” she said softly, her heart beating fast.

“Because I trust you and have no intentions of ever letting you go. You are my world, and I—” He paused.

“Say it. You owe me the words, Carter. I promise your love will always be safe with me.”

“I know, it’s not that. I just don’t want to ever lose you. I need to keep you and our children safe. I don’t know what I would do if any harm ever came to you or if you left me like my mom did my dad.”

“We are not your parents, Carter. And I was lucky to have two loving parents that set the example of what love is. They taught me to never settle for anything less, unless blackmailed...” She narrowed her eyes at him.

He shrugged. “A man has to do what a man has to do to get a headstrong woman to marry him. What if something happened before you finally agreed to marry me?”

“You can’t live in fear of what-ifs, baby. I know that what happened with Delilah scared you and scarred you, but a love like ours doesn’t come around every day, and we have to live and love to the fullest.”

“I know that in my head, but—”

“You will have to move on. You have more than just me now to live for. And I want you to know that I wouldn’t want you to live alone. I’d want you to find someone else to love. Just like you would if something, ahh...” She stopped speaking because of the expression on his face.

“Never mind.” She laughed as Carter gave her a fierce scowl.

His expression softened. She could see a lightness in his eyes that traced over her features like a caress, and she stilled. “I love you,” he said quietly.
