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“No, the exact opposite.” They’ve all turned and are watching me with puzzled expressions. I take a deep breath before continuing. “They said I’m defective – their words, not mine. I’m infertile. They were going to kick me out. Then, they came up with some other plan.” I explain about how the aliens have decided to take me to a backwater planet called Gigla and sell me to the aliens who live there.

A heavy weight settles on my chest as I tell them about the brothel and the jewels our abductors are excited about acquiring in exchange for me. Horrified expressions cross their faces as they listen. They grow outraged and even Crystal curses under her breath when I relate how the Zyfeliks tried to drag me to a hatch to dump me outside and how I narrowly avoided dying today.

When I finish, Mara stands up in sudden inspiration. “Maybe this is exactly what we need. The bad guy is almost always caught because he makes a mistake or cause something unexpected happens and he’s forced to change plans. The Zyfeliks have had to change their plans. This could be our chance to escape.” Her green eyes are bright with excitement as she turns to me. “Do you know how long we have before we reach Gigla?”

“They said it would take two full cycles, but I don’t know how long that is.” I shrug my shoulders.

“Days. Two ship days.” Emily whispers, her thin voice nearly inaudible. This whole time, she’s been curled up in her usual spot silently observing, but now, she’s sitting up and cautiously looking around. Emily has been so quiet that I almost forgot she was there. “A full cycle is probably the same as a full day on the ship. So, two days from now we’ll reach Gigla.”

“Nice to see the scaredy-cat speak up.” Crystal snarks, and Emily shoots her a withering look.

“That’s uncalled for.” Rose warns, and Crystal rolls her eyes in response. “We need to support each other. We’re stronger together, not apart.” Rose continues. There is a hint of color back in her cheeks and her voice holds a thread of determination that wasn’t there moments earlier.

Maybe Mara is right. This could be the chance we need. The heavy knot that had settled in my stomach starts to loosen and a tiny flutter of hope blooms inside me. Maybe this is the chance we need.

“That’s right! If we stick together, we can teach these motherfuckers not to mess with Earth girls!” Maddie cheers. The smile on her face falls and she immediately shoots a chagrined look towards Zoe and Jayden. “Oops, sorry. Forgot about the little ears.”

“Hey! I’m fourteen, that’s practically an adult.” Jayden protests. Crystal rolls her eyes and mumbles something under her breath that I can’t make out, while the rest of us send the teen sympathetic looks. “And my ears aren’t little!”

Just then, the ship suddenly jolts, and I throw out my hands to steady myself against the wall. So far, the trip has been smooth, and it hasn’t really been too noticeable that we’re actually on a spaceship – other than a quiet humming noise. But now, the humming noise is louder, almost as if the ship has sped up, and there’s a slight vibration that moves through the metal floor and walls. I guess this is the maximum hyperdrive.

I break the silence that has fallen over us. “So, we’re all agreed? The first opportunity one of us gets to escape, we’ll take it and try to find the space cops to rescue the rest of us.” I look down the line of cells, meeting everyone’s eyes.

For the first time since the reality of being abducted settled over me, I don’t feel completely hopeless. It’s not great, but this is the only decent plan we’ve managed to come up with so far.

“Agreed.” They all echo in agreement with even Emily chiming in.

I settle back onto my bed and think about what the coming days will hold. One thing is certain, I wanted a change, and I got it.

Chapter 4


A day has passed since the Zyfeliks’ changed their plans to make a detour to sell me on the planet called Gigla. So far, our only visitor has been Zaez, and I don’t know whether that’s good or bad.

He’s come in a few times to deliver our meals and to clean the room. Unfortunately, he’s only had time to chat for a few minutes as the crew has kept him busy with plenty of tasks to do, especially now that they’ve planned a detour. He did let it slip that he overheard some of the crewmembers talking when he was unstopping the hydration pipes that carry water into our cells.

Apparently, there was a short disagreement between the captain and sub-captain about changing the itinerary, but ultimately the leader of the ship relented. Now, an air of anticipation hangs over the crew who are eager to fill their coffers with the credits Giglisian jewels will bring them.

The girls and I have quietly discussed every option we can think of, and so far, we think our best bet is for me to try to escape when we land on Gigla. Once I’m taken off the ship, they’ll try to create a diversion of some sort and maybe that will distract our abductors and I’ll have a chance. If the jewels are as valuable as the aliens claim, then there is bound to be some type of law enforcement on the planet to make sure they’re not stolen. If I can find them, I can get help for the others and lead them back to the ship. And if I can’t find any space cops, well, we’ve decided I should try to hide out until it’s safe and then look for someone to help.

But to escape I’ll have to make it past the gray aliens. While the Zyfeliks are stronger than they appear, I still think I can take them on in a struggle. They seem to rely on their gadgets like the cattle prod and our fear to control us more than actual brute force. If I can get one of the cattle prods away from them, I’ll have a better chance.

We haven’t mentioned our plan to Zaez, for obvious reasons, but I wonder if he might suspect something. He’s slipped me a couple of extra rations of food and told me to hide them. If he does know, I just hope he won’t tell any of the other Zyfeliks. I don’t think he will, but you never know.

As we get closer to our destination, my anxiety increases. So many doubts and thoughts have been racing through my mind on repeat. It’s not only my future – my life – hanging in the balance, but my friends’ lives, too. Any little mistake could have disastrous consequences for all of us. I take a few deep breaths and try to still my racing heart, repeating my mantra over and over in my head.

I glance over at Emily in her cell. She’s retreated back into herself and has barely spoken a word since yesterday. Yesterday, I tried sitting next to the bars that separate us and talking to her, but she just turned her despondent eyes to me and murmured that she would rather be left alone. I’m trying to honor her request, but it is so hard to watch someone in distress and do nothing.

But if all goes to plan, we’ll get out of here soon. Soon, I’ll get a chance to show our abductors exactly what Earth women are made of and make them regret the day they decided to abduct us.

The hours pass in a monotonous blur, and before I know it, the lights begin to dim to indicate its nighttime. I crawl onto my narrow bed and eventually fall asleep, despite the thin, uncomfortable mattress.

I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep, but I wake up to shrieks of alarm.

“Is everyone okay?” Rose calls out.

“Yeah, what’s going on?” I ask as the other girls respond in confirmation.

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