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The debris that was whipped up by the fight has settled, and he takes a moment to look over my head and give orders to two of the warriors. They nod and quickly get to work butchering the huge beasts, expertly slicing through the thick skin with their hunting knives.

Draggar settles an arm around my shoulders and says, “Now, let us check on your friends.”

But before we can take more than a few steps, a strident voice rings out. “Hold it right there, fellas. Not another step or we’ll make sure you regret it.”

I immediately recognize Crystal’s voice, and I nearly weep with relief.

Draggar stiffens beside me, every muscle in him is held tense and ready to spring into action. The other men are frozen in place with their eyes narrowed on the ship as they grip their swords tightly in their hands. I need to do something before this gets ugly.

“Wait, it’s me!” I yell and wave my hands in the air, trying to get my friends’ attention.

A long, tense moment of stunned silence follows my shouted words, then another voice calls out from inside the ship. “Haley? Is that you?”

“Yes, yes, Rose. It’s me!” I answer and begin to take a step forward. Draggar reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me to a half beside him. His entire focus is trained on the ship in front of us and I can feel his protectiveness towards me. It’s clear he doesn’t trust my friends not to hurt me, yet, and he wants me to stay by his side where he can protect me.

“Hey, grabby dude, hands off! Keep your paws to yourself!” One of my friends yells out. They must have seen him pull me to a stop and interpreted the action as threatening instead of the loving, concerned gesture I know it was.

“It’s okay, guys!” I reassure them and then lace my fingers with Draggar’s own, clutching his hand tightly against me. “He’s a friend of mine. They all are. They’re here to help us.” I know I should have said mate instead, but it would probably be better to break that news to them later when we’re not in the middle of a standoff.

I can hear muffled whispers coming from the ship as if they’re having an intense conversation, then the piercing sound of scraping as someone moves aside the sheet of metal covering the jagged opening. A head with dark hair pops out, and I immediately recognize Isabella.

She moves through the entrance and another person takes her place and another until everyone is gathered in a small clump in front of the ship.

Even Emily is there, barely able to stand and leaning heavily on Aria’s arm. Then I spot Zoe, standing close against Rose’s side, and I choke back a sob. She’s okay.

They’re all here. Every one of my friends is here and safe. A trembling smile stretches across my face as I move my eyes over them.

They look a little worse for wear, with large dark circles beneath their eyes that are testament to their exhaustion and clothes that look like they’re more dirt than fabric. Some of the women carry makeshift spears made from long sticks and Crystal holds what I swear looks like a shiv made from a jagged piece of metal and fabric wrapped around one end to form a handle. But they’re alive.

The tears that have been threatening finally break free and stream down my face as I tear myself away from Draggar’s side and cover the few feet that separates us. Then, I’m enveloped in the circle of my friends.

No, my family. After everything we’ve been through, we’ve become family.

There are laughter and smiles, everyone is talking and asking questions at the same time, and I have never been so happy. Emotions are high and I hug everyone gathered around me at least twice, especially Zoe. But eventually we settle down enough for me to answer their questions.

“Who are the big guys?” Jayden asks, pointing to Draggar who has moved closer until he stands just a few feet away. His eyes are alert as he scans the surroundings and his hand is on the hilt of his one of his knives as if he expects an attack at any moment and wants to be prepared.

My friends are all looking at the men with curiosity and wariness, even if I just vouched for them, and that’s understandable. Our first introduction to aliens wasn’t exactly all sunshine and roses. So, I hold out my hands and start talking, trying to smooth things over.

I take a few steps back, closer to Draggar. “They’re from the Anuriix tribe, and they’re a species of aliens called Laediriians.” I watch as my friends eye the warriors behind me. “They live on this planet, and they’ve offered to help us and let us stay in their village.”

Always the cautious one, Mara speaks up, her eyes narrowed with suspicion, “Why would they do that?”

“Because they don’t want us to die. They’re honorable warriors who don’t break their word. If they say they’ll help us, they will. They take that stuff really serious. This guy – “ I gesture to Draggar who has moved closer until he stands at my back, “ – has taken very good care of me, and I trust him. I trust all of them.” I realize it’s true, I really do trust these men.

The silence stretches out and I watch as my friends exchange glances. Finally, Crystal shifts and takes a small step forward.

“Well, I’m game if you guys are. Not like there’s any reason to hang around here.” She smirks as she flicks her hand towards the loin cloth wrapped around Draggar’s hips. “At least we’ll have some eye candy.”

My eyes narrow on her as I tamp down the urge to growl at her with jealousy. I never knew until this whole thing that I could be so jealous, but this planet has really brought out the primal side of me that I didn’t know existed.

I know Draggar can feel the tinge of possessiveness that floods through me because he shifts closer and stretches his burly arm around my waist. He pulls me closer and I lean against his side as he nuzzles my forehead. His face glows with love and happiness as he gazes down at me, and I know what he’s doing. He’s making it clear to anyone watching that we belong to each other.

Isabella chuckles. “Damn! You were getting busy with it while you were gone.”

My cheeks burn, and I open my mouth to say something, anything, but I’m at a loss for words.

“What’s getting busy with it mean?” Zoe speaks up, her young voice breaking through the awkwardness.

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