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“We have something similar called spirit mates who are bound together by the amoris bond.”

“Huh, cool. So, do you have a mate?”

“Yes.” At my answer, Haley’s eyebrows rise high on her forehead. She reaches out to grab onto the table in front of her and her knuckles turn white as she grips it.

I answer. “You.”

Chapter 23


“Excuse me?”

I had to have heard Draggar wrong. He couldn’t have possibly just said that I’m his mate.

The translator chip must be malfunctioning somehow. Any second now, it will fix itself and we’ll both laugh at how silly this misunderstanding was.

I wait. But nothing happens.

Draggar takes my hands in his, his hold gentle as he gives them a reassuring squeeze. His silver eyes are warm and I can see the golden flecks expanding and growing almost like they’re absorbing the silver. A rush of emotions floods through me and I can’t look away.

I feel like I’ve stepped into the twilight zone, and for probably the hundredth time, I wonder if I’m in a coma back on Earth and having really, really realistic dreams. I’ll wake up and this will all disappear. A pang of distress makes my chest tighten at the thought of the man in front of my disappearing. As awful as being abducted was, I want Draggar to be real. I want this feeling inside me to be real.

Then, I remember the mind-numbing orgasms he gave me, and I decide there’s no way my dreams could produce something that realistic or amazing.

“You are my spirit mate. My amoris.” His voice is so confident and sure that I want to believe him. And the way he says amoris and mate fills me with happiness instead of the fear that it should. This man is an alien, almost a stranger. I shouldn’t want to be tied to him, but against my better judgement, I do. I feel drawn to him and the thought of spending my life with him – on this planet – doesn’t frighten me. Earth has never felt further away than it does right now, and surprisingly that thought doesn’t distress me. Not really.

In fact, what I feel right now is arousal. I’m more turned on than I have ever been. There is some primal part of me that feels wild and reckless, and I want to throw caution to the wind and tell him that he is my mate, too. That part of me is relieved to finally have a name to put to this deep connection that has existed between us from the beginning.

Amoris. That word feels familiar and comforting, filling me with a warm glow that is centered in my chest.

But there is another more cautious side – the one that Chad cheated on – that says this whole thing is crazy. How can I be Draggar’s spirit mate? And how can he be so sure?

“I don’t. . . What. . .” I shake my head in confusion as my tongue trips over the words I want to say. “What do you mean I’m your spirit mate? Your amoris? I don’t understand.”

“You are my mate and I am yours.” Draggar’s voice is soft and gentle as he explains. “My species are paired by mate bonds. We each have a mate who is the other half of our spirit, the one who will complete us. . . our amoris. The universe guides us to that mate.”

“So, that’s it? Fate. . . er, the universe has spoken, and now, we’re supposed to just listen to it and get married or something.” I chuckle in disbelief at his words. At the same time, the hollow ache that has resided in my chest my entire life grows until I feel as if it will swallow me whole. It calls out to me in recognition of Draggar’s words and it tells me that he can fill it. That this is it.

“I do not know what this married is.” He tilts his head in confusion. “But I think I understand your question and the answer is no. Both spirits must accept the mate bond before it can be completed.”


“Yes, spirit mates complete the amoris bond by claiming each other.” At my puzzled look, Draggar continues to explain, his voice getting lower and huskier until it sends a shiver through me. The gold flecks in his eyes grow bigger until they nearly drown out the silver and his gaze drops to my lips before returning to mine, and I realize he is just as aroused as I am. “By mating. Every time an amoris bonded couple mates the bonds are strengthened until the two spirits are intertwined and become almost one. The only thing that severs their connection is death, and even then, the ancient Laediriian beliefs always maintained that the bond would continue after death.”

My heart is pounding, and I want to believe him. The thought of a connection that is so strong that it will last for a lifetime makes me yearn even more for him. But this can’t be. The logical side of my brain says spirit mates – amoris, whatever you want to call them – do not exist. It’s crazy.

There’s no such thing. There can’t be, right?

But the emotional side of my brain is in turmoil. The thought of mating with Draggar – of finally having his cock fill me full like I have fanaticized about so many times – sets my body aflame. His words, spoken in that strong, growly deep voice immediately causes my core to clench with need and I squeeze my thighs together. I have a sudden urge to pull him over to the bed that’s set against one wall and take it for a test drive. I want to feel him inside of me so badly that it nearly consumes me.

This all-consuming need is not something that I’ve ever experienced before. It’s like lust, but on steroids. Maybe there is something to this mystical bond after all. Maybe it does exist.

My lips are suddenly parched, and I lick them, watching as his molten gaze follows the movement. In that moment, I decide to be completely honest with him – to tell him of my doubts and feelings.

“This is all so unreal. Humans don’t have anything like this amoris stuff, but I do feel this weird connection to you that I can’t explain.” I rub my hand against my chest where so often lately it feels as if something is living there, begging to be acknowledged, and I watch as his golden eyes fall to my chest. His long tongue forks out to swipe along his lower lip and somehow, I know he’s remembering licking and sucking my breasts earlier this morning.

I clear my throat and continue, “I’ve never had good luck with men. I mean, I’ve had four boyfriends and two of them cheated on me. So, the thought of a relationship that is that committed sounds like fantasy to me.”

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