Page 19 of Carter

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Her lips parted and her tongue sought his. He angled his head, deepening the kiss and pulling her tighter to him.

He let out a low rumble when he felt her fingers delve into his hair and she ran her nail tips across his scalp. It made him feel good, arousing him, and he imagined her with his cock in her hands, her fingers gently raking across his tip. He felt his blood leave his body and rush to his cock, hardening it.

Zahara began to rock her butt slightly against his burgeoning erection, and he stood up with her. Her feet met the snowy ground before he opened her winter coat, tearing his lips from her, his gaze taking in her now-exposed form. She was beautiful to him; motherhood had swollen her belly and breasts, her lips were slightly fuller now, and her hair was vibrant and curly, just the way he liked it.

Carter pulled down the fleece pants of her two-piece lounge wear that was the colour of gold. He loosened the draw strings and then reached inside, delving past her underwear to the core of her. She was so wet for him already. He moaned and separated their lips to whisper hoarsely.

“Your pussy is ready for me already; so wet and feels so good. Your pussy is very needy right now, and only I can satisfy its hunger. I will fill this needy cunt with my cock. You will ride me hard and fast till we both come.” Carter loved that when he talked dirty to Zahara, she got so wet from it.

His lips began to trail a path down her cheek to her exposed neck, and he licked the skin there before sucking it. She clenched her hands in his hair and let out a deep moan as he continued to stimulate her. She was getting wetter with each pass of his fingers, and he could feel her walls tremor. He was going to stop soon because he was finding it hard to control himself. He felt like a young buck during his first time with his girl. He needed her that much.

But as he nibbled her soft skin that called to him to give it his attention too, he continued his heated words near her ear. “Because I am so fucking hard for you right now, I want to feel your essence coat my cock. I cannot wait any longer to take what is mine again.”

He pulled away to see her smiling the siren smile of a woman who knew exactly how she was affecting him, just like he was doing to her. He was at the point of losing control, and she was basking in it, which turned him on even more.

Zahara then leaned forward and nipped his lip hard. He growled and sank his fingers inside of her while his lips took hers again. Her hands moved in his hair as he plundered her moist interior, preparing her for him and being careful not to crush her against his body. He loved feeling the pointed tips of her nipples pressing against his chest.

He felt her clench hard around his fingers and knew it was time. He did not even unbutton his own coat but pulled it aside to access his jeans with his free hand. He unsnapped his jeans and lowered his zipper, and she was there pulling him free, holding his hard flesh in her hot hands. They didn’t even register the cold around them, as the heat between them was keeping them warm. They shifted and he pulled her underwear down, then freed his fingers to put them in his mouth to taste her before sharing his fingers for her to enjoy herself as he sat down, pulling her on top of him and spreading her legs over his.

“Put me into that tight pussy of yours. Feed my cock inside of you until I am up to the hilt.”

Zahara shifted her hips and their eyes entangled as she brought his head to her slick opening, rubbing it against her.

They both groaned and his cock jumped in her hand. He could feel precum at the tip now, he was so engorged. His penis was demanding that she stop playing and let him enter her.

“Please,” he found himself begging. Since he had first lain with her, he had not wanted to sleep with anyone one else. She had a hold over him and his cock that no other woman had ever had, and that scared him.

She rose up slightly and in one move sank down on him. He watched as she worked her bottom lip while lowering herself slowly over him, inch by excruciating inch. He was mesmerized by the flushed look on her face, her tongue peeking out to caress her bottom lip where she’d worked it with her teeth, her lashes fluttering over her closed lids. Her lashes were long, thick, and natural, almost grazing her cheeks. She opened her eyes for him to get lost in the passion swirling in the sea of green staring back at him. She took his hand and raised it to her breast, pressing it there firmly. Then she tilted her head back slightly, closing her eyes, a look of want and extasy crossing her features as she continued to take in his hard, wide berth.

He cupped her firm, plump breasts and raked his nail and finger across one of the distended peaks. He lowered his head and sucked it into his mouth, clothing and all, wetting the fluffy material.

She finally sank down, taking him inside her to the hilt, and he pulled away to look at their connection, his shaft enfolded into her tight sheath, their colours blending beautifully together. He wondered for the first time what colour his child would be and hoped he or she would have their mother’s colouring because he found it beautiful.

He moved his hand from caressing her flesh and raised it to the back of her neck, holding her there. Then he moved his other hand to cup her lower back and the top of her buttocks, giving her support as he slightly pulled away before giving her a quick, hard pump. He was taking over now because she was too good, so tight and wet, her walls caressing and squeezing his staff, driving him mad and making him wanting to move hard and fast inside of her. He loved to hear the lustful sounds he ignited in her, and she did not disappoint as he thrust inside and up, rocking in and out at a quickening pace that built up during every pass.

“Let me hear your sweet sounds baby. Sing for me.”

She began to let out low moans as he curved up into her, hitting the sweet spot, and he could feel himself leaking alongside her moisture raining down on him and between them, dripping onto his balls. She was so goddam wet and could not control her body’s reaction to him.

She freed one of her hands from his hair and used it to squeeze and tweak her own breast, her moans and pants coming faster now. He lowered his head closer to her and breathed in her scent. It smelled sweet and musky to him, just like it tasted on his tongue, and he could not wait to eat her out at the next opportunity. She was like a feast waiting for him.

She let go completely of his hair and then grabbed his wrist, pulling it away from the back of her head. He raised his head back up in time to see her take his fingers to her parted lips and suckle them into her mouth. He bucked now because the sucking sensation he felt below and now on his fingers were driving him wild, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He began to give long, hard strokes inside of her and then quick, short bursts, alternating back and forth until he felt his balls draw tight. He shouted as he was overcome with his release. His hearing cut out a bit, but he could her a muffled scream coming from her just as she clamped down on him, her legs jerking around him. She was sucking so intensely on his fingers that spittle was coating his and her mouth.

His jaw went tight, and his face felt flushed from the orgasm racking his body. He pulled his fingers from her mouth and began to rub her hardened clit with his wet tips, bringing on another orgasm that racked her body. She shouted out a curse that had him smiling and then groaning as she sucked him in tight, her vagina clenching and unclenching, drawing more out of him. His breathing was laboured, as was hers, and he felt hot all over.

“Fuck, so good.”

He felt her nodding as she tried to catch her breath, and he wrapped her in his arms and held on as their bodies began to cool from their orgasms. He felt himself grow flaccid and slip out of her, fluid between them now.

She pulled back slightly and brought her lips to his, kissing him sweetly before moving away and giving him a tender smile. The smile quickly turned into a yawn, and then she gave a slight shiver. He noticed that she had some perspiration on her forehead and neck. He stood her up and used his scarf to clean them up as best as he could before buttoning them back up.

“Time to go back. You need your rest, and I am sure everyone is wondering where we are.”

Zahara nodded tiredly and let out another yawn that she covered with her hand. He noticed that her eyes were drooping and looked sleepy. He now felt guilt for not only hurting her before but also making her tired now.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I, or the baby by being...?”

She grinned and patted her belly. “We are all good and you didn’t hurt me. It felt damn good and you know it! I’m pretty sure I scared all living things in this forest with my shouting and moaning.”
