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I turn to my mate. “Haley, my cousin, Vrenner, who as you can tell is as messy as a herd of scrof.”

I neglect to mention to my cousin that Haley is my spirit mate. That is a subject that I should discuss with Haley first, not anyone else. I am eager, and nervous, to discover if she will accept the mate bond between us. My gut clenches when I think about the possibility that she might choose to deny the bond.

Instead, I smile reassuringly at Haley. Her eyes are still rounded with shock as she stares at my cousin, but she is clearly trying to make the best of the situation. I beam as she clears her throat and shoots Vrenner a polite smile and mutters a few words that must be her people’s version of a greeting.

“Nyys too miit yoo.” Her voice is soft and hesitant.

“You, you. . . you are a female.” Vrenner hisses the words out as if they are an accusation as he ignores her quiet greeting. “An alien female.”

He continues to stare at my mate before finally he shakes his head as if trying to reset his brain. Vrenner’s perusal turns studious as he moves forward and walks a small circle around us, almost like he would if he was examining a tech component that needed repairing.

I want to roll my eyes at his reaction, but I resist the temptation. For all of my cousin’s intelligence with the technology the Ancestors left behind for us, he has never been the most charming male in the tribe. He is much more at home tinkering with his gadgets than interacting with others.

Haley makes a noise in her throat and lets loose with a string of words that I have no hope of understanding, but it is clear she does not appreciate my cousin’s perusal. I chuckle and smile in appreciation at her fiery spirit. The universe chose well with my passionate mate.

Her skin that is usually pale and almost colorless is flushed the same enchanting pink color that graces her cheeks when she is in the throes of finding pleasure, and I can feel my cock jerk in response. I suppress the desire to escort her out and to my own hut so that we can have privacy. There will be plenty of time for us to sate our needs later.

We have come to my cousin with a purpose of the utmost importance.

“That is enough, Vrenner.” My voice is firm.

I pull Haley to me and wrap my arms around her before placing a reassuring kiss on her forehead. She quickly calms and grows quiet, her own arms snaking around my waist. She feels so right against me. Her soft curves nestle perfectly against my harder frame. Like we were made to fit each other.

Out of my peripheral vision, I see Vrenner come to a halt and a speculative gleam enters his eyes as I caress my mate’s back, but I do not care. Let him look. I will care for my mate whenever she needs it in whatever manner she needs.

After a few moments, I can feel Haley relax completely against me, and I turn my attention back to Vrenner. He has retreated and he’s now leaning against the door to his workshop studying us.

“Yes, Haley is an alien female. She is a human from a place called Earth.” I succinctly explain to him, then before he can ask any questions, I quickly change the subject and inquire about the reason for our visit. “Were you able to repair it?”

Vrenner shakes his head as if coming out of a fog. “Yes. It has been waiting for you. Where have you been, Draggar?”

“I will explain later, cousin, but for now, I wish to see the chip.”

He waves us into his workshop, and we follow. The room is usually small, but with both my cousin and I crammed inside it, along with Haley, it feels even tighter. Vrenner holds out the tiny piece of tech that is only a little larger than a single grain of kresiva. One end of the chip is sharper and he indicates that it is designed that way to allow it to be easier to insert into the body with no other tools needed.

“Do you want me to insert it into the alien?” Vrenner asks, a little too eagerly for my liking.

“No.” I take the small chip from him and hold it in my hand almost reverently. This minuscule bit of technology will allow me to finally understand my mate. “I want you to insert it into me.”

“You?” Vrenner sputters, my request clearly not what he expected.

“Yes, insert it into me. Now, Vrenner.” I tell him, a thread of steel in my voice.

He shoots me a confused look, but my cousin quickly does as I ask. He rubs a cold astringent smelling liquid against my skin just above my ear, then he presses the translator chip against me.

I wince in pain as the sharpened end of the tiny device burrows through my flesh before it becomes imbedded in my body. Once it is inside, there is an almost immediatel halt to the pain before it blooms again only to become a mind-numbing, searing bolt of lightning that shoots through my brain.

It feels like my head will explode. It is the chip connecting to my brain or something in a process that Vrenner had a name for, but I do not remember what it is called at the moment.

Over the loud ringing in my ears, I can just barely make out the sound of Haley calling out my name, her voice tense with worry as she yells for me. I want to reach out and comfort her, but I can’t move. I can’t speak.

Then, everything goes dark, and I slip into blessed unconscious away from the excruciating agony.

Chapter 21


“Draggar! Draggar!”

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