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Several tense seconds tick by before Crystal shares a look with the others, then she nods and lowers the spear. “Okay.” Mara and Maddie follow suit, and I can practically feel the room release a sigh of relief. I turn to Warrix and nod for him to get started.

“Is there anything we can do to help, Warrix?” I ask.

“Yes, as I was trying to tell the females. . .” He shoots a glare at Crystal. I can just barely make out the word she mumbles under her breath in response. Dickhead. “There are too many people crowded in here.”

He’s right there are too many people in here. It’s not that big of a room, and I imagine he needs to be able to freely move around and tend to his patient. Not to mention, it has to be intimidating to have people armed with spears breathing down his neck and watching his every move.

“We’re not leaving you alone with her.” Mara scoffs.

“I do not expect you to do that. Two females may remain, but the rest need to vacate the room.” Warrix arches his brow at her, his voice stern and implacable. It’s clear he has no intention of yielding in this standoff.

I point at myself and Crystal (because I can already tell there is no way she’s going to move from her spot). “One. Two. Everyone else out.”

Rose catches my eye and with a nod, she begins herding the others back into the cargo bay. Once they’re gone, Warrix quickly gets to work.

The hand-held device emits a bright blue light that he slowly sweeps down Emily’s body, starting from her head to her feet. As he does, he talks softly, explaining everything he’s doing and asking a few questions about Emily’s condition. After a while, he falls silent as the scanner does its job.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Crystal shift her feet. Then, she opens her mouth and I brace myself. But she surprises me. Instead of the cantankerous remark I expect, she asks a question.

“Why are you using that small scanner? That thing you put her on is some sort of medical scanner. Why aren’t you using it?”

Warrix briefly looks up before focusing back on his patient and quietly answering her questions. “This scanner was made by my ancestors. I trust it. I do not know if I can trust the scanner on this ship. At least, not until I have had a chance to study it. I would not want to risk your friend’s life by using technology that I am unfamiliar with.”

The device lets out a loud beep and the blue light goes dark. Warrix takes out a small tablet that looks like an iPad. On the screen, I notice a multitude of squiggled lines that I only try to decipher for a moment before giving up.

Warrix lets out a grunt. “It is as I suspect. This female. . .”

“Her name is Emily.” Crystal interrupts him, an edge to her voice.

Warrix pauses and I can see his eyes soften as he looks up at Crystal before he continues, “The wound Emily sustained caused a significant loss of blood volume. The Zyfeliks’ scanner was able to repair the blood vessels and stop the bleeding, but their scanner will not reverse the damage done to her body. Her blood volume is below the optimal level and her vital statistics are currently abnormal – or at least, what I think is abnormal for a human. In addition, she is recovering from a mild concussion. She is weak from her injuries and malnourished from lack of food. In her condition now, it will take a while before she is completely recovered.”

“But she will recover? I mean, you can heal her, right?” I ask him, holding my breath.

“I can use the equipment I was able to bring and give the healing process a boost and hopefully her vital signs will return to a normal range. I can essentially speed it up so that she will be well enough for our journey back to the village. Once there, I will have more treatment options at my disposal.” He pauses. “But no matter what, it will take time for her to recover completely. It will be a slow process.”

I nod and watch as he pulls a set of small electrodes out of the bag sitting at his feet. He places a couple of them on Emily’s skin, and then he motions for me to move closer and shows me where to attach the rest. Two on her chest, two on her forehead, and another two on her feet.

By the time I’m through, I notice Crystal has moved to lean against a wall, her glassy eyes fixed on the slow rise and fall of Emily’s chest. She looks like she’s on the brink of falling apart, and I’m honestly a little shocked. I cross over and stand next to her.

I tilt my head at her and softly say, “She’ll be okay. Emily is stronger than we realize, and Warrix knows what he’s doing.”

“I’ve been so mean to her. This whole time.” Crystal sniffs as tears trickle down her cheeks, leaving wet tracks through the dirt coating her face. “I yelled at her yesterday and told her you were never coming back and that some dinosaur probably ate you. God, I’m such a bitch sometimes.” She huffs out a breath and drops her head to stare down at the floor.

I nod in agreement because it really can’t be denied, and I bump my shoulder playfully against hers. “Yeah, you are, but you’re our bitch and we still love you.”

Crystal rolls her eyes, but a faint smile briefly touches her lips before vanishing. This is not the same put-together, icy woman I remember from a few days ago. Her coiffed hair is disheveled, her dark roots are visible where they’ve grown out, and her eyes are red from crying. The polished veneer has cracked, allowing her emotions to seep through, and it’s clear she’s struggling with the unfamiliarity of it all.

“So, what’s with all this mate business?” She cocks her head at me, one dark eyebrow arched. I look up to see Warrix’s attention is still focused on Emily.

“I know it sounds crazy, but Draggar is my spirit mate.” I breathe out a sigh as I try to think of how to explain it to her. “It’s like we’re connected to each other in a way that is bigger and stronger than anything I’ve ever felt. I don’t understand it, but I can feel him inside me.” I place a palm against my chest where the echo of my mate’s spirit is the strongest. He’s here with me even now, his quiet self-assurance calming me.

“Damn.” Crystal whistles softly. “The sex must be freaking amazing, cause, girl, you are dickmatized.”

I huff out a startled laugh, my face burning with embarrassment. “Um. . . yeah, it is pretty amazing.” A sappy grin stretches across my lips. “But it’s so much more than that. Even if we could go back to Earth tomorrow, I wouldn’t. The thought of never seeing him again . . .” My catches in my throat and I shake my head. “I’m happier with him than I’ve ever been. He makes me feel whole. Like I found a part of me that I never knew was missing.”

She looks at me in disbelief and then rolls her eyes. “Like I said, dickmatized.”

A couple of hours pass by, but Crystal and I both remain in the medic bay watching the gentle rise and fall of Emily’s chest as Warrix tends to her. Some of the other girls come and go periodically to get updates, and Draggar brings all three of us something to eat around midday.

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